What actions and what words? And who is going to decide that?
Personally I have simple view on this whole blasphemy laws and the related debate.
In early times of Messenger (Peace be upon him) he and his followers were lesser in numbers (in a weak position), they were all insulted, harmed and tortured in any possible way the opposing non believers could come up with. And being in a weak position hardly enables you to fight back, make laws and implement them on majority ....... so the resultant migration from Messenger's hometown to Madina ............. now while living in Madina Messenger (Peace be upon him) focused on training people gathering strength and establishing a system ........... the number of followers grew though there were hypocrites and others but none of them could dare harm / insult Messenger (peace be upon him) and his followers openly and publicly, hence no need and room for blasphemy and related laws. Now after Messenger (Peace be upon him) departed this world most of the Arabs were his companions and believers and none could think of any sorts of insult or blasphemy, again they were people truly following Quran and no room for blasphemy and related laws .............. the times changed territory and people grew non Arabs entered the fold of Islam with their own traditions and beliefs, there was territorial expansion where non Muslims would become citizens of Islamic rule .............. now the situation is different ethnicities living under one rule ....... what should be the ideal situation ........... the majority should respect the minorities beliefs and not force them into anything that is insulting for them, because majority has the power but with power also comes the responsibility .... and minority should in return respect the beliefs of majority again an environment where hormones of people are control and they respect each other and live side by side, no need for laws .......... Take a leap further and land into today's world, with rampant ignorance and mediums of spreading messages (in very little time) available to anyone good and bad ......... the need for State to adopt measures for monitoring and preventing law and order situation becomes important ......... hence the necessity for laws that can prevent anyone from harming, insulting anyone else's beliefs, openly or covertly by remaining anonymous ........ the burden on state has increased but means to meet the challenges have also improved ......... what should happen ideally State should have the
just laws in place and take charge of the law and order situation ...... make the citizens (irrespective of their beliefs) realise that State is present and won't tolerate injustice and anarchy ............ but sadly what we see in Pakistan is State succumbing to black mail and failing to do timely justice ....... the need for laws remains there because we have an intolerant society that is hell bent on self destruction.
At individual level I hardly feel insecure by anyone's remarks because I believe in