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Pakistani doctors with MS, MD degrees sacked in S. Arabia

"We are working on a new experience"

Saudia has a Sindh style Qouta System and we have already seen how Sindh treats Karachi
That is exactly what will happen in their health care system

This effects less than 80 doctors contracted in 2016. Vast majority of them not in KSA.

There are 550 million Arabs and 20+ Arab countries. Bahrain, Qatar and UAE have a native population of a combined 3.5 million or so. Not even 1% of the world's Arabs.

Arabs have 10.000's of their own doctors if not 100.000's. On PDF we had 2 Saudi Arabian users that were doctors. @Mosamania being one before they left.

Our populations are growing, we have very educated populations, almost 100% literacy rates, and in KSA women do not even make up 20% of the work force despite more of them having university degrees than men. We need to give our local youth (70% of the population of KSA is below 35 years old) job opportunities.

See post 3 and this post, bro.

The Saudis are doing well in every field. Well done. Keep up the good work. Your living standards are now on par with the West. Wishing you all the best. You guys no longer need foreigners. Your younger generation is highly educated and hard-working.
Their country, their rules. The Saudis can do what they want. It's their prerogative. Their loyalty is to the Saudi people, NOT to Pakistanis. They owe us nothing. It's about time us Pakistanis started to make Pakistan a land of prosperity rather than looking to the others as saviours.
great reply. I agree with you

NO need to feel salty about GCC action. its the fault of our Embassies , relevant ministers and medical board.
the GCC must have given many warnings before taking this final step.

for Imran khan there is a chance to fix this himself and address it properly instead of cursing PMLn or PPP govts. no one will sympathies with him specially the doctors if he just curses the past bad practices and criminal negligence and thinks thats the end of it
This body needs to be rechecked!

Causing huge damage to Pakistani reputation should not be forgiven
our Embassies as well as health ministry needs a dressing down
they must have sat on the prior warnings by GCC
Besides highly educated people like doctors (Pakistani) should not be wasting their time abroad and looking for greater profit (whether in the GCC, West or elsewhere) and a better life but rather make sacrifices to improve their own country by staying and improving Pakistan from within because nobody else is going to do it.

Same case with the Syrians and Iraqis and other Arabs looking to escape their countries at first glance. Although Pakistan is not at war or civil war but the same remains the case. If everyone did that there would be nothing left of any country in the world.

Likewise the expats in KSA and the GCC are looking for their own interests. They will leave immediately if they can get a better lifestyle elsewhere. Only a few will remain loyal and say fight for KSA in case of war or want to become Saudi Arabians and integrate if that was a large-scale option. Let us not kid ourselves here. They are in KSA/GCC because it suits their pockets not because they "love us" outside of a few.

This is not a criticism but normal human behavior.

Well done.
Send them back we need them.
Arab should bring westron doctors.

This effects less than 80 doctors contracted in 2016. Vast majority of them not in KSA.

There are 550 million Arabs and 20+ Arab countries. Bahrain, Qatar and UAE have a native population of a combined 3.5 million or so. Not even 1% of the world's Arabs.

Arabs have 10.000's of their own doctors if not 100.000's. On PDF we had 2 Saudi Arabian users that were doctors. @Mosamania being one before they left.

Our populations are growing, we have very educated populations, almost 100% literacy rates, and in KSA women do not even make up 20% of the work force despite more of them having university degrees than men and forming 50% of the combined population. This is bad economically for KSA and makes little sense hence the many recent reforms and the Saudi Vision 2030 that aims to significantly increase women in the workforce. If more of our women worked, we would only need 1-2 million highly qualified expats. We need to give our local youth (70% of the population of KSA is below 35 years old) job opportunities in their own countries. Instead greedy locals and non-local business owners prefer to mass-import cheaper labor and as a consequence youth unemployment in KSA is too high and you have nano technology engineers (women) working as shawarma sellers on beaches in KSA because they cannot find work. That is wrong.

The Saudi female shawarma seller

March 16, 2017

By Eman Al-Humood

THERE are many stories that we have read or heard of as children. The stories about a nation’s experiences or heritage are the ones that fascinate us more and remain in our memory forever.

“The Little Match Girl” is a short story from the Scandinavian heritage. The story was written by Danish poet and author Hans Christian Andersen. The little girl used to sell matchsticks in the street until she froze to death on a New Year’s Eve. She was never caught anyone’s attention until she became a corpse in the middle of all her matchsticks.

Today’s story is about a Saudi female shawarma seller. It is a story that has nothing to do with heritage but with the reality of modern Saudi Arabia. It is a story representing hundreds of Saudi scholarship students who left their country for the sake of getting the best education available to fulfill their dreams. Male and female students graduated from reputable universities all over the world and were looking forward to coming back and serving their country.

Unfortunately, the truth is there are not enough job opportunities in Saudi universities or even in companies. As a matter of fact, many companies do not hire graduates with high degrees. So unemployment is sadly the fate of most of those graduates. Some graduates refused to give up to this horrible reality and opened their own businesses.

The best example is the case of Nora Al-Ghamdi who holds a Master’s in nanotechnology. Despite the fact that her major is a rather rare one in the Kingdom, she could not find an appropriate job.

Unable to find jobs in their own country, what most of these well-qualified graduates normally do is to migrate to any other country looking for jobs in order to survive. Some of them went to other Gulf countries while others returned to Western countries where they had their higher education seeking job.

Given the circumstances, Nora is not and will not be the only one suffering due to this terrible reality. All I can do here is to thank Awad Al-Fayadh who strongly supported this ambitious young woman but her dreams ended up selling shawarma sandwiches on Dammam’s Corniche.

We always hear that there is nothing shameful to doing any work as long as it is an honest work. So Nora’s decision should never be looked at by society as shameful. What is really shameful and embarrassing is what happens with those aspiring graduates who study hard and end up unemployed.


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great reply. I agree with you

NO need to feel salty about GCC action. its the fault of our Embassies , relevant ministers and medical board.
the GCC must have given many warnings before taking this final step.

for Imran khan there is a chance to fix this himself and address it properly instead of cursing PMLn or PPP govts. no one will sympathies with him specially the doctors if he just curses the past bad practices and criminal negligence and thinks thats the end of it
Sir, this was a deliberate sabotage. Please see below:

He claimed that CPSP delegations during recent visits to Saudi Arabia and some Gulf states had presented distorted facts about Pakistan’s university programme to maintain monopoly of the CPSP-sponsored FCPS qualification.

Published in Dawn, August 7th, 2019
our Embassies as well as health ministry needs a dressing down
they must have sat on the prior warnings by GCC

A simple question:

Why are Pakistani doctors leaving Pakistan? Should they not stay in Pakistan and contribute to the country? Is there not a widespread AIDS epidemic in Karachi for instance? Or plenty of impoverished (sadly) people to help out? Even for free as an Islamic and patriotic duty?

Why should a country like KSA with a growing population, highly educated population, a youth population numbering 70% of the entire population be flooded by foreigners (this includes fellow Arabs) at the expense of our own workforce to the extent that our women who form 50% of the population only make up 15% of the workforce? Why should a Saudi Arabian CITIZEN (women) whose ancestors have lived in KSA for millennia be selling shawarmas on the beach because she cannot get a job as a nano technology engineer because foreign and cheaper workforce is preferred by local and non-local business owners?

Of course the state will need to put up some laws in place and increase the Saudization campaigns because we have a large youth unemployment rate, many educated people without jobs and Saudi Arabia is our only country. Foreigners should not get a preference over locals whether in KSA, Pakistan or elsewhere.

KSA/GCC cannot save the entire world. We have already done more for Muslims financially and in terms of opportunities than any other Muslim country in the world. That is the hard cold truth. I am tired of the anti-KSA/GCC ignorance on PDF. As if we were some Swedish buffet.

My two quick cents.
great reply. I agree with you

NO need to feel salty about GCC action. its the fault of our Embassies , relevant ministers and medical board.
the GCC must have given many warnings before taking this final step.

for Imran khan there is a chance to fix this himself and address it properly instead of cursing PMLn or PPP govts. no one will sympathies with him specially the doctors if he just curses the past bad practices and criminal negligence and thinks thats the end of it

What WE NEED TO DO is as a people, is to strive for the BEST in EVERYTHING no matter what. Then and only then we can progress. Mediocrity and corruption needs to be eliminated for this to happen.
Now that the young Saudis are highly educated and they themselves are producing world-class doctors why would they need Pakistani doctors? It doesn't make any sense for them to keep on the Pakistani doctors.
A simple question:

Why are Pakistani doctors leaving Pakistan? Should they not stay in Pakistan and contribute to the country? Is there not a widespread AIDS epidemic in Karachi for instance? Or plenty of impoverished (sadly) people to help out? Even for free as an Islamic and patriotic duty?

Why should a country like KSA with a growing population, highly educated population, a youth population numbering 70% of the entire population be flooded by foreigners (this includes fellow Arabs) at the expense of our own workforce to the extent that our women who form 50% of the population only make up 15% of the workforce? Why should a Saudi Arabian CITIZEN (women) whose ancestors have lived in KSA for millennia be selling shawarmas on the beach because she cannot get a job as a nano technology engineer because foreign and cheaper workforce is preferred by local and non-local business owners?

Of course the state will need to put up some laws in place and increase the Saudization campaigns because we have a large youth unemployment rate, many educated people without jobs and Saudi Arabia is our only country. Foreigners should not get a preference over locals whether in KSA, Pakistan or elsewhere.

KSA/GCC cannot save the entire world. We have already done more for Muslims financially and in terms of opportunities than any other Muslim country in the world. That is the hard cold truth. I am tired of the anti-KSA/GCC ignorance on PDF. As if we were some Swedish buffet.

My two quick cents.
Aids epidemic is in interior sindh, not Karachi.
In last 10 years we have lots of substandard medical colleges, for example Sharif medical complex, where Nawaz refused to go for medical treatment. Those type of med schools need to be shutdown or cancel there license.
Aids epidemic is in interior sindh, not Karachi.

I stand corrected. Once watched an documentary about Karachi where the prevalence and spread of Aids was discussed and the remarkable work of the late great Abdul Sattar Edhi was being shown.

My other points remain the same. This is a Pakistani forum so of course 99,9% of all Pakistani users will only look at every situation from their side and from their glasses and from their interests but what I wrote is nevertheless not any less accurate.
I stand corrected. Once watched an documentary about Karachi where the prevalence and spread of Aids was discussed and the remarkable work of the late great Abdul Sattar Edhi was being shown.

My other points remain the same. This is a Pakistani forum so of course 99,9% of all Pakistani users will only look at every situation from their side and from their glasses and from their interests but what I wrote is nevertheless not any less accurate.
This is not the issue. It is open forum and we respect everyone opinion. If Pak govt policy was wrong or ill intentions, then KSA govt has all right to exercise and forcefully implement the given agreement to state of Pakistan.
But, there is lot of room to talk about this issue. I had interesting conversation with Pakistani doctor who works in UAE in group of doctors. Where he worked in tense situation, not because of govt policy, but the environment where powerful adopt tough policy without in the knowledge of govt.
our Embassies as well as health ministry needs a dressing down
they must have sat on the prior warnings by GCC
We need to get rid of this monopoly bs!

Some of the affected doctors and senior health officials in Pakistan blame the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan (CPSP) for damaging their carrier.

He claimed that CPSP delegations during recent visits to Saudi Arabia and some Gulf states had presented distorted facts about Pakistan’s university programme to maintain monopoly of the CPSP-sponsored FCPS qualification.

CPSP delegation told the authorities that there was no training-based post-graduate medical degree in Pakistan, except FCPS. Mr Barki said the CPSP president held multiple meetings with relevant officials in Saudi Arabia and asked the authorities to consider only FCSP qualified Pakistani medics for jobs here.

He said the CPSP had misled the SCFHS ignoring the fact that Pakistan’s university degree qualification was a structured training programme.

Why blame Arabs when our own are our best enemies?

Now question is who is going to fix this and how will we prevent our own from being such bitches?
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