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Pakistani Jihadists behind Polio out break in Syria?

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U.N., Fearing a Polio Epidemic in Syria, Moves to Vaccinate Millions of Children.
Published: October 25, 2013

United Nations officials said Friday that they were mobilizing to vaccinate 2.5 million young children in Syria and more than eight million others in the region to combat what they fear could be an explosive outbreak of polio, the incurable viral disease that cripples and kills, which has reappeared in the war-ravaged country for the first time in more than a dozen years.

The officials said that the discovery a few weeks ago of a cluster of paralyzed young children in Deir al-Zour, a heavily contested city in eastern Syria, had prompted their alarm, and that tests conducted by both the government and rebel sides strongly suggested that the children had been afflicted with polio.

The possibility of a polio epidemic in Syria, where the once-vaunted public health system has collapsed after 31 months of political upheaval and war, came as the United Nations is increasingly struggling with the problem of how to deliver basic emergency aid to millions of deprived civilians there.

The World Health Organization, working with Unicef and other aid groups, has organized a plan to administer repeated oral doses of polio vaccine in concentric geographical circles, starting with children in Deir al-Zour and eventually reaching western Iraq, southern Turkey, Jordan, Israel, the Palestinian territories and Egypt. In Lebanon, home to more than 700,000 Syrian refugees, public health officials said Friday that they were undertaking a related effort to vaccinate all children under age 5.

Altogether, Dr. Aylward said, more than 10 million young children in the Middle East would get polio vaccinations over the next several weeks.

The World Health Organization has spent 25 years trying to eradicate polio. In recent years, the disease’s presence had narrowed to just three countries — Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan — from more than 125 when the campaign began in 1988. The virus is highly infectious and mainly affects children younger than 5. Within hours, it can cause irreversible paralysis or even death if breathing muscles are immobilized. The only effective treatment is prevention, the World Health Organization says on its Web site, through multiple doses of a vaccine.

While the source of the Syrian polio strain remained unclear, public health experts said the jihadists who had entered Syria to fight the government of President Bashar al-Assad may have been carriers. Dr. Aylward said there were some indications that the strain had originated in Pakistan. He cited the recent discovery of the Pakistani strain in sewage in Egypt, Israel, the West Bank and Gaza.

Ms. Amos told the Council that the Syrian government had withheld approval of more than 100 visas for United Nations staff members and members of other international aid groups, and had restricted workers from operating in areas with the greatest need. She also said as many as 2,000 armed opposition groups in Syria had made travel within the country increasingly dangerous. Kidnappings of humanitarian workers are increasingly common, she said, citing an instance last week when “we had a convoy that was ready to go, but we could not get enough drivers, as they fear for their lives.”

Article means that Polio only exist in Pakistan and Pakistanis currently exporting it to the other countries in shape of Jihadis
Eeh? WTH Pakistanis have to do with the flux of power in Syria?
Very shameful, terrorists are pigs they are danger to whole civilized world.
it is very much possible. polio is one of many disease which shows iceberg phenomena. one clinical case has many non reported case which don't have any symptoms. one can clearly transmit wild polio virus from endemic to non endemic country. not every infected person will show the symptoms of paralytic symptoms. only 3 countries are polio endemic now are Pakistan , Afghanistan , Nigeria.
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