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Pakistani doctors are amongst the best in the world: President USMLE

My cousin did his MBBS from Shifa medical college (self finance) and now he is in US driving taxi. Isn't awesome :D
The same problem is in Canada. They want you to have Canadian education and Canadian experience. If you don't have that you will be out on the street doing odd jobs.
Passing USMLE is the easiest part. Getting residency is ten times harder. My uncle has a medical degree from Bangladesh, but he couldn't get residency. He had to resort to doing medical technician jobs and language interpretation.
Why 40000 to 50000 Pakistanis come to India every year for medical procedures even though they have the worlds best doctors ??

World's best doctors but not the world class facilities. Unfortunately India is well ahead in that game.
O.K, but what is available for post-surgical care and physical therapy?

I believe most don't want post-surgical care since being same in hospital will be very costly for a patient.Physical therapy one can do it at home and depends on condition and also under the supervision of a therapists.
I believe most don't want post-surgical care since being same in hospital will be very costly for a patient.Physical therapy one can do it at home and depends on condition and also under the supervision of a therapists.
While it doesn't have to happen in the hospital post-surgical care and PT can be critical for heart patients. The hospital may be world-class but without an appropriate post-surgical rehab center the patients won't regain function. So what is available?
While it doesn't have to happen in the hospital post-surgical care and PT can be critical for heart patients. The hospital may be world-class but without an appropriate post-surgical rehab center the patients won't regain function. So what is available?

I am not administrator in that hospital.They know what need for patient more than any one else

Euro News- India carries out its first double hand transplant

@Jammer @Seyfullah @Musafir117 @Knuckles @afiq0110 @razgriz19 @Clutch @HAIDER @Doordie @ULKU-1 @saiyan0321 @Mugwop @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @PAKISTANFOREVER
Why 40000 to 50000 Pakistanis come to India every year for medical procedures even though they have the worlds best doctors ??
that is due to lack of govt interest in health sector... govt needs to provide hospitals with adequate equipment and machinery ..so that doctors can perform their job... but govt has not interest in developing health sector what so ever.
My first cousin and his wife did their MBBS from PIMS Islamabad (they met there and got married after graduation).

Both migrated to US and live in California. The cousin works in the ER department of a big hospital, while the wife is a general practitioner. They have a HUGE mansion, and I mean HUGE. They have three Teslas. I don't know about the wife, but the husband earns upwards of $300/hr and is one of the most senior (and respected) doctors in his hospital. Alhumdulilah.

The down side is the husband has crazy shifts and works 22 days on and 3 days off. Even in days off he is sometimes on call if a special case arises. Besides working in an ER department you are faced with the most gruesome and worst cases on a daily bases.

One thing I love about the US is they value talent, expertise and hardwork. If my cousin had stayed in Pak he would have been toiling away with no hope of progression or earning nearly as much as he deserves.
Brother I am in AMC Pak Army.Kahan janay dengay :D
Ahh If you were a Nustian or a PC then you could go where ever you wanted, but on the upside you get paid and also everything else is free for you where as they have to pay in millions. BTW PMA phase is really tough for you guys, you better keep that in mind if indeed you guy go there anymore.
Why 40000 to 50000 Pakistanis come to India every year for medical procedures even though they have the worlds best doctors ??
Because they leave the country due to uncertain conditions.
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