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Pakistani embassy staff attacked and injured in India

when you can write the post number, am sure the quote button was there for a purpose!

still waiting for proper news, it seems to be changing faster than anything! From, the delegate being sweared, beaten up to just swearing to hit and run to hitting a couple to a woman falling off a bike...No idea which 1 is true!

take your pick...what you like!

whatever..didn't quote the same report again and again..you can read the report,which is in page 4,or you can believe me...
I think what happened was, the pakistani ambassador hit some poor bloke who was driving his motorcycle, and as a consequence the ambassador was beaten. When the thugs found out he was a pakistani, the beatings intensified. Lol.
whatever..didn't quote the same report again and again..you can read the report,which is in page 4,or you can believe me...

Never said you are lying..Am just gonna wait for a report which is consistent not changing every hr!
Get over it.Thank our Police force for saving your diplomat's a$$ and move on.

What nonsense, it's the duty of the host country to provide security and protection to diplomats from it's rabid citizens.
If the tables turn then we'll see how the Indian sorry a$$ feels.
@Ayush cry baby tujhay konsi gali par gi razpak say? Abhi tou usnay baksh diyea...agar parti tumhay kiya pooray PDF ko pata chal jata!! :rofl:

m talkin in general talon..
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No country deserves to be nuked no matter what its people like you and me who are the casualities and generations suffer the aftereffects.

If I had the option to nuke a country, it would be Thailand. Last time I was there, the food gave me the runs for days and you can't really tell the females apart from the males.
I hope that doesn't happen. An Indian diplomat is our responsibility after all.

We are not Indians, nor will we ever descend to their level. Any and every diplomat is our responsibility.
Such incidents only exposes their bankrupt mentality.

Being a Pakistani I appreciate your concerns-
Find me another way to put sense in them mindless indians-:cheesy:-
What nonsense, it's the duty of the host country to provide security and protection to diplomats from it's rabid citizens.

So we did,Read the news and tell your diplomat to get a better driver not a stupid one like this.

“We received a distress call at 7.26 p.m. A police team was immediately rushed to the place. However, before we could reach the spot, Rahul had roughed up the driver. We are yet to confirm whether Mr. Raja received injuries while trying to intervene in the matter,” said the officer.


If the tables turn then we'll see how the Indian sorry a$$ feels.

As if we haven't heard that before.:lol:
If I had the option to nuke a country, it would be Thailand. Last time I was there, the food gave me the runs for days and you can't really tell the females apart from the males.

OMG...is that reason enough to nuke a country!? :blink: :rofl:
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