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Pakistani death squads go after informants to U.S. drone program

Big Boss

Dec 22, 2011
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Pakistani death squads go after informants to U.S. drone program

The militant group known as Khorasan Mujahedin terrorizes villages near the Afghan border. Tribal elders say most of those killed are innocent.


By Alex Rodriguez, Los Angeles Times

December 28, 2011, 12:10 p.m.
Reporting from Peshawar, Pakistan—

The death squad shows up in uniform: black masks and tunics with the name of the group, Khorasan Mujahedin, scrawled across the back in Urdu.

Pulling up in caravans of Toyota Corolla hatchbacks, dozens of them seal off mud-hut villages near the Afghan border, and then scour markets and homes in search of tribesmen they suspect of helping to identify targets for the armed U.S. drones that routinely buzz overhead.

Once they've snatched their suspect, they don't speed off, villagers say. Instead, the caravan leaves slowly, a trademark gesture meant to convey that they expect no retaliation.

Militant groups lack the ability to bring down the drones, which have killed senior Al Qaeda and Taliban commanders as well as many foot soldiers. Instead, a collection of them have banded together to form Khorasan Mujahedin in the North Waziristan tribal region to hunt for those who sell information about the location of militants and their safe houses.

Pakistani officials and tribal elders maintain that most of those who are abducted this way are innocent, but after being beaten, burned with irons or scalded with boiling water, almost all eventually "confess." And few ever come back.

One who did was a shop owner in the town of Mir Ali, a well-known hub of militant activity.

A band of Khorasan gunmen strode up to the shop owner one afternoon last fall, threw him into one of their cars and drove away, said a relative who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal. They took him to a safe house being used as a lockup for others the group suspected of spying for the drone program.

For the next eight weeks, they bludgeoned him with sticks, trying to get him to confess that he was a drone spy. He wasn't, said the relative. Unable to determine whether he was guilty, his captors released him to another militant group, which set him free 10 days later.

"In the sky there are drones, and on the ground there's Khorasan Mujahedin," said the relative. "Villagers are extremely terrorized. Whenever there's a drone strike, within 24 hours Khorasan Mujahedin comes in and takes people away."

Most of them are killed. The group, named after an early Islamic empire that covered a large part of Central Asia, dumps the bodies on roadsides, usually with scraps of paper attached to their bloodied tunics that warn others of the consequences of spying for the U.S. Executions are often videotaped and distributed to DVD kiosks in Peshawar, northwestern Pakistan's largest city, to hammer home the message.

In one video, an old man with a bruised and swollen face says he was paid $1,300 for information that led to a drone strike in a North Waziristan village last year. "I was misguided by the devil," says the man, who identifies himself as Subedar. "Khorasan Mujahedin never pressured me or used force against me. They showed me respect. May God give them victory."

Near the end of the video, he is shown with a bag over his head as a gunman first shoots him to death at point blank range with an AK-47 assault rifle, then pumps more than 30 rounds into his corpse.

Another suspected informant standing alongside a village road with his hands tied behind his back is killed by explosives detonated at his feet. Gunmen fire wildly into the sky to celebrate.

Despite such brutal treatment if they are caught, some people find it hard to resist the payoff of working as an informant for the Americans. North Waziristan, a mountainous, remote tribal area, is racked by poverty and joblessness.

Information about how much informants are paid, who finds and pays them, or how they operate is difficult to obtain, because few people want to risk discussing such matters. But interviews with tribal elders and a former Pakistani intelligence official suggest that the pay can range from $300 to $1,000 or more for information that helps pinpoint a target.

"When I spoke to informants, they said they did it for the money," said the former Pakistani intelligence official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "And most Pashtuns don't like Taliban. They want the Taliban out because their whole tribal system has been destroyed. More than 90% don't want the Taliban to be ruling them."

The vast majority of those killed by Khorasan Mujahedin are innocent, the former official added. "Most of them have never been spies."

Armed drone strikes conducted by the CIA have expanded dramatically in Pakistan's tribal areas under the Obama administration. According to the Long War Journal, a website that tracks the drone campaign, drone strikes have killed 18 senior Al Qaeda leaders and commanders and several Taliban commanders in the last two years.

It has counted 64 drone missile attacks in Pakistan this year, compared with 114 last year and 53 in 2009. Current and former U.S. officials say the CIA has decided to temporarily suspend so-called signature strikes — missile attacks against fighters and others whose actions suggest support for the Taliban and other insurgent groups — in an effort to mend relations with Pakistan.

Pakistan death squads go after informants to U.S. drone program - latimes.com

The militant group known as Khorasan Mujahedin
terrorizes villages near the Afghan border. Tribal elders say most of those killed are innocent.
This part, Very very important.
For those who know will understand what they are upto.
khorasan Mujahideen? never heard it before

there is no logic in this name being in Pakistan,

Khorasan is a province in Iran and historically it stretched to Afghanistan.
The drone strikes and American activity within our borders need to first and foremost need to be stopped.
lolz drone are those bastards whom born these groups before drone there was no such names in pakstan .if you kill 90 innocents you make 500 new terrorists this simple logic US bastards can't understand
lolz drone are those bastards whom born these groups before drone there was no such names in pakstan .if you kill 90 innocents you make 500 new terrorists this simple logic US bastards can't understand

Then don't kill the terrorists in your own country. Hence the reason you guys are losing Pakistan. Kill one and you make thousands. The terrorists aren't giving up taking over Pakistan. They die to win. You guys should not have killed the terrorists when they attacked the naval base. You killed them and it made more terrorists.
lolz drone are those bastards whom born these groups before drone there was no such names in pakstan .if you kill 90 innocents you make 500 new terrorists this simple logic US bastards can't understand

I didn't knew amreekan also have problem with English

Then don't kill the terrorists in your own country. Hence the reason you guys are losing Pakistan. Kill one and you make thousands. The terrorists aren't giving up taking over Pakistan. They die to win. You guys should not have killed the terrorists when they attacked the naval base. You killed them and it made more terrorists.
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