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Pakistani forces violate zero line, move forward 500 meters inside Nuristan


Feb 13, 2014
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Pakistani forces violate zero line, move forward 500 meters inside Nuristan
By KHAAMA PRESS - Mon May 30 2016, 11:09 am

The Pakitani forces have violated the zero line and have moved forward at least 500 meters inside the eastern Nuristan province, local officials said.

The officials further added that the Pakistani border forces have started violating the zero line since one week and have moved foward in Marwara and Sarkano districts.

Provincial security chief Gen. Hasib Sayed Khel said the issue has been shared with the central government, insisting that the Afghan forces can not take action as the residential houses are located in the area where the Pakistani forces have established presence.

The latest provocative move by the Pakistani border forces comes days after tensions reduced between the two sides which escalated due to attempts by Pakistan to establish barbed wire in certain parts of Torkham.

Torkham was closed as a result of the growing tensions which was reopened after four days due to negotiations between the Afghan and Pakistani officials.

Meanwhile, the Pakistani military announced last week that Angoor Adda check post was handed over to the Afghan National Security and Defense Forces (ANSDF).

A spokesman for the Pakistani military said the check post was handed over to the Afghan forces in a bid to improve bilateral relations and border management.
You close the border facility we give you & demand Pakistani territory!

Moan infront of UN begging them to declare us a rogue state.

Beg us not to expel 4+ million unwelcomed refugees.

Harass our engineers & workers working on projects worth almost a billion/charity/AID.

Don't take action against mullah radio & gang hiding in Nuristan.

Bring tanks when we try to fence our border..

Evacuated the few posts along the 2200+ km border when we start operations.

Don't accept the international border!!

And expect us to not do anything?
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They are probably trying to stop smugglers from getting near the border. Better to deal with them in their own territory.
Khanama Press

Just another load of crap from afghan news for public consumption. I seriously pity people who are taking this fake news serious.
if at all afghanistan turns into a banana republic once again then i wish we capture a sizable portion lets say 100km plus stretch of wakhan corridor and make it ours. should have done it earlier when we had a chance.
I was watching their media yesterday , they are already bitching and moaning how Pakistan is capturing and putting up checkposts in places like Khost and Nuristan . good for us. While we are at it we should take out wakhan corridor which will be beneficial for us rather than the blank treeless areas of khost
India is showcasing wrong picture of Pakistan in front of the Afghan people as they are capturing Afghan areas.
I think we should start our deployment on whakan corridor.And kick the asses of afghans:guns::pakistan:
Buraq Attack On This Bastard


This Will Send The Right Message After Noshki Attack
Now Pakistan Need to do for his safety and Security he will do
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