Maulana Tariq Jameel in one of his speeches said that humans poo and pee they cannot have position of authority and respect by default.
These were the words that devil said when he was asked to prostrate Adam alehsalam. He said that Adam was made of mud (and was subject to specific needs), he was superior because he was made of fire (and had no such needs).
The Maulana forgets that these 'specific needs' do not stop human in elevating to highest position in Me'raaj where even angles don't have access.
But after uttering these words he likes to spend time with people of authority whether it is PM office or PAF corridors.
This is one example where Maulana speaks the language of devil. His speeches are full of hints of degrading humans and sympathy with the devil. He performs tricks and people clap. If only people knew what he was doing there.
There's feeling that Maulana Tariq Jameel belongs to some secret society like the Freemasons.
And that Dajjal will not defecate and present that quality as a proof of divinity. In fact this quality of him will be due to modification to his body.