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Pakistani Liberals Should be Ashamed at Being on The Same Side as Foreign Fascists


Feb 22, 2019
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Pakistani Liberals Should be Ashamed at Being on The Same Side as Foreign Fascists
Written by Adam Garrie on 2019-04-03

There are two groups among whom a pathological hatred of Pakistan is becoming ever more pronounced and vicious. The first group are Pakistani liberals themselves, whether those living in Pakistan or those living abroad. The second group are white westerners who identify as neo-Nazis/fascists and/or white supremacists. While modern western fascists and Pakistani liberals would most likely not make common cause with one another if specifically asked to do so in the public sphere, when it comes to what they think and say about Pakistan’s history, state institutions and cultural characteristics, the similarities are all too clear and all too horrifying.

As a nation founded on the basis of sheltering, liberating and offering opportunity to the formerly colonised Muslims of what was the British Raj, Pakistan holds the distinction of being a state formed by and for Muslims. This is something that Prime Minister Imran Khan has rightly stated is a matter of pride that should be shared collectively throughout the Ummah (global Islamic community). Inversely however, Pakistan’s identity as a state specifically formed to guarantee a large Islamic community the right to life, peace and happiness, continues to represent a target of hatred among western neo-Nazis.

The fact that western neo-Nazis have for nearly a century openly associated with Hindutva extremists is not a revelation. Hindutva’s founding father Vinayak Damodar Savarkar was an open admirer of European fascists and Nazis of early 20th century whilst many European fascists continue to oddly claim that they share a common lineage with those preaching the Hindutva doctrine. Indeed it was the growth in the popularity of Hindutva within the British Raj that ultimately convinced Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah of the importance of the two nation theory as a means of protecting the lives of ordinary Muslims against terrorist mobs led by groups like RSS.

But while the mutual admiration between Hindutva radicals and western white supremacists is one that has existed for nearly a century, the supine ideological alliance between Pakistani liberals and western fascists is one that dare not speak its name. The fact of the matter though is that such groups have the same anti-Pakistani talking points which include some of the following defamatory stances against Pakistan:

–“Pakistan harbours terrorism”

–“Pakistan uses religion to promote radicalism”

–“Pakistan’s blasphemy laws are uniquely horrible compared to seemingly every other nation”

–“Pakistan censors secular media content”

–“Pakistan is less democratic than India”

–“Pakistan has threatened Afghanistan”

All of these horrible and despicable lies told about Pakistan are commonplace among the western far right who in their insatiable drive to demonise anything associated with Islam, are happy to spout talking points and even offer direct quotes from Pakistani liberals whose ideology is supposedly opposed to fascism on the European model.

But if for some it is odd to see self-described “white supremacists” ally with Indian Hindutva extremists whose skin happens not to be white, it is perhaps even more peculiar for the European far right to join hands with Pakistani liberals in forgiving the crimes that the far-left post-Saur Revolution Afghan regime inflicted on Pakistan.

It seems that among those who hate Pakistan, the only thing that need be consistent in their ideology is to slander Pakistan at all costs and as frequently as possible. Apart from this singular goal, all further attempts at ideological consistency go straight out the window.

In this sense, Pakistani liberals are even more dangerous to the survival of the Pakistani state than are Hindutva extremists and western Islam hating fascists. This is the case because whilst Hindutva terrorists and fascist terrorists are utterly clear about their wish to eliminate Pakistan as a country, Pakistani liberals claim that they can offer salvation to Pakistan – a salvation that would require Pakistan to forgo all of its organic cultural characteristics and adopt those alien to Pakistan.

Therefore, whilst a Hindutva or fascist attempt to wipe out Pakistan could only be accomplished in a harrowing military battle, the agenda of Pakistani liberals seeks to erode Pakistan from within by destroying that which makes Pakistan, Pakistan. If the Pakistani liberals got their way, people would not even notice their country disappearing from beneath their feet. They would simply wake up after several decades and find that they were living in a foreign country that happened to live under a familiar green and white flag.

Whilst Pakistani liberals constantly bully their fellow countrymen and women into renouncing Pakistan’s heritage and history, they refuse to criticise those who live to slander Pakistan as though for sport. There is no need to ask why this is. The truth is clearly self-evident.


Pakistani Liberals Should be Ashamed at Being on The Same Side as Foreign Fascists
Written by Adam Garrie on 2019-04-03

There are two groups among whom a pathological hatred of Pakistan is becoming ever more pronounced and vicious. The first group are Pakistani liberals themselves, whether those living in Pakistan or those living abroad. The second group are white westerners who identify as neo-Nazis/fascists and/or white supremacists. While modern western fascists and Pakistani liberals would most likely not make common cause with one another if specifically asked to do so in the public sphere, when it comes to what they think and say about Pakistan’s history, state institutions and cultural characteristics, the similarities are all too clear and all too horrifying.

As a nation founded on the basis of sheltering, liberating and offering opportunity to the formerly colonised Muslims of what was the British Raj, Pakistan holds the distinction of being a state formed by and for Muslims. This is something that Prime Minister Imran Khan has rightly stated is a matter of pride that should be shared collectively throughout the Ummah (global Islamic community). Inversely however, Pakistan’s identity as a state specifically formed to guarantee a large Islamic community the right to life, peace and happiness, continues to represent a target of hatred among western neo-Nazis.

The fact that western neo-Nazis have for nearly a century openly associated with Hindutva extremists is not a revelation. Hindutva’s founding father Vinayak Damodar Savarkar was an open admirer of European fascists and Nazis of early 20th century whilst many European fascists continue to oddly claim that they share a common lineage with those preaching the Hindutva doctrine. Indeed it was the growth in the popularity of Hindutva within the British Raj that ultimately convinced Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah of the importance of the two nation theory as a means of protecting the lives of ordinary Muslims against terrorist mobs led by groups like RSS.

But while the mutual admiration between Hindutva radicals and western white supremacists is one that has existed for nearly a century, the supine ideological alliance between Pakistani liberals and western fascists is one that dare not speak its name. The fact of the matter though is that such groups have the same anti-Pakistani talking points which include some of the following defamatory stances against Pakistan:

–“Pakistan harbours terrorism”

–“Pakistan uses religion to promote radicalism”

–“Pakistan’s blasphemy laws are uniquely horrible compared to seemingly every other nation”

–“Pakistan censors secular media content”

–“Pakistan is less democratic than India”

–“Pakistan has threatened Afghanistan”

All of these horrible and despicable lies told about Pakistan are commonplace among the western far right who in their insatiable drive to demonise anything associated with Islam, are happy to spout talking points and even offer direct quotes from Pakistani liberals whose ideology is supposedly opposed to fascism on the European model.

But if for some it is odd to see self-described “white supremacists” ally with Indian Hindutva extremists whose skin happens not to be white, it is perhaps even more peculiar for the European far right to join hands with Pakistani liberals in forgiving the crimes that the far-left post-Saur Revolution Afghan regime inflicted on Pakistan.

It seems that among those who hate Pakistan, the only thing that need be consistent in their ideology is to slander Pakistan at all costs and as frequently as possible. Apart from this singular goal, all further attempts at ideological consistency go straight out the window.

In this sense, Pakistani liberals are even more dangerous to the survival of the Pakistani state than are Hindutva extremists and western Islam hating fascists. This is the case because whilst Hindutva terrorists and fascist terrorists are utterly clear about their wish to eliminate Pakistan as a country, Pakistani liberals claim that they can offer salvation to Pakistan – a salvation that would require Pakistan to forgo all of its organic cultural characteristics and adopt those alien to Pakistan.

Therefore, whilst a Hindutva or fascist attempt to wipe out Pakistan could only be accomplished in a harrowing military battle, the agenda of Pakistani liberals seeks to erode Pakistan from within by destroying that which makes Pakistan, Pakistan. If the Pakistani liberals got their way, people would not even notice their country disappearing from beneath their feet. They would simply wake up after several decades and find that they were living in a foreign country that happened to live under a familiar green and white flag.

Whilst Pakistani liberals constantly bully their fellow countrymen and women into renouncing Pakistan’s heritage and history, they refuse to criticise those who live to slander Pakistan as though for sport. There is no need to ask why this is. The truth is clearly self-evident.



You have posted this in a very wrong forum.

These people rely on overseas Pakistanis to deploy this mass sabotage
Excellent read
@PakSword @Khafee @Shane
These liberals are the O level , A level educated kids who were taught Foreign version of Pakistani historu and foreign ideas about Islam and Pakistan
Mate, me, my siblings and most of my cousins are educated through this system. But what do you think? do I ever come across a "desi-liberal" or libtard
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These liberals are the O level , A level educated kids who were taught Foreign version of Pakistani historu and foreign ideas about Islam and Pakistan
Result of studying indirect sources on Islam i.e orientalist. Secondly, they dont have the capacity and capability to understand deen from direct sources.
Thread itself is racist. How much OP gathered hate against other religion such as Calling hindu with extremists & so on.
Good and bad people are in every religion.
Don't gather much hate. I met hindus and found them honest & hardworking . Even today CEO of Google is hindu. Don't tell me Microsoft is illiterate & extremist. :lol:
You need to come out from stone age thinking, there is life outside.
Mate, me, my siblings and most of my cousins are educated through this system. But what do you think? do I ever come across a "desi-liberal" or libtard
I also never came across any libturd in my whole life. Their numbers are so small that one even dont notice their presence in real life, but this satanic group has very long arms in electronic and social media. These are alien Ideas to a common Pakistani.
Thread itself is racist. How much OP gathered hate against other religion such as Calling hindu with extremists & so on.
Good and bad people are in every religion.
Don't gather much hate. I met hindus and found them honest & hardworking . Even today CEO of Google is hindu. Don't tell me Microsoft is illiterate & extremist. :lol:
You need to come out from stone age thinking, there is life outside.

Where are your posts when its about Islam?

Or selective fashion works because it sells more?

Thread itself is racist. How much OP gathered hate against other religion such as Calling hindu with extremists & so on.
Good and bad people are in every religion.
Don't gather much hate. I met hindus and found them honest & hardworking . Even today CEO of Google is hindu. Don't tell me Microsoft is illiterate & extremist. :lol:
You need to come out from stone age thinking, there is life outside.

First of all you should know Hinduism is not itself a religion but a way of living.

Secondly even if we understand that Hinduism is a religion per say, they do not indulge in sectarianism amongst themselves nor the indian liberals target sects within this alleged Hindu religion.

Pakistanis indulge in sectarianism and are mostly encouraged and baited by the secular thought.
I also never came across any libturd in my whole life. Their numbers are so small that one even dont notice their presence in real life, but this satanic group has very long arms in electronic and social media. These are alien Ideas to a common Pakistani.
Man, I come across them on routine basis and that's excl. the online ones. A lot of our family friends in Pakistan and abroad are pretty liberals or libturds..
Thread itself is racist. How much OP gathered hate against other religion such as Calling hindu with extremists & so on.
Good and bad people are in every religion.
Don't gather much hate. I met hindus and found them honest & hardworking . Even today CEO of Google is hindu. Don't tell me Microsoft is illiterate & extremist. :lol:
You need to come out from stone age thinking, there is life outside.

Lastly Hindu followers say their religion is atleast 125000 years old. You do not see them being given the stone age reference.

You get paid to spread fassad in Pakistan. This is your livelihood. May it be enough for you
The only problem with blasphemy type laws is that every bhangi chamaar so called mulla is using and abusing it for their desires. This is how some ppl in Pakistan think, wanna get rid of a Hindu or Christian or Ahmadi, just claim he committed a blasphemy, and that's it..., all zombies will have your back.

P.S. I'm neither liberal nor mulla supporter.
I'd change one thing about the OP - the people being referred to are 'liberal extremists' or 'extreme liberals' and not just all 'liberals'. Pakistani liberalism has many shades, and Pakistani 'liberals' like Mohammed Taqi, Gul Bukhari, Hussain Haqqani etc fall on the extreme end of the Pakistani liberal spectrum.

I and many other Pakistanis on this forum consider ourselves liberals, but we don't attack the military nor do we support or 'associate' with 'Western Fascists' or 'Hindutva Fascists'.
Thread itself is racist. How much OP gathered hate against other religion such as Calling hindu with extremists & so on.
Good and bad people are in every religion.
Don't gather much hate. I met hindus and found them honest & hardworking . Even today CEO of Google is hindu. Don't tell me Microsoft is illiterate & extremist. :lol:
You need to come out from stone age thinking, there is life outside.
No problem, now collect your ashes and throw them in Ganga..
The only problem with blasphemy type laws is that every bhangi chamaar so called mulla is using and abusing it for their desires. This is how some ppl in Pakistan think, wanna get rid of a Hindu or Christian or Ahmadi, just claim he committed a blasphemy, and that's it..., all zombies will have your back.
Your justice system cannot deliver justice on a 10 rupee corruption and you want idealism in laws regarding Mohammad?
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