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Pakistani diplomat shot dead in Afghanistan

Who would shoot a Pakistan diplomat? Not unless he was less a diplomat and more of an intelligence operative.

You have your point of view per your understanding though the same is head par to ground reality, is not must.

Not every diplomat is Intel officer but reserve the right of one's nation interest. Pakistan gave a bloody nose to Talis and ISIS too. Also, geopolitics is changing and Pakistan is having an upper hand in region after a lot of efforts, sacrifices and battle. Iran is on page with us and we are in good relation with Russia as compare to past. Above all, what became more painful to our rival is, PAK -US reestablishing relations and gaining further ground by Intel sharing and the sane became indigestible for the enemy hence, attack on a diplomat on the soil of Afghanistan while in largely presence of NATO/US. However, telling you about R&AW -NDS nexus, is not going to affect much but India's love in Kabul regime and president palace hosting Indian operatives or proxies is well known to people concerned with it. Not to mention how US Marines-CIA snatched Mehsud from NDS-R&AW convoy heading an embassy for briefing.

Such attack is only the work of people that are against peace in Afghanistan and wants to deteriorate situation further. Only terrorists are in pain and choosing such soft targets to vent frustration. I can see a bit of fireworks and big name proxies going down as this attack wouldn't go unnoticed at all. You must understand the meaning of killing a diplomat and the sensitivity of the matter. A party expects us to cut ties with Afghanistan so can have an open ground but there is other side of the picture which may haunt forever.
sad news. We will reply back with force just waiting for the right time.
Regardless, if the guy was under official protection under that status of a diplomat his killing is an attack.

Yes, it's an attack. I'm just trying to ask the question why? Normally, diplomats are left alone. I'm just wondering this particular person was targeted. And what was to be gained if were by NDS or RAW. Just saying there are things we don't know.

NDS wearing Indian gloves who else

Possible. But what would NDS or India gain from killing a Pakistan diplomat. Nothing. It's a dangerous turn of event that could have repercussions if were proved to be true.

Intelligence persons don't do public relations work. Hiding is the main objective for all of them. Please come up with logical comments.

Sometimes the best intelligence operatives work in plain sight. This cloak-and-dagger stuff is for Hollywood.

but first, Pak army should stop playing saint or in other words keep offering cheek for next coming slap.
Pak army should have hit hard on India, after the incident of APS.
Whenever, I imagine the evil filled in Indians, i loose all hopes for Pakistan.
Everyone in Pakistan is behaving like a pigeon, who close eyes upon seeing cat.
I can tell, Pakistan will continue to suffer if they don't come hard on India. Soon we'll have another Mujeeb and than there will no Pakistan.
RIP. thos incident will leave a very bad impact on afghanistan
Yes, it's an attack. I'm just trying to ask the question why? Normally, diplomats are left alone. I'm just wondering this particular person was targeted. And what was to be gained if were by NDS or RAW. Just saying there are things we don't know.
To provoke Pak or because this guy was a soft target. the number of reasons can be countless. Plus our relations with Afghanistan are pretty strained currently and this sort of behaviour by them just keeps the pot on fire. Regardless, killing another country's diplomat is a very serious matter that can not be shoved aside.
Who would shoot a Pakistan diplomat? Not unless he was less a diplomat and more of an intelligence operative.
If this be true then 90% indian diplomats should be shot dead as most them are RAW operatives

we should kill one Afghan and one Indian diplomat to revenge the blood, but this SOB NS Govt does not have the guts
Shows the shambolic state of Pakistan’s Afghanistan policy. Pakistan needs to take a well thought out and rationale review of its policy with that country rather than fixate on brotherhood and neighbors narrative. Even while depending on foreign troops for survival, the Kabul regime is a serious security threat and must be confronted.
If this be true then 90% indian diplomats should be shot dead as most them are RAW operatives

we should kill one Afghan and one Indian diplomat to revenge the blood, but this SOB NS Govt does not have the guts

And hope that Pakistani diplomats around the world will be safe and sound after starting the precedent, especially when you plan and hit diplomats not from one, but two countries ???? :disagree::disagree::disagree:
Shows the shambolic state of Pakistan’s Afghanistan policy. Pakistan needs to take a well thought out and rationale review of its policy with that country rather than fixate on brotherhood and neighbors narrative. Even while depending on foreign troops for survival, the Kabul regime is a serious security threat and must be confronted.

tell that to PM
Body of Pakistani consulate staffer handed over to security forces at Torkham
By News Desk
Published: November 7, 2017



The body of the martyred Pakistani consulate staffer, Rana Nayyer Iqbal, was handed over to the security officials at the Torkham border from where it has been taken to Islamabad for the final rituals.

Rana was gunned down by unidentified gunmen on a motorbike near his residence in the Jalalabad city of Nangarhar province, a security official told The Express Tribune.







Foreign Office spokesperson Dr Mohammad Fasial on Tuesday confirmed that the body had been received and was being brought to Islamabad for the final ritual.
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