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Pakistani Hindus | All Discussions

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Leave it Asim.

Bhains kay samnay been baja rahay ho!!!
Good going man.

KTN TV, Asia News and many human rights activists are all conspiring to defame Pakistan and Islam.

There is no need for any statement by the victim in open Court.
Do you stand and give statements in open court? No you do when you are called on the stand. She gave her written statement - written trumps verbal.

The victim's parents should not be allowed to meet her.

The husband has come on TV and said he has no issues with her meeting with the parents, cannot be allowed to forcibly take her away of course.

The victim should be paraded around surrounded by truck loads of armed goons.

etc etc

This is your opinion, but please provide videos of this too...
^^^ You seem to have got the kind of Islamic Republic you wanted. Let's leave it at that.

One Pakistan Hindu killed......all Pakistanis evil, eat Hindu women for lunch, and eat Sikh children for dinner..........thousands of Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Dalits killed, conspirrracccy against seclar iiiinnnndia.

Watch the indians squirm......apparently Pakistan invaded india, and killed all these people, babu bajrangi is an ISI asset.

shocking!!!! and then these indians have the audacity to come and speak here.
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My grandfather helped many Sikh and Hindu people get safely to india, see there is two sides to every story, at independence - he faced down many people who wanted to harm them, he taught us to look after the weak and those unable to defend themselves, we are taught this is our duty as Jatts.
My grandfather also lost his cousins during partition,at the hand of Pakistanis.He was lucky to get to Amritsar from where the Army escorted to Kurukshetra.But his cousins weren't.
Btw,I m a sikh.
My grandfather also lost his cousins during partition,at the hand of Pakistanis.He was lucky to get to Amritsar from where the Army escorted to Kurukshetra.But his cousins weren't.
Btw,I m a sikh.

sad to hear this kind of thing happened both ways! the trains arriving into lahore were completely filled with dead people.

btw did you lose anyone in the attack on golden temple?
This thread...............................

In my opinion Pakistan has dealt with it's hindu population with silk gloves. Of course things would change radically if i were to ascend into power.
In my opinion Pakistan has dealt with it's hindu population with silk gloves. Of course things would change radically if i were to ascend into power.

I like people who are frank :tup:
In my opinion Pakistan has dealt with it's hindu population with silk gloves. Of course things would change radically if i were to ascend into power.

Son, I suggest that you stick that Ghaznavi some place where the sun don't shine and I'd do the honours by pushing the button ! :agree:
Sorry about the political incorrectness, but i suspect the loyalty of pakistani hindus to Pakistan.
For example, before the creation of bangladesh in 1971, hindus comprised about 15% of east Pakistan's population. But the mukti bahini was infested with bengali hindus and they played an important role in the division of Pakistan.

We must learn from history. Otherwise mark my words, if there is a separatist movement in Sindh in future then sindhi hindus would again be at the forefront and they will further try to divide and weaken Pakistan.
Sorry about the political incorrectness, but i suspect the loyalty of pakistani hindus to Pakistan.
For example, before the creation of bangladesh in 1971, hindus comprised about 15% of east Pakistan's population. But the mukti bahini was infested with bengali hindus and they played an important role in the division of Pakistan.

We must learn from history. Otherwise mark my words, if there is a separatist movement in Sindh in future then sindhi hindus would again be at the forefront and they will further try to divide and weaken Pakistan.

Mukhti Bahini was comprised almost exclusively of Bangali Muslims, not Bangali Hindus who though sympathized with it as any self-respecting Bangali would.

The insurgency now going on in Balochistan does not have Hindus in it, the TTP is not comprised of Hindus, the LeJ, SSP does not comprise of Hindus, the multitude of armed gangs wreaking havoc in Karachi are not comprised of Hindus. Stop this imagined paranoia about Pakistani Hindus. They are more patriotic citizens of Pakistan than you or any of the mullahs.
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