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Pakistani image on an Afghan campus

When I say non-Pashtun Afghans are much more open minded and rational, THIS is exactly what I've been talking about. Pakistanis hold this false notion that Tajiks-Uzbeks-Hazaras hate Pakistani people, which is not true. I've been to Afghanistan twice, and Kabul and Mazar (first Tajik majority, latter Uzbek majority) were very warm and friendly people. Yes, when it comes to politics, things could turn differently but that is natural in all nations and cases.
We have to face the reality that neither Pakistan nor Afghanistan can have a prosperous future without cooperation. We do not just share a border. We share history, religion and a large part of shared culture as well. Our salvage and way out of this current mess is hidden in strong people to people contacts without corrupt politicians charging us against each other.

agreed, politics is the culprit behind all the mess
Love Pakistan or leave Pakistan
LOL after successful kickout of much of Afghan refugees, now US tools are trying to do PR campaign on behalf of Afghanistan so that these balkhi students can give a counter narrative against their directed Afghan govt. and what they did in India recently.

PAkistanis are smarter than this and NO THANK YOU, hope self-respected Afghans return the 18 million the way their PResident Ghani did in the Heart of Asia conference. Pakistan should'nt give a dime in aid to them and tax them as well as Americans for screwing us since 2001, destroying our country.
thankful to Pakistan for building the university’s Liaquat Ali Khan Engineering Faculty. The block was built with Pakistani assistance to Afghanistan amounting to more than $18 million.

“I and my fellow students are grateful to Pakistan for contributing to building this university in Balkh province. But, this is not enough; we need help to improve information technology and other departments too,” Mohammed Humayoon, a student studying Uzbek language and arts said during a question-answer session.
Highlighting “great difficulties faced by (the Afghan) people in acquiring Pakistani visas,” he urged the governments of the two countries to improve transit trade, adding that goods from Pakistan could be used to bolster links with the Balkh province.

The interaction with students was part of an unofficial track-II dialogue titled ‘Beyond Boundaries’ during which students frankly discussed various issues with Pakistani and Afghan participants.

Appreciating Pakistan for helping Afghan refugees for nearly 40 years, Farzana, a student of the engineering department, said: “We are surprised at the recent treatment of Sharbat Gula in Pakistan. Can you explain why this was done?”

Rebuilding relations with Afghanistan

Pakistan deported Sharbat Gula, the green-eyed Afghan poster girl of yesteryear, after keeping her for 15 days in jail on charges of possessing fake identity papers.

Nagina Akhtar, who studies in the political science department, said that she firmly believed in improving people-to-people contacts.

Zakir Adeeb, a student of the university’s engineering department, said: “The problem lies with both governments. We, the people, want to improve communication and education in general. We are grateful to Pakistan for providing help to this university.” He also asked about Pakistan’s plans regarding peace-building and the future of Afghanistan.

Just one of several initiatives taken by Pakistan. We haven't flaunted what we have done there- even when we should remind them all that's at stake and all the things Pakistan has done for them

As for questions of the future and the relations - all will be well when pro indian (aka anti Pakistani) elements are squashed like rats and not given breathing room to harm us. The process is still underway. Confidence building measures on both sides needed

Given the rich ethnic crossover of tribes on both sides of the border we have the basis for very very good ties with Afghanistan. They just need to get their acts together and unite as one nation so that others don't have to intervene and forcefully help them
Its peanut for country who makes millions from drug smuggling.

Then rather than offering such peanuts to such a country, aint it better that we spend that money on well being of our own people as we know we really badly need it.
That would be ideal...but that's all it is...idealistic.
It's not at all realistic bcuz u can't change Afghan culture/mentality/lack of education. They have a largely tribal culture. Large masses of them are herded by key influential ppl(people in power). So even if the public doesn't think too badly of us it still makes no difference bcuz the goons on top are on India's payroll.

Dude, come on. We also have a few key influential people shaping the general public's narrative. Same all over the world, really. Trump, Putin etc.

They have had some sort of a grudge against Pakistan since day 1. Maybe hungry for more territory? Wanted access to the ocean? Whatever the reason they always make Durand line an issue even though it's plain and simple. Using that they brainwash their public against Pakistan to justify their own failings and that brings us to where we are.

Both parties have to share the blame for this mess. Afghans have had (and still have) delusions of grandeur. And we haven't treated them nicely either.

If they had even an ounce of common sense(as a nation), they would've seen that blaming other nations(Soviets, US, Pak) wouldn't solve their problems. They've been failing for decades bcuz of their own fault. So just let them be and focus on ourselves instead.

Politicians make up monsters and enemies to hide their own failings. Afghans and Indians have ISI / Pak Army. Us Pakistanis blame everything on yahoodi sazish, CIA and lately RAW. These beliefs have some obvious truth behind them, but they are what they are: monsters for politicians to hide behind.

I know what I want seems far fetched and idealistic. But you have to agree that it is the only solution we must work towards it. We can't keep fighting. Nobody can.
I am Pukhtoon and i am sure that one day all Pukhtoon lands will be untied and merged into Pakistan.
Should this happen, Afghanistan will be "Balkanized".
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A very just request but problem is that Kabul had already refused recent $500 mil offer.

Instead of sending 500M across the border Pakistan should oblige the status of Afghan refugees in Pakistan with their enrollment in Universities and spend the money in house on grants to increase absorption of Afghan students....this will bring three benefits.

  1. Money preserved inside Pakistan and facilities built or upgraded inside Pakistan
  2. Long term social impact on Afghans by attaining education in Pakistan
  3. Projection of soft power via graduates of Pakistani universities..
  4. Softening down of anti-Pakistan sentiments in Afghan politics..
Dude, come on. We also have a few key influential people shaping the general public's narrative. Same all over the world, really. Trump, Putin etc.

Yes and they are shaping Afghan ppl's opinion against us just fine...day by day more and more Afghans are gaining a negative perspective of Pakistan.

Both parties have to share the blame for this mess. Afghans have had (and still have) delusions of grandeur. And we haven't treated them nicely either.

Yes Pak is to blame somewhat but Pak has more than made up for it by coming to their rescue against the Soviets and and hosting their refugees for decades. Name another nation/country that has done it for some other country. I bet u can count it all on one hand without needing the other.

Politicians make up monsters and enemies to hide their own failings. Afghans and Indians have ISI / Pak Army. Us Pakistanis blame everything on yahoodi sazish, CIA and lately RAW. These beliefs have some obvious truth behind them, but they are what they are: monsters for politicians to hide behind.

Yes they do and it's unfortunate and time and again the public just follows it like sheep.

I know what I want seems far fetched and idealistic. But you have to agree that it is the only solution we must work towards it. We can't keep fighting. Nobody can.

It is nothing but an idealistic solution as I have previously mentioned but it is not the only solution. The reality is that Afghans or any other ppl from any nation are just ppl...same struggles, same crap of going to school, working, supporting families, same joy, same pain, just trying to live their lives. There is good and bad ppl everywhere and they shouldnt be clumped together and be portrayed as some other nation's "MONSTERS". This should apply to our view of Indians as well and this is how Indians should view Pakistanis...but does it apply?

This is what differentiates idealism from reality. This concept of creating "Monsters" has existed throughout history and still exists in every corner of the world and ppl just follow it like sheep. U can't change that and I can't change that. It'll continue to happen. I'm not advocating being hostile towards Afghans. I'm simply stating that the 500 million(if I recall correctly) that Pakistan was going to spend on Afghanistan can be better spent in Pakistan. Improve education system, healthcare, etc. Work on urself and be a developed nation...don't bother with others that don't want to have anything to do with us.

A perfect example is the US. Everyone in the world badmouths US but given the chance to come to the US and be a citizen they would quickly jump on it. This is what Pak should do too.
When I say non-Pashtun Afghans are much more open minded and rational, THIS is exactly what I've been talking about. Pakistanis hold this false notion that Tajiks-Uzbeks-Hazaras hate Pakistani people, which is not true. I've been to Afghanistan twice, and Kabul and Mazar (first Tajik majority, latter Uzbek majority) were very warm and friendly people. Yes, when it comes to politics, things could turn differently but that is natural in all nations and cases.

Pakistan has always stood for ethnic harmony in Afghanistan; but also not alienating the Pashtuns (which is what northern alliance illegitimate stooges do). Too much racism and intolerance

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