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Pakistani coal can solve electricity crisis: Report

I believe Pakistan has the electricity to run every single house in this country.
But because of some corrupt people who are trying to portray Pakistan as a destabilized country, electricity is being shut down for more then 15 hours a day even in some areas.
I believe Pakistan has the electricity to run every single house in this country.
But because of some corrupt people who are trying to portray Pakistan as a destabilized country, electricity is being shut down for more then 15 hours a day even in some areas.

I agree, I think most of the money is been made in the import of oil and power plants etc.
Remember Remember, the fifth of november, Gunpoweder Treason and Plot. I find no reason why the Gundpowder treason should ever be forgot.

Don't worry OH people of Pakistan. The light will come but after a lot of darkness. Greatness will come but after a lot of humiliation. Richness will come but after a lot of misery. Democracy is not the solution let me tell you this thing. In this region democracy is not the best way of government. THere should be a system between democracy and dictatorship which will work.
its good to know that electricity crisis are going to solve in Pakistan

Sonda-Jherruk coal mine, power plant project to begin soon

KARACHI (January 13 2009): China National Machinery Import and Export Corporation (CMC) here on Monday announced to move on mining operation at Sonda-Jherruk coal field in District Thatta, Sindh in near future.

Sonda-Jherruk Coal Mine and Power Plant Project developed by CMC will supply 405 megawatt power supply for Pakistan, which will be highly instrumental to promote the economic development of Pakistan, opening new doors for foreign investors. CNC sources said that despite the ongoing world financial crisis, it is quite confident in investing in Pakistan energy industry.

CMC had begun its preliminary studies for mine construction work in May 2008 and will increase its input in Sonda-Jherruk project along with its additional investment of US $2 million for the development of the coal mine. The sources said that coal resource of Pakistan are abundant, while the extensive exploitation of which is seldom.

As a large scale state-owned company in China, CMC has successfully developed coal mines in countries such as Bangladesh and Vietnam, with rich international experiences accumulated in this field.

The forthcoming exercise is the second detailed exploration made by CMC at Sonda-Jherruk coal-field said the CNC sources mentioning that the main contents are Shaft Geological Investigation, Detailed Hydro-geological Testing and Water Resources Investigation.

The sources said, "shaft drilling is a great milestone for the development of the coal mine." Six containers of exploration equipments were sent from China to the work site. Presently there are 77 persons at site, including 21 Chinese engineers and 56 Pakistani, said the sources. They appreciated that exploration work is greatly supported by the Sindh government and round the clock security was provided by Sindh Police.-PR
Our present govt. is and will remain a bunch of idiots!
Why don't they consult some electrical engineer who keep Pakistan's interst foremost instead of investor's interest!
We must remember that in general electric power generation is a low efficiency process including coal power plant.
We should think to maximise the utility of resources before we embark on more mismanagment.
We don't have to think of only today or day after today. We have to preserve Pakistan and it's resources also for future generations.

I would recommend to install various desalination plants along the coast instead of a lone coal power plant at some place where it adds to my vote bank.

Advantage with desalination plant are obvious that not only it would produce electricity but it will also be a source of clean water.

I would also recommend to enforce that industry should start burning this coal for their heating process instead of natural gas.
reheat-furnaces and various kilns are one example.
This would reduce the burden on gas demand significantly, benifiting the domestic consumers. this is an example of optimizing the utilization of resources.

About electricity the only thing Pakistan should prioritize seriously is hydal power. We should not only build dams on natural catchment areas but we should also use rivers to generate hydal electricity.
One can identify hudereds of places in our northern areas where water turbines can be installed on rivers and small channels.

Next we should concentrate on wind energy farms and encourage solar energy products and projects.

Than I would think about building coal power plants.
We the people of Pakistan will be the consumer and we should not let some thugs to profit from us just because they spent money on horse trading.
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This is very very unfortunate for our country.When we will turn this solid hidden money into Paper money....

i think we can only pray for this coal project.
You people will also aware about copper belt in Pakistan.
All this is the God gifted.....Pakistan live long.

Coal reserves in Thar are estimated to 150 billion ton, where as price/ton of the coal is 40 dollar.
So total Price of these coal reserves is 150 billion ton * 40 Us dollar=6000 billion Us dollar

Another interesting figure about these reserves is that total energy of these reserve is equal to total oil reserve of Saudi Arabia and Iran.
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Pakistan has a huge coal reserve. The estimations are just an indication because there are many more undiscovered locations scattered all across the country. On top of that, Balochistan is blessed with abundant gas and oil reserves. Pakistan isn't a poor country. Corrupt elements from top to bottom have always acted as the main obstacle of progress in Pakistan. As long as corruption isn't reduced we can wait another 100 years before these resources are exploited for the benefit of the people and the economy of Pakistan. The progress and development that can be achieved with such resources at disposal are simply beyond comprehension. It can change the fate of this country all together. We need honest, capable and transparent people in charge. We need the assistance from friendly countries (preferably China) in setting up the infrastructure in order to be able to utilize the resources as efficiently as possible. The end goal should be to be self-sufficient in exploiting and benefiting from these precious resources.
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

KARACHI: A Chinese firm on Monday said it has started underground hydrological surveys in Sindh as part of a coal-mining and power generation project.

China National Machinery Import and Export Corporation (CMC) has entered concluding stages of evaluation process of its leased area of 57 sq km in Sonda Jerruk coal field of District Thatta, a company official said.

“As a large-scale state-owned company in China, CMC has effectively urbanized coal mines in countries such as Bangladesh and Vietnam, with rich international experience accrued in this field,” it said in a press release.

Sonda-Jherruk coal mine and power plant project is expected at generating around 405 megawatts of electricity using coal. The hydrological survey will assist ascertain the amount of underground water, essential for power generation purpose. The tariff is still to be determined and definite work on mining is expected to start by middle of this year, the company official said, adding that an earlier study has established availability of 1.8 million tonnes of coal per year.
Sindh is blessed with natural resources, Pakistan as a country is blessed with so much.
From the beaches and deserts of Sindh and Balochistan to the mountains of NWFP and Northern Areas to the agricultural fields of Punjab.

You wonder why everyone wants a piece of Pakistan.

Too bad Pakistan has a corrupt greedy man running the nation. Pakistan needs a sincere honest leader who cares about the country and the people, and is not afraid of a few sacrafices for himself for the betterment of the country.
The coal in Pakistan should stay in Pakistan...we must not let foreign firms from U.S., E.U or even China have access to our resources. Perhaps contract a few foreign companies to find the coal; perhaps buy some technology; perhaps acquire assistance, but privatization (selling out) must never be exercised. We are Muslims, and as Muslims we are to ensure all natural resources, electricity and state-owned land is public property!

IMO, Pakistan should completely reorganize its electricity sector and bring them under State control. Reform and restructure it with minimal bureaucracy. Buy a good number of simple coal firing plants for usage over 15-20 years, and during that time get PAEC to build energy reactors to its full potential - it can produce 300MW and can develop 600MW. At the same time build tidal energy plants; wind farms; solar-fields...exploit the country to its limit in the Renewable Energy department. We can also invest in the development of coal-to-liquid fuel; coal-to-gas; and work on the FutureGen coal system!

There's plenty to go around, we could very well become self sufficient in power generation and even export raw material or electricity. Involving foreign companies means getting infrastructure and funds that we don't have.
I would support your idea's if there was scarcity in supply, but we're sitting on worlds fifth largest reserves so why not let others share the pie as long as they bring infrastructure, technology and investments? :coffee:

There's plenty to go around, we could very well become self sufficient in power generation and even export raw material or electricity. Involving foreign companies means getting infrastructure and funds that we don't have.
I would support your idea's if there was scarcity in supply, but we're sitting on worlds fifth largest reserves so why not let others share the pie as long as they bring infrastructure, technology and investments? :coffee:
Don't trust foreigners. Before we'll know it, we'll privatize the fields, operate the worst firing plants for 50 years and not advance one bit as our politicians make their commissions. We need to take charge and take control of our resources...even if it is a phase-by-phase investment at the edge of our abilities, that is more than good enough as we will be taking the correct route.

Keep it in phases; start with basic coal firing plants, then move onto to coal-to-liquid fuel; coal-to-gas; and eventually in the very long-run coal-to-hydrogen. We should also exploit our other natural resources such as wind, solar and tidal. I read on PakDef by a very credible member that PAEC has indigenous designs to 300MW and later 600MW nuclear reactors...and the potential to touch 1000MW! Imagine producing

Make use of the possibilities of waste-to-energy; new revitalization agriculture technology for arid land, etc....make use of every little bit possible...heck put every mouse or hamster on a wheel.
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We the people can bring change because of our lack of activity in politics our leaders have now settled their feet in and stopped caring. I included have to admit that we the educated have failed our country the loyalty it deserves the lack of spreading of knowledge and the lack of accountability. We have developed ourselves into a position that we wont mind earning a little extra money over the loss of of others I feel that despite our education we have failed to keep our elected members in check and accountable for their actions.

If we increase the level of education increase our role in politics and actively make our citizens aware of their right to keep the leaders in balance we will realise that alot can be acheived out of any system of government.

Only when the wise will vote will the wise rule.

Coming to the topic who knows what if this is a blessing in disguise that when the world would be running out or maybe even run out of these resources we will be hardened people(due to the current load shedding and gas ghortage) and simply open the shafts enjoy to our fill and live happily ever after.
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Make use of the possibilities of waste-to-energy; new revitalization agriculture technology for arid land, etc....make use of every little bit possible...heck put every mouse or hamster on a wheel.

Its already happening Sir. :)

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Jan. 12 (UPI) -- Pakistan is working with U.S.-based company Sheladia on a viability study for a waste-to-energy plant.

The proposed plant would be built in Karachi and would generate up to 10 megawatts of power. The project is being funded by the United States through Pakistan's Alternative Energy Development Board, the News International reports.

The study is expected to take about five months and cost about $325,000. If the plant is found to be a beneficial project, plans would be set up under a public-private partnership.

"Not only such a project will administer local waste, it will also add to power generation, lessen load-shedding and use renewable energy resources for increasing the security of energy supply," said AEDB Chief Executive Officer Arif Alauddin.

He noted the project will be the first of its kind for Pakistan.

"It is really encouraging to note that an agreement between AEDB and Sheladia would be signed in a week's time, which will not only expand electricity production sources but would also make a modest contribution to reducing the energy deficit facing the country," said Richard O'Shea, representing the U.S. Consulate General in Karachi.
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