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Its gone down the drain.Non-muslims are way down the pyramid in pakistan.but when killing is happening way up t o the way down.when even muslims are cutting mulism's throats what you expect.

By the way do you really think intentions were all right in 1947.Countries forming on the blood and dead bodies of millions of its own people as its foundation ...how can you expect them to be at peace.

Pakistan was never meant to be a 100% Islamic State.

It was state formed to have a muslim majority but with a significant non-muslim minority. 25% of Pakistanis in 1947 were non-muslim.

It would have been even higher had the migration during the partition not happened. Even Jinnah was against this migration.

Pakistan's idea was a noble one. Jinnah saw what happened to the Jews in Europe and feared the same happening to the Muslims in India when the Hindus who are the majority come to power when the British leave.

But his thesis was wrong. Hindus did not start killing Muslims, and nor was a Religious identity enough to bypass all the differences between people. That was made abundantly clear when East Pakistan became Bangladesh.

Pakistan's since 1958 has failed Jinnah's vision of a secular, democratic, tolerant state.

Its really sad.
India+Pakistan needs more people like you.

Don't even think of comparing the two countries.. Muslims in India have much greater political influence than Pakistani minorities can ever think of..
LAHORE: More than 100 Hindu pilgrims, who did not leave for India the previous day, have now crossed the Wagah Border and are claiming they will return to Pakistan, Express News reported on Saturday.
Just yesterday Hindu pilgrims, after protesting against immigration authorities and denying rumours of migration, had crossed the border into India.
The pilgrims leaving today too denied migration rumours and stated they were just propaganda.
“We live for Pakistan, we die for Pakistan,” said one pilgrim, adding that these rumors were futher spoiling Pakistan’s image internationally.
They reiterated that they would return after completing the pilgrimage.
Earlier, immigration authorities had stopped pilgrims from crossing the border in the wake of a rumour that they were migrating to India due to fears for their life and property in Pakistan.
Immigration authorities had initially informed the pilgrims that the interior ministry’s decision would be given in the next 48 hours. However, after a four-hour long peaceful protest, the Hindu pilgrims were allowed to cross borders

100 more Hindu pilgrims cross Wagah Border – The Express Tribune
Bravo - the same haughtiness resulted in the birth of Bangladesh. You continue to blame India for it till date. Perhaps if you hadn't seen the Bengalis are vermin and accepted them - you might still be one country.

Lol Man. You are actually using logic, facts, history and reason to talk to RazPak? :rofl:
But can not read Pakistani Hindus mind who even after facing all the difficulties in India wanna come here to never look back..
yyes even reading pakistani hindus mind is very intriguing too.Why would one shall leave ones own forefathers land.why not fight for it.There is one important custom i noticed in indian villagest.hat custom is getting diluted.in villages people oppose selling there land etc and consider as sin as equivalent to selling ones own mother.one must fight for mother not leave her.

GOI is mullah appeasing they can grant ration cards and voters cards to illegal Bangladeshis but shamefully don't care about Pakistani Hindu asylum seekers..
Well after all its your chosen democratic govt.so why you complain now.
Don't even think of comparing the two countries.. Muslims in India have much greater political influence than Pakistani minorities can ever think of..
Because they are still 20%.
They did not leave their country after being killed in Gujarat and Assam.
They did not leave their country after many were killed in Kashmir too by militants.
The Punjabis are Oppressing not only Hindus but also Balochs and Pakthuns.Time to liberate these people from punjabis.
yyes even reading pakistani hindus mind is very intriguing too.Why would one shall leave ones own forefathers land.why not fight for it.There is one important custom i noticed in indian villagest.hat custom is getting diluted.in villages people oppose selling there land etc and consider as sin as equivalent to selling ones own mother.one must fight for mother not leave her.

Well after all its your chosen democratic govt.so why you complain now.

Fight for what?? don't you think that they fought all this while? they fought for 65 years and are at the stage where if they don't flee they'll die enmass, better to escape when the small window is open presently, it will close pretty soon.

They are being robbed of their properties, their wealth and their women, people should be worried about Christians there as well.
This is indeed a problem in Pakistan. People have been radicalized beause for over 30 years, Mosques have been blaring out extremist Islamic lingo which have forced people to commit such acts as kidnapping people and converting them to Islam by force.

Unfortunately, there is no quick solution to this besides using Military force and that is something Pakistan will never do.

So Pakistan is caught in this deadly cycle of extremists who have run amok and Liberals who are constantly making excuses for them and blaming the imaginary enemies of Pakistan for their actions.

Truly a case study of how a country with all the right intentions loses its way.

Seen your postings in other threads as well. One sane voice among the din (I am counting Indians as well) :tup:
Pakistan was never meant to be a 100% Islamic State.

It was state formed to have a muslim majority but with a significant non-muslim minority. 25% of Pakistanis in 1947 were non-muslim.

It would have been even higher had the migration during the partition not happened. Even Jinnah was against this migration.

Pakistan's idea was a noble one. Jinnah saw what happened to the Jews in Europe and feared the same happening to the Muslims in India when the Hindus who are the majority come to power when the British leave.

But his thesis was wrong. Hindus did not start killing Muslims, and nor was a Religious identity enough to bypass all the differences between people. That was made abundantly clear when East Pakistan became Bangladesh.

Pakistan's since 1958 has failed Jinnah's vision of a secular, democratic, tolerant state.

Its really sad.
There are lot of confusion what Pakistan meant to be and what it turned out to be.Such are the confusion that it still so confused that it really dont know where to head.It groping in dark.People are unable to understand the simple word co-existence which they did for centuries before british arrive.Where was TNT in this century then?what is it TNT became by the time 1947 came.
LAHORE: More than 100 Hindu pilgrims, who did not leave for India the previous day, have now crossed the Wagah Border and are claiming they will return to Pakistan, Express News reported on Saturday.
Just yesterday Hindu pilgrims, after protesting against immigration authorities and denying rumours of migration, had crossed the border into India.
The pilgrims leaving today too denied migration rumours and stated they were just propaganda.
“We live for Pakistan, we die for Pakistan,” said one pilgrim, adding that these rumors were futher spoiling Pakistan’s image internationally.
They reiterated that they would return after completing the pilgrimage.
Earlier, immigration authorities had stopped pilgrims from crossing the border in the wake of a rumour that they were migrating to India due to fears for their life and property in Pakistan.
Immigration authorities had initially informed the pilgrims that the interior ministry’s decision would be given in the next 48 hours. However, after a four-hour long peaceful protest, the Hindu pilgrims were allowed to cross borders

100 more Hindu pilgrims cross Wagah Border – The Express Tribune
I dont know how Hindus are getting treated in Pakistan.
But please please treat them in the best possible way.
Have some campaign in pak about these hindu minorities.
One stupid action about some one can spoil name of islam and that will have ripple effect every where.
Treat the minorities in the way Islam treated them during kilaphat times.
Because they are still 20%.
They did not leave their country after being killed in Gujarat and Assam.
They did not leave their country after many were killed in Kashmir too by militants.

Truth be told to you -

Because they are not living in as dire situation as minorities in the land of pure. That's a fact..
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