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Pakistani christian girl freed

Good news, but how long will she last?

Those crazy extremists won't take a no for answer.

This time the combination of a girl being under aged and having a mental handicap, accompanied by a huge media coverage, have saved someone's live, but what if she wasn't mentally challenged and a minor? What if there wasn't so much (international) media attention? She would probably end like that guy from a few months earlier, also mentally challenged, that was dragged out of a police station, torn apart by a 2000 strong mob, and his body set on fire.

How many culprits of this incident have been caught so far?
Good news, but how long will she last?

Those crazy extremists won't take a no for answer.

This time the combination of a girl being under aged and having a mental handicap, accompanied by a huge media coverage, have saved someone's live, but what if she wasn't mentally challenged and a minor? What if there wasn't so much (international) media attention? She would probably end like that guy from a few months earlier, also mentally challenged, that was dragged out of a police station, torn apart by a 2000 strong mob, and his body set on fire.

How many culprits of this incident have been caught so far?

The accuser [Mosque's Imam] has been arrested and will face Blasphemy charges, if convicted He will be turned into an example for other wannabes as he faces a possible and likely death penalty.

This time though one development has caught everyone's eye, and that was the supreme Islamic body that concerns these laws came to the girl's rescue which is a great leap forward for people who want the laws amended.

As for the girl, she is now being housed in a secret location after she was air lifted from the detention, apparently everyone now supports her and she faces little chance of getting killed by some crazy, but the authorities and state machine is not taking any chances.
The accuser [Mosque's Imam] has been arrested and will face Blasphemy charges, if convicted He will be turned into an example for other wannabes as he faces a possible and likely death penalty.
Oh yeah.... lynch...lynch...lynch....behead....behead... yummy :agree:
Actually I quite agree. From my own readings of him, i gather the only reason he was able to spread Islam was by forgiveness and humility and genuineness!

By what i see of many Pakistani laws and forumers like Safriz, Zarvan who love to demean other's religion and try to show superiority of Islam over others, i actually thought this was what Islam taught - bigotry...till i read about Mohammad. Great man. I have a lot of respect for him.

I have said this all over the forum (well at least the threads I read)

DO NOT judge Islam based on those who call themselves Muslim...Look at its teachings and its best Example (Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him)...

As for superiority issue...Its a Asian male thing! Really it is!They think respect is earned by fear and showing force and power! Not an Islamic but an Asian thing!
i think the fact that we HAVE a blasphemy law that is abused is blasphemy in and of itself.....

in the end, it was the Mullah of that Mosque who placed those burned pages in the garbage drum and then wanted to create an episode. He should be jailed for the rest of his life, and those that do what he did or those that want to disturb communal harmony should join him

Shouldn't he be tried for Blasphemy by doing this act? Execute him?

Many of the Mullahs (not all) consider these ordinary citizens of Pakistan be them Muslims, Christians, Hindu, Sikh etc as some disposable creatures wandering the world for their use and benefit, and consider themselves as the Tekedaars (contractors) of Islam who has a confirmed ticket to Jannah (Paradise/heaven)... but little they know out of shear arrogance and ego that Prophet Muhammad SAWW said; in the end times, the most cursed people on the face of the earth would be the scholars (Mullahs) of that time...
Good to hear Justice has been served... what about that culprit who made up all this story but eventually got trapped in his plan?

I wish the day would come, when every citizen in Pakistan gets equal and fair justice regardless of their religion and any external pressures.

will happen only happen when Pak becomes secular mate :angel:
Cleric put burnt pages in Rimsha’s bag, IG Islamabad tells senate committee
DAWN.COM | 1 hour ago
ISLAMABAD: IG Islamabad Bin Yamin informed the Senate Standing Committee for Human Rights here on Monday that Qari Mohammad Khalid Jadoon had put pages of the Holy Quran in Rimsha’s bag, DawnNews reported.

He added that there is a great disparity between Rimsha’s physical age and mental age.

The IG Islamabad added that if a FIR had not been registered, a situation similar to Gujjar Khan would have arisen. Announcements would have been made in the neighbouring mosques regarding the alleged burning of Quran, leading to a serious situation in the area.

He appealed to the religious scholars and political leaders to submit proposals regarding the abuse of the blasphemy law.

Afrasiab Khattak chaired the session of the Senate Standing Committee here on Monday. He said that Rehman Malik must submit replies regarding the ever-increasing encroachments in the country.

Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik was summoned for the next meeting of the Senate’s Standing Committee on Human Rights.

The additional IG of Punjab Police informed the committee that in the last six months, 206 police encounters have taken place in Punjab. In these encounters, 26 personnel of the Punjab Police have been killed, as well as more than 100 criminals have been killed.
will happen only happen when Pak becomes secular mate :angel:

You first and we will follow

Good step. The girl was airlifted by a heli by forces personnel to a safer place.

BTW looking at her picture she doesnt look like an 11 year old, she seems much older

Really 11 year old?
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