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Pakistani laws prohibiting underage marriage un-Islamic: CII

@Developereo @syedali73 @Aeronaut @Leader @Pakistani Exile @Secularpakistani - I don't understand why you educated folks in Pakistan go so deep into introspection everytime some fundoo speaks trash. One idiot speaks crap, and the reasonable folks say that God can't help Pakistan and all that. I have noticed a general despondency with regards to matters involving religious fundamentalism. And I don't like it. Because I can not help but care. :(

God has already made YOU and given you the intellect. The intellect and also the conscience. Use it and file a case against these folks. It does not matter if it is technically correct according to Islam or not.

This is strictly a moral issue - not a religious one. :disagree: Best wishes.
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Waisay for the sake of Islamic history, Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqa was married at a very young age. There is no woman in this world bigger than her.

Having said that, our society is not Islamic at all. Following ritual of Islam is not Islamic. Adopting Islam as a way of life is. Therefore Hazrat Ayesha's example just does not synch with the times we live in. we live in a hypocrite society not remotely Islamic.

I m not averse to political Islam. To understand Islam we have to extremely open minded and educated. Islam is not easy. But our misfortune is we have sub contracted Islam to a semi-literate mullah.

Islam philosophy is literally out of this world. To understand we need an unbaised mind to appreciate the paramount message it conveys.

Bibi Aisha RA or any woman in Islam's example doesnot constitute as authority for Law making.. its a delegate issue, & must have universality in it, and contextualized by the given times & huaman benefits and requirements. If that was not the case then, When Hazrat Ali wanted to marry a second woman, he was "looking" and it came to Prophet's knowledge and he advised him not to do anything that would hurt Fatima bint-e-Muhammad's "feelings" (implying that she knew already too) and Ali didnt marry another woman, until Fatima's passing away.

secondly keep in mind the requirements; initially the principle adopted was that a woman must wait 80 years for her missing husband, then it was made 30 years, then 9, then 7 and now its 4 years and some say even less.. the rule changed, as times changes, as its to facilitate and improve lives.

therefore if anything that benefits, can be adopted and must not be declared unislamic.

To me Islam is nothing more than just common sense.. you just have to apply common sense to it and it opens up itself to you.. those who have made it a burden and sort of a way to control public, are the mullahs, who are enemies of Islam and Muslims, also work as tools at the hands of ruling class..
@Developereo @syedali73 @Aeronaut @Leader @Pakistani Exile @Secularpakistani - I don't understand why you educated folks in Pakistan go so deep into introspection everytime some fundoo speaks trash. One idiot speaks crap, and the reasonable folks say that God can't help Pakistan and all that. I have noticed a general despondency with regards to matters involving religious fundamentalism. And I don't like it. Because I can not help but care. :(

God has already made YOU and given you the intellect. The intellect and also the conscience. Use it and file a case against these folks. It does not matter if it is technically correct according to Islam or not.

This is strictly a moral issue - not a religious one. :disagree: Best wishes.

What did I say wrong? :close_tema:
Just check this and if we do it in proper way (Nikkah) then it become human right :angry::disagree::devil::crazy::blah::blah::blah::blah::blah::blah:

What is the average age that people lose their virginity? - Yahoo Answers
There is a difference between losing virginity and getting married. In sexually liberated countries, most teenagers have sex, sometimes casually. But marriage is different, it has much more consequences for the rest of one's life - the girl has to accept him as a life partner, and spend the rest of her life with him, and raise children with him. That's a much more serious decision, which is why there is a minimum age limit for marriage everywhere.
Use it and file a case against these folks. It does not matter if it is technically correct according to Islam or not. This is strictly a moral issue - not a religious one.

What you are suggesting is a prescription for their (the fellow PDFers you address) deaths or severe injury, a la Malala Yousafzai. The CII type folks are buttressed by the threat of violence against those who challenge them.
Easy man, think before you speak. Islam allows marraige between male and female who have reached puberty. A baligh girl of 12 is eligible for marraige while na-baligh girl of 15 is not. Baligh boys and girls are not childern, their marraiges can not be termed as pedophilia.
Practically speaking girls are usually wedded in late teens if she is uneducated and in mid-twentis if she is educated.

Before anything reread my post, no where I had equated early marriage with pedophilia.

So basically what you are trying to ascertain is that a girl who has reached menarche is all eligible to get married, doesn't matter whatever the age is. As for as I know onset of puberty varies, in case of girls it can occur at the age of just 9. My nephew is 9 and he's in class 4, so going by your assertion a girl who happened to have reached puberty at the age of just 9 is all eligible to get married. What? A student of fourth standard who doesn't even know what marriage is all about, is qualified one near you? Imagine a nine year girl, a kid to be more precise, taking care of the matters associated with marriage. Boy in another case is 13, haven't cleared matriculation yet is gearing up to take all the responsibilities of a family and that too in an era where raising a family is the most toughest job. What a splendid future is waiting for the offerings of such couples, isn't it?

It is quite unlikely for a minor girl who herself is in the phase of development, both mental and physical, to have a healthy a pregnancy. She has to compromise her own development for the fetus developing in her womb. Pregnancy at early age tend to get complicated, life of both mother and the fetus become at great risk. She will have to compromise her heath again even if she survives pregnancy by feeding her child. Please visit a maternity center near your house, especially one flooded by people who can't afford prestigious hospitals, you'll find the hemoglobin level of women (grown ones) expecting a baby as low as 6. What would you make of the antenatal condition of a young girl, not physiologically fit for conception, in a country where the pregnancy of grown woman is at risk?

Don't confuse puberty with maturity, former is just a physiological state while latter comes with time. Having attained fertility does not mean having attained maturity which indeed is prerequisite. Moreover If Islam allows something it does not necessarily mean Islam obligates. We don't live in 9th century anymore, ground realities are different from ones Muslims would have. Needless to remind, Allah's apostle had also advocated the education and it's no brainy to understand the fact that no one can get ample education by the age of puberty.
Before anything reread my post, no where I had equated early marriage with pedophilia.

So basically what you are trying to ascertain is that a girl who has reached menarche is all eligible to get married, doesn't matter whatever the age is. As for as I know onset of puberty varies, in case of girls it can occur at the age of just 9. My nephew is 9 and he's in class 4, so going by your assertion a girl who happened to have reached puberty at the age of just 9 is all eligible to get married. What? A student of fourth standard who doesn't even know what marriage is all about, is qualified one near you? Imagine a nine year girl, a kid to be more precise, taking care of the matters associated with marriage. Boy in another case is 13, haven't cleared matriculation yet is gearing up to take all the responsibilities of a family and that too in an era where raising a family is the most toughest job. What a splendid future is waiting for the offerings of such couples, isn't it?

It is quite unlikely for a minor girl who herself is in the phase of development, both mental and physical, to have a healthy a pregnancy. She has to compromise her own development for the fetus developing in her womb. Pregnancy at early age tend to get complicated, life of both mother and the fetus become at great risk. She will have to compromise her heath again even if she survives pregnancy by feeding her child. Please visit a maternity center near your house, especially one flooded by people who can't afford prestigious hospitals, you'll find the hemoglobin level of women (grown ones) expecting a baby as low as 6. What would you make of the antenatal condition of a young girl, not physiologically fit for conception, in a country where the pregnancy of grown woman is at risk?

Don't confuse puberty with maturity, former is just a physiological state while latter comes with time. Having attained fertility does not mean having attained maturity which indeed is prerequisite. Moreover If Islam allows something it does not necessarily mean Islam obligates. We don't live in 9th century anymore, ground realities are different from ones Muslims would have. Needless to remind, Allah's apostle had also advocated the education and it's no brainy to understand the fact that no one can get ample education by the age of puberty.
You chose to ignore second part of my post.
Islam has given you instructions, its upon you to marry your daughter/son at the age of 12 or 14, or at the age of 40 or 50. There is no sin upon you for early marraige but you are free to take into considerations various factors. I belong to a conservative society yet i have never heard about marraige of a 12 year old let alone 9 year old. So asmaan sar par uttanay ki zarorat nahi.
You chose to ignore second part of my post.
Islam has given you instructions, its upon you to marry your daughter/son at the age of 12 or 14, or at the age of 40 or 50. There is no sin upon you for early marraige but you are free to take into considerations various factors. I belong to a conservative society yet i have never heard about marraige of a 12 year old let alone 9 year old. So asmaan sar par uttanay ki zarorat nahi.

Sin and expediency, where did this stuff come from? Did I ever make a comment on things you are citing. The only point I am trying to make is CII is wrong declaring Pakistani laws baring underage marriages un-Islamic. As you yourself have stated choice is all yours, Islam does not obligates. Now tell me where do I contradict in my statement?
I belong to a conservative society yet i have never heard about marraige of a 12 year old let alone 9 year old. So asmaan sar par uttanay ki zarorat nahi

If this is all what you have comprehended then no offense comprehension is beyond you. Meanwhile avoid using such words of wisdom.

Thank you.
ISLAMABAD: The Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) on Tuesday ruled that Pakistani laws prohibiting marriage of underage children are un-Islamic.

At the end of its two-day session on Tuesday, the CII said there is no minimum age of marriage according to Islam.

Islam does not forbid marriage of young children, the council said. However, the Rukhsati(consummation of marriage) is only allowed in the case that both husband and wife have reached puberty.

The CII’s ruling comes a day after its chairman Maulana Mohammad Khan Sheerani said laws regarding second marriage of a man in the presence of a first wife were against religious principles.

“Sharia allows men to have more than one wife and we demanded that the government should amend the law,” he told reporters after a CII meeting.

The laws require a man to have written approval from his existing wife or wives for another marriage.

Sheerani urged the government to formulate Sharia-compliant laws related to nikah, divorce, adulthood and ‘will’.

The CII is a constitutional recommendatory body that advises parliament in the law-making process, but cannot enact laws on its own.

According to Pakistani laws, the minimum age for marriage is 18 years for a male and 16 years for a female.

Pakistani laws prohibiting underage marriage un-Islamic: CII - DAWN.COM

Someone is getting horny :azn:

Which retarded idiot wants to marry underaged children? Stupid horny bastard wants his way and call it Islam!
Multiple marraiges should be easy but not without the wife's consent. Islam gives her the right to refuse. CII can't just make up stuff.
Do some research bro, that's not made up stuff.

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