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Pakistani Forces against Militants.

Life returns to South Waziristan


KOTKAI (SOUTH WAZIRISTAN) – Amid pin-drop-silence, sparrows are flying over rugged mountains, on each hilltop, right under the national flag, officers and soldiers of Pakistan Army equipped with anti-aircraft guns and sophisticated technology are on high-alert. The entire population has been disarmed, no matter willingly or unwilling.
The mobile phone service has been disrupted. Markets are demolished and no Taliban-run seminary virtually exists on the ground. Kids are going to school and elders wave their hands with sliming faces as troops move on the beautifully constructed Tank-Jandola-Makin (TJM) Road. This is Kotkai in South Waziristan, the hometown of TTP leader Hakimullah Mehsud, his top aide Qari Hussain, and once the stronghold of Baitullah Mehsud.
“The command and control of Taliban has been dismantled. They are cornered and their leadership has been eliminated. The government writ has been successfully established in 90 per cent of South Waziristan. We are near to (achieving) 100 per cent,” said visibly confident Major-General Asim Saleem Bajwa.
The operational commander in the insurgency-infested region, Maj-Gen Bajwa, who is leading the troops on the frontline, says hectic efforts are underway to re-establish the lost institutions and to rebuild the destroyed with the slogan of ‘build better than before.’
“They (Taliban) are on the run. Except a few Taliban pockets in Kurram and Orakzai, the entire area in South Waziristan has been cleared of militants. Now, we are engaged in rebuilding and rehabilitation,” Bajwa told a group of Lahore-based journalists at a special news briefing held at highly-guarded Jandola Fort, once the stronghold of Taaj Gull Khan, who was killed in the operation.
For the very first June 3, 2009 when Pakistan Army had launched operation (Rah-e-Nijat) to flush out militants, media was granted access in the war-torn region, thanks to the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR).
While sitting in the artistically renovated small conference hall, where the model of a suicide jacket was displayed on the right side of the wall and maps and beautiful paintings depicting Islamic ideology on the other side, Bajwa revealed that the entire SAW had been sealed and any possible infiltration of militants was out of question.
He said at least 18 roads leading towards the settled area of the country from South Waziristan had been closed down permanently in order to thwart possible movement of suicide attackers from SWA to the rest of the country.
Responding to a question, the operational commander said, “War is difficult but not challenging.”
At the initial stage of the operation, army had suffered huge losses during fierce battle, which left more than 40,500 people including soldiers and officers martyred since 2009. A strong force of 147,400 troops has been deployed across the militancy-infested areas. At least 10,000 soldiers and officers were wounded or martyred during the operation only in 2009.
“At least ten personnel were martyred every day while fighting against militancy in 2009. But now things are under control by the grace of Allah Almighty,” said Maj-Gen Bajwa, who gave in-depth presentation with the help of multi-media projector and responded to each question thoroughly and confidently.
When asked about the capability and preparedness of the troops fighting on the frontline, he said Pakistan Army had been equipped with best and sophisticated weapons and technology. “We learnt of a lot of lessons over the year. The best-trained soldiers are taking part in the war against extremism. Our intelligence capability is excellent and unmatchable.”
When asked whether the troops would be withdrawn from the insurgency-hit region or they are there permanently, he replied talking about the exact timeframe at this stage would be premature.
“It may take a few years more. Once the institutions are re-established, civil administration takes the responsibility, and the infrastructure is restored properly, I think the troops would have no reason to stay further like Swat,” he added.
Another military officer during the visit told this reporter that the focus of the army was to revive the institutions, rehabilitation of the locals and rebuilding lost glory.
“If you want to fight and finish a war, this task could be completed in two to three months. But settling permanent peace takes years,” he maintained.
To another question, Bajwa said establishment of seminaries in the area had been banned. “Unfortunately, some of our foreign friends are more interested in building seminaries. We have requested them to help us build hospitals, modern schools, and infrastructure,” the operation commander said categorically.
To a question about foreign funding to militants, he said that Pakistan army recovered a huge cache of Russian, Indian and local made Afghani weapons from the terrorists during the operation.
Bajwa also disclosed that at least “38 foot-soldiers” of Taliban had been released in the recent past after their socio-religious therapy. Another batch of 50 suspects would pass through a special training at military-run De-Radicalisation and Emancipation Centre at Waziristan in the days ahead.
Pakistan Army, simultaneously, has launched various projects in different parts of South Waziristan to help the locals by establishing state-of-the-art schools, markets, hospitals and roads. It is also helping the local residents in agriculture farming, beekeeping and livelihood projects.
The army has constructed several markets and the shops have been gifted to the locals while more welfare projects are in the pipeline to generate job opportunities to the locals.
More than 6,600 families comprising some 32,000 persons, once called Internally Displaced Persons or IDPs, are residing in various parts of South Waziristan since the military allowed them to come back after purging the region from militancy.
50-year-old Awwal Khan, a resident of Chagmalai sector, said the army should never go back, fearing that the Taliban would return.
He is running a vegetable and daily-use-items shop, which had been gifted to him by the Pakistan Army.
“I am sending my kids to school. I wish they become officers like generals in the Pakistani army,” he told this reporter during a visit to the market.
Muhammad Waseem Khan, a 5th class student at Government High School Chagmalai said he wanted to complete his education. “I want to fly aeroplane to see the world,” the 12-year-old boy said who like thousands of others literally reside in the cave-houses.
Out of 16 schools in the region, at least 11 have been successfully made functional with 722 students attending their classes regularly.
The army is constructing century-old (270-km long) trade-route to link the region with Afghanistan in order to provide trade facilities to the local population. After Khyber and Chaman route, this would be the third route inter-linking Pakistan and Afghanistan.
The new trade route, DI Khan-Wana-Dera Bagh (in Afghanistan), would link the area with the Ring Road in Afghanistan on the other side of the border. At least 105-km long road has been completed while the construction is speedily underway on the rest of the project site. The drugs and weapon markets have been replaced with merchant, garments and daily-use item shops. Some 821 border posts have been established on the hilltops in order to deeply monitor the activities of the militants in the area.
Out of total 35 welfare-oriented schemes, at least 24 have been completed. The narcotics and weapon trade is completely and strictly banned in the entire region.
When asked, Maj Gen-Bajwa said this was the right time to build Reconstruction Opportunities (ROZs) to help the locals meet their trade needs. “Those who had promised this, should come forward and play their role,” he added.
He said at least 115 youth of the area, where literacy rate is even below 10 per cent, has been enrolled in the Pakistan Army while 110 new houses have been constructed to provide residential facilities to the local people.
During his visit to front-line check posts, Maj Gen Bajwa told journalists that the local political leadership must come forward to help the needy people in the settlement process. “Rehabilitation is not the basic job the army. This is the job of the politicians,” he maintained. The military has completed the construction of Spinkai Cadet College, right opposite to a leading Taliban-run Madrassa and the Chief of Army Staff Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani would soon inaugurate this project.
PESHAWAR: Security forces gunned down 35 militants in fresh clashes in Upper Orakzai areas while one troop was also martyred Friday, Geo News reported.

According to sources, security forces conducted clearance operation in Balaras and Khadezai areas of Upper Orakzai where 35 militants were killed. One security man also lost his life while four others got injured during the operation against extremists.

Security forces have taken control of Balaras area.

35 militants killed in Upper Orakzai - geo.tv
13 militants, 4 security personnel killed in Mohmand

PESHAWAR: At least four security personnel and 13 militants were killed in what officials believed was a cross-border attack in the Bayzai sub-division of Mohmand Agency.

A security official confirmed the incident and told The Express Tribune that there were 50 to 60 militants who stormed the check post at around 12:15am on Monday morning.

“The Olai Post in the Khwezai area came under attack,” he said. “Attackers who we believe came from across the border were many, but we repulsed the attack.”

The official confirmed that four security men at the post lost their lives, while thirteen militants were also killed in retaliation.

The Bayzai area is located a few kilometers from Kunar province of Aghanistan. Pakistani authorities believe that a large number of militants have fled to Kunar during operations and have found a safe abode in the mountainous terrain.

In November last year, 24 Pakistani soldiers were killed in a cross-border raid by American Special Forces on a checkpost in Salala, which is also located in Bayzai.
Pre-dawn raid: Commandos swoop on Peshawar house

Five suspected terrorists were arrested in a pre-dawn raid by an intelligence agency personnel at a house in Tehkal area of Peshawar, officials said on Friday.
An intelligence agency official told The Express Tribune on condition of anonymity that the team besieged the entire locality before raiding the house of Qari Muhammad Anwar. The telephone and electricity lines of the house were also cut off before the raid, which resulted in the arrest of Qari Anwar, Abdul Hameed and Masoom Agha.
He said several suicide jackets and explosive devices were recovered from the house and all the culprits were shifted to an undisclosed location for interrogation.
He added that those arrested were Afghan refugees and had ties with militants.
Police claimed that they had no information about the raid but residents told The Express Tribune that a team of commandos raided the house near Grand Hotel. They said five people were arrested, blindfolded, bundled into a vehicle and shifted to an undisclosed location.
They mentioned that Qari Anwar was residing in the area for a long time and was reputed to be a good man among the locals. However, no one knew about his profession but residents said he was an Afghan refugee and religiously-inclined.
Raids intensify
Intelligence agencies have intensified their raids in Peshawar, in view of the surge in terrorist attacks in the city and its outskirts.
A day earlier, two brothers named Saleem and Raheem were arrested from a hotel on Ring Road in the jurisdiction of the Paharipura police station. Similarly, two people, one each from Peshawar and Hayatabad were arrested a week ago. “We had arrested a few culprits based on clues, and it was with the help of the information culled from them that we are now raiding the hideouts of terrorists in the city. The entire gang has been busted successfully,” the official said.
He added that these people were behind the recent wave of attacks on police stations, policemen and personnel of various law enforcement agencies.
Published in The Express Tribune, April 7th, 2012.
April 08, 2012. Sunday.


Security forces pound militant hideouts in two area of Orakzai agency.

Pakistani helicopter gunships attacked hideouts on Sunday in a tribal area near the border with Afghanistan on Sunday, killing 14 suspected militants, military sources said.

Ten suspected militants were injured in the operations in two areas of the Orakzai tribal agency.

The casualty figures provided by the Pakistani military could not be independently verified and militants often dispute official accounts.

Pakistan s army and air force have been conducting operations against militants in Orakzai and the neighbouring Kurram tribal region since the beginning of the year.
Militants decry attacks against Pakistani army
Masked Pakistani Taliban militants take part in a training session in an area of South Waziristan region along the Afghan border.—AP

PESHAWAR: Pakistan’s leading militants have called on fighters not to attack the Pakistani military in their most important sanctuary along the Afghan border.

A militant leadership council distributed a pamphlet Saturday saying fighters should honor an agreement not to attack Pakistani security forces in North Waziristan.

The council includes leaders of the Pakistani Taliban and the feared Haqqani network.
They never keep up their words, and all peace accords that have been done with them are violated.
Mustn't fall for it, and keep the operation on.
They never keep up their words, and all peace accords that have been done with them are violated.
Mustn't fall for it, and keep the operation on.

They have to go into South Waziristan and get Hakeemullah Mahsud. It is very necessary for them. Hakeemullah is responsible for the deaths of thousands of Pakistanis. How can we leave such people?
They have to go into South Waziristan and get Hakeemullah Mahsud. It is very necessary for them. Hakeemullah is responsible for the deaths of thousands of Pakistanis. How can we leave such people?

When he is hiding in a place and surrounded by hundreds of armed warriors who are willing to give away their lives, it isn't that easy. First we take them out, and that is what Army is doing.
2 security personnel, 4 militants killed in check post raid: Officials

PESHAWAR: Around 20 militants attacked a military checkpost in Lower Kurram, sparking a clash that left two soldiers and four militants dead, an official said Monday.

The attack in part of the tribal areas near the Afghan border was beaten off when troops responded with artillery and heavy weapons, a senior paramilitary Frontier Corps (FC) official told AFP.

The area is cut off to journalists and aid workers and it was not possible to confirm the death toll independently.

“More than 20 militants attacked a Frontier Corps checkpost in Khapiyanga area of Lower Kurram tribal region on Sunday night, which triggered a firefight, killing two soldiers and four rebels,” the FC spokesman said.

“Four troops were also injured in the clash which continued for around 40 minutes.”

“The militants came by foot from the nearby mountains,” the official said on the condition of anonymity.

“When the troops responded, they ran away with four dead bodies of their colleagues. We don’t know how many of the militants got injured.”

Kurram is one of seven districts in Pakistan’s semi-autonomous tribal belt, where Taliban and al Qaeda-linked militants have carved out strongholds used to plot attacks on Pakistani, Afghan and Western targets.

14 militants killed in Orakzai operation

KALAYA / MIRANSHAH: At least 14 militants including four commanders were killed and four of their hideouts destroyed in an attack by security forces in Upper Orakzai Agency. According to official sources, the areas of Akhun Kot and Ado Khel were targeted by gunship helicopters on Sunday.

“14 militants were killed and four hideouts were destroyed,” officials added. They also claimed that the destroyed hideouts harboured four militant commanders who were killed in the attack. They were identified as Hasibur Rehman, Lutafur Rahman, Luqman, and Aslam.

The claims could not be independently verified since the area is closed to journalists.
Parasites Wasted.

DERA BUGTI: A fierce gun battle erupted between militants and Frontier Constabulary (FC) personnel in Sangsila area of Dera Bugti, killing four militants, DawnNews reported.

According to FC sources, a contingent of paramilitary personnel was on routine patrol in the area when it was ambushed by armed men.

The FC patrol unit engaged in retaliatory firing which resulted in the deaths of four militants, whereas six militants were arrested.

A huge quantity of weapons and mortar was recovered from the arrested persons.

Investigation was under way in the area as the arrested militants were interrogated by FC personnel.

Clash between militants and FC in Dera Bugti kills four | DAWN.COM
15 terrorists killed in Kurram

PARACHINAR: Gunship helicopters on Thursday heavily pounded terrorists positions near the Afghan border, killing 15 terrorists and destroying four hideouts in Central Kurram Agency. Official sources in the local administration said that the choppers targeted terrorist hideouts in Joki Zaranna areas, killing 15 extremists. The dead included terrorists from Waziristan, Kurram, Orakzai, and Khyber tribal agencies, Kohat division and some foreigners. The forces initiated the operation in the area after frequent attacks on security forces by extremists. app

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
TTP Swat commander held in Taxila

SWAT: Security forces claimed to have arrested a commander of the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) along with his accomplice on Sunday. Sources said commander Gul Rahim and his associate were arrested from a hotel in Taxila during a brief action conducted on a tip-off. Authorities said Gul had escaped to Karachi after the army operation in Swat, and was now going back home when captured in Taxila. Officials said a kalashnikov, a pistol and bullets were also recovered from the suspected terrorist said to be involved in various attacks on the Pakistan Army in Swat. online

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Two suspects arrested in Quetta

QUETTA: Law enforcement agencies on Sunday arrested two suspects and recovered weapons from their possession. Official sources said that a patrolling team intercepted two people in the city’s Bhosa Mandi area within jurisdiction of Sariab Police Station. Sources said two unlicenced pistols were recovered from their possession. The suspects have been shifted to Sariab Police Station for further interrogation. app

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
PESHAWAR: Corps Commander Peshawar Lt Gen Khalid Rabbani on Tuesday said around 3,300 soldiers of the Pakistan Army lost their lives and over 10,000 sustained injuries during the ongoing war against terrorism.

“The whole nation is proud of the fallen soldiers who sacrificed their lives to bring peace to the homeland,” he told a seminar on “War on Terror and Role of Pak Army” at the Sahibzada Abdul Qayyum Conference Hall at the University of Peshawar. The Department of Political Science had organised the conference.

The corps commander said the Pakistan Army conducted more than 300 major and 760 minor military operations in the militancy-hit areas over the last few years. He added that peace had been restored in the entire north of Pakistan.

Lt Gen Khalid Rabbani said the writ of the government had been established in 91 percent areas in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata). “The army is working on the sustainable development plan to improve the livelihood of the tribal people,” he said.

The corps commander informed that the Pakistan Army had completed 52 educational projects, including the establishment of the cadet college in South Waziristan, Khyber Institute of Technical Education and Waziristan Institute of Technical Education, to provide quality education to the people of Fata.

He said no army in the world could win war without the support of the civilians. He described the political ownership of the military operations as the way forward to bring lasting peace to the troubled areas. He termed the gradual mainstreaming of Fata and the development of its infrastructure key to the socio-economic uplift of the tribal areas. Answering a question, he said the army remained in a particular area for attaining peace at the requisition of the federal government.
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