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Pakistani corner

Yes they do :-)

awesome to know u have sat net...

can you summarize this article for me then, instead of wasting that precious internet bandwidth :-)

"A new avionics-based GNSS integrity augmentation system: Part 1 - Fundamentals"
I’ll try to do this after weekend (tmrw) unfortunately I don’t have that service at home:(

yeh TPS43 ko dekho...i gave him a task and he vanished !

Iqbal R.A is actually a sufi and spiritual person...he last 10 years of life are linked with Data Gunjbuksh Ali Hajvery R.A
Bhai soo giya tha:D
I feel it :D

Anyone is watching the cricket? Lmoooo how the heck weirdly Rizwan got out? :hitwall:
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