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Pakistani citizenship for Afghan refugees

Like I said this thread is disgusting, I came here to support giving citizenship to the Afghans who are willing to identify as Pakistanis and have made lives in Pakistan and expected some constructive conversation yet I see the race card being thrown around over here and then people wonder why Pakistan has problems.

you americans westranized desis have least to do with pakistan....go enjoy ur burgers and leave problems of pakistan to us
Actually he is right about that one. Pakistan is a Federation of four provinces divided on ethnic lines. Normally I wouldn't agree with him!

And by the way, I am an extreme nationalistic Pakistani! :pop:

That i can see from your posts :)
Like I said this thread is disgusting, I came here to support giving citizenship to the Afghans who are willing to identify as Pakistanis and have made lives in Pakistan and expected some constructive conversation yet I see the race card being thrown around over here and then people wonder why Pakistan has problems.

you americans westranized desis have least to do with pakistan....go enjoy ur burgers and leave problems of pakistan to us

Well KPK is the land I have every right to set foot on as it is Pakistan

ofcouse u have kid...but why u r telling us to pack bags and go to afghanistan...
Me outta here :angry:

@Monkey D Luffy = @Mamba has more rationality than you could ever fathom.
@Icewolf = Learn comprehension, and grow up. When you're older, come and debate.

Both of you are bad bad boys! :sick:
Mullah Raza says that Monkey will be married to muhajir girl and Icewolf will be wed to Patani girl. This will correct the problem. Honeymoon will be spent in Mecca doing Haj.

And Mullah Raza decrees a fatwa that anyone else that causes mishief between ethnicites will be wed to donkeys and be slaves to Mullah Raza.

This is the will of the Almighty.
After seeing this thread one doesn't need to wonder why some ethnic groups are more backwards than others.
And Indian bureaucracy will be the happiest in the world if Pakistan does this...

:D yeh it seems already happy in your avatar by seeing some nonesense comments from some naive Pakistanis in this thread
and who are these ethnic groups? does it include bhaya brigade or not?

Check the literacy rates, gdp per capita of all ethnic groups and standard of living then you will get your answer. Also try to see which ethnic groups have barbaric and savage customs.
Don't do it. The consequences of such steps doesn't appear in near future but it gradually changes entire social structure of a region.
they came to Pakistan after creation of Pakistan we Balochs, Punjabis, Pashtuns, Sindhis sacrificed our lives for Pakistan.

lol thats not true....the pathans and Bloch fought the least for creation of pakistan nor they cared much for its creation....they were not even south asian muslims to start with...thats why both the houses of the baloch khan rejected the bid to join with pakistan and more than 50% of the pashtuns boycotted the referendum in nwfp...and the approval to join pakistan itself was a bare 50% among the ones who voted...the ones at the forefront were the bengalis and biharis/up muslims. if not for them, there would have been no pakistan.
We have voted to join Pakistan at our own choice unlike those who stayed back out of greed and when kicked they came running towards Pakistan and now looting Pakistanis in Karachi . :angry: nikamay

jana, are you not aware that most of the khudai-khitmagars (who had a huge following) boycotted the referendum as they did not want to join pakistan and even in the referendum the "yes" percentage was a controversial 50.2% ? Are you not aware that the real political power base of the Muflim league was not in punjab, NWFP, Kalat..but in Bengal and in UP/Bihar ? Are you not aware that the two houses of the baloch khanate expressly rejected the proposal to join with Pakistan and had to be militarily persuaded to sign the accession document ? are you not aware that the Unionists and not muslim league won in Punjab ? do I even haveto remind you that the tallest pashtun leader in those days, bacha khan, vehemently opposed pakstan..? are you not aware that most of the muslim league leaders were either indian muslims or bengalis ?

why deny the obvious ? you may have legitimate grievances about the behavious of some muhajirs..thats your internal politics....but it cannot be denied that if not for the muhajirs and bengalis there would have been no pakistan...the waderas/sardars/maliks/chowdurys in west punjab just went with flow and got pakistan....you would have been either part of India or afghanistan if not for the muhajirs/bengalis....they sowed the seeds..you are just reaping the fruits..
Same can be said about millions of pakistanis who are now citizens of UK, america, canada and other countries....infact afghans have left their country due to war and destruction while pakistanis have left their country for money.....which kind is worse?

I am talking in general and Yes every one who leave INCLUDING PAKISTANI's...but not those people who are pursuing education or intend to come back..Afghan's are responsible for their own destruction and the same people are now living in our country..You have no idea how much these bl&&dy afghan's curse Pakistan every day..The same place where they are living comfortably and earning money for more than a decade. Most of people on this thread who have no idea what they are talking about because they have never interacted with afghans.
, are you not aware that most of the khudai-khitmagars (who had a huge following) boycotted the referendum as they did not want to join pakistan and even in the referendum the "yes" percentage was a controversial 50.2% ? Are you not aware that the real political power base of the Muflim league was not in punjab, NWFP, Kalat..but in Bengal and in UP/Bihar ? Are you not aware that the two houses of the baloch khanate expressly rejected the proposal to join with Pakistan and had to be militarily persuaded to sign the accession document ? are you not aware that the Unionists and not muslim league won in Punjab ? do I even haveto remind you that the tallest pashtun leader in those days, bacha khan, vehemently opposed pakstan..?

the waderas/sardars/maliks/chowdurys in west punjab just went with flow and got pakistan..it was not as if they worked tirelessly for it...it was the bihari/UP and bengalis who were the real workers for creation of pakistan...they sowed the seeds..you are just reaping the fruits..

why deny the obvious ? you may have legitimate grievances about the behavious of some muhajirs..thats your internal politics....but it cannot be denied that if not for the muhajirs and bengalis there would have been no pakistan...you would have been either part of India or afghanistan..

1. We kicked backside of Indian Bacha Khan by joining Pakistan.the idiot led to killing of Many Pashtuns who were kicked by Afghanistanis by shutting their doors when this idiot tried to march.

2. Today followers of bacha kha philosophy has no place in Afghanistan neither Pakistan. They dont support ANP.

3. We dont have any grievances against "mohajirs" those who call themselves "mohajirs" can go to their homeland and leave our Urdu Speaking Pakistani alone we are happy with them.

1. We kicked backside of Indian Bacha Khan by joining Pakistan.the idiot led to killing of Many Pashtuns who were kicked by Afghanistanis by shutting their doors when this idiot tried to march.

Still it cannot be denied that in those days, he was THE most respected Pashtun leader. Not one came anywhere near his stature. As I said the KKs boycotted the referendum and the naysayers were 49.8%..hardly unanimous in my opinion...

3. We dont have any grievances against "mohajirs" those who call themselves "mohajirs" can go to their homeland and leave our Urdu Speaking Pakistani alone we are happy with them.


Why should they not call themselves mohajirs when you call yourself pashtun ? that is simply racist.

and stilll you have not answered that if not for the muhajirs and bengalis there would have been no pakistan...tell me one pashtun or baloch or sind leader who can be compared to the stature of jinnah, suhrawardy etc ? the muhajirs dont owe you anything - the so called original inhabitants of north-west india.
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