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Pakistani brutality - or wait, it's not...

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Anyway the picture could be false but it's well known that PA soldiers used to check circumcision to know if someone's Hindu or not, as documented by many eyewitnesses.

"In what became province-wide acts of genocide, Hindus were sought out and killed on the spot. As a matter of course, soldiers would check males for the obligated circumcision among *******. If circumcised, they might live; if not, sure death."

Rummel, Death by Government, page 323
It is indeed well documented, but Bangladeshi media picked up wrong story. Indian photographer was true to his profession.

Yes I do appreciate that, and it may be that the blame befalls upon the Bangladeshis but a considerable blame removal is required nonetheless from the PA as it puts into doubt any and all atrocities attributed to the PA by means of pictures.

Unless specific orders can be traced to PA officers to commit these crimes, PA as an institution remains "not guilty".

We know that both sides were involved in massacres. One of my aunt and her husband were brutally murdered for being "Pro-Pakistan" and countless stories exist how so many pro-Pakistani people were victims of violent hate crimes. So pictures can be of anything, there was plenty of massacre blame to go around. It was conveniently mostly put on the Pakistani Army.
You can be obnoxious about it 3 decades later however the discussion here is whether or not such a brutality ever took place. Maybe a handful of non-state sanctioned incidents took place as is the reality of war, that too where nation states are on the brink of getting dismembered.

This picture proves a lot on how deep the propaganda machine runs on the Bangladesh independence.

PA was no saint, but then again that was a different time and much of it is concocted against it anyway.

Why dont we let the ' victim ' decide who did what ?

Its not that BD has ceased to exist or something.

On a side note : Why cant we move on ? What will we ever get by exuming the dead carrying out one post mortem after another only to do so again ?
Very Good step by IA.Even after capturing territory they didn't become lax.
I wonder if Indians check whether anyone is circumcised.

Muslim Bangladeshi were for Liberation and India was helping.

So, do you think that the Bangladeshi who wanted Liberation suddenly grew skin?

Therefore, since that would be an impossibility humanly, would Indian soldiers check for circumcision?
A little fact for Indians which they tend to forget,the Bengali Nationalists killed Unarmed Non Bengalies in large number due to which PA went berserk and start killing them on equal basis. THE infamous OPERATION of 1971 done by PA started after Mukti bahini, was busy in killing the non bengalis in sububs of dhaka and in other cities, were busy in destroying the properties, houses, of the people who opposed them.

The situation in Dhaka in 1971 was same as of the situation of Karachi today
They did but many thing are may be propaganda during war as a psychological warfare and after war for political benefit
Like one issue is exposed about which you were in dark,,, why could not the other incidences that you are MADE TO BELIEVE be lies too...!!!

Photos above are modus-operandi of hindu terrorists NOT of PAK-ARMY,,, this was to set-up Pak Army... & create excuse for india to enter West Pak & turn it into a Na-Pak country...

Apart from knives and machetes its quite hard to imagine hiding firearms used during that time, for example lee enfield rifle.

May be those indians were ferreting for circumcised Muslims to kill them & then photograph them & media would later show them being killed by Pak Army...
It wasn't India's President that said this on 22 February 1971..

Mujib was incorrect. That 3 million is an extremely exaggerated figure. Sadly, it is still being used for propaganda purposes.
Oh brother you have break a long standing idea of mine that only the Pakistani troops did this kind of thing.
But what is confusing how can any one hide any weapons inside a lungi ? so weird Idea by Indian troops .:angry:

well a grenade well may easily go unnoticed by posing of as someones "balls"---a possibity....may be some one already tried that then, thats why such checks may have become necessary
Mujib was incorrect. That 3 million is an extremely exaggerated figure. Sadly, it is still being used for propaganda purposes.

The 3 million and this quote comes from the President of Pakistan Yahya Khan.. Yes, it most likely is exaggerated.
^^ Its all lies and Indian propaganda. Actually the whole 1971 war was a media hoax created by India to deceive the world. Bangladesh came out of nowhere.

Completely true this whole 1971 drama was nothing but a hypothetical war created by India to kill some muslims and insulting the mighty Pakistanis:lol:

Bangladeshi authorities claim that 3 million people were killed, while the Hamoodur Rahman Commission, an official Pakistan Government investigation, put the figure as low as 26,000 civilian casualties. The international media and reference books in English have also published figures which vary greatly from 200,000 to 3,000,000 for Bangladesh as a whole.

1971 Bangladesh atrocities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My point is that there is no clear conclusion as to just how many people died. It is still a controversial matter in Bangladesh.

Here is one article written by a Bangladeshi.
Letter: Mujib's confusion on Bangladeshi deaths | World news | The Guardian
You would think that 40 years after '71 everything there is to be known is known, and that there is no more to uncover. The following picture must be very familiar to all Bangladeshis. It shows a Pakistani soldier checking in the lungi of a man to see whether he is Hindu or Muslim, and if he is Hindu, he will probably be taken away to be killed.


Its a very common image, and is burned into the minds of Bangladeshis as an example of typical Pakistani/Islamic brutality, intolerance and backwardness.

However, the fact is that the picture ISN'T of a Pakistani soldier at all, but an Indian soldier "checking for weapons". The picture is from a book by an Indian photographer called Kishor Parekh, called "Bangladesh- A Brutal Birth"

Kishor Parekh

Now here is the original, undedited photo.

Caption in the book -- "Indian Troops Grimly round up villagers suspected to be Pakistani spies they peer into Lungi in search of weapons."

And, here is another photo of the same scene.

Caption - "...Indian troops grimly round up villagers suspected to be Pakistani spies...The Jawans (soldiers) I was travelling with weren't too gentle: they had suffered casualties..."- Kishor Parekh, Bangladesh War 1971.

Sources: 1. WPPh --> ENTER (World Press Photo)
2. WPPh --> ENTER (World Press Photo)

Hahahaha lovely. :tup:
You would think that 40 years after '71 everything there is to be known is known, and that there is no more to uncover. The following picture must be very familiar to all Bangladeshis. It shows a Pakistani soldier checking in the lungi of a man to see whether he is Hindu or Muslim, and if he is Hindu, he will probably be taken away to be killed.


Its a very common image, and is burned into the minds of Bangladeshis as an example of typical Pakistani/Islamic brutality, intolerance and backwardness.

However, the fact is that the picture ISN'T of a Pakistani soldier at all, but an Indian soldier "checking for weapons". The picture is from a book by an Indian photographer called Kishor Parekh, called "Bangladesh- A Brutal Birth"

Kishor Parekh

Now here is the original, undedited photo.

Caption in the book -- "Indian Troops Grimly round up villagers suspected to be Pakistani spies they peer into Lungi in search of weapons."

And, here is another photo of the same scene.

Caption - "...Indian troops grimly round up villagers suspected to be Pakistani spies...The Jawans (soldiers) I was travelling with weren't too gentle: they had suffered casualties..."- Kishor Parekh, Bangladesh War 1971.

Sources: 1. WPPh --> ENTER (World Press Photo)
2. WPPh --> ENTER (World Press Photo)

Clearly some of these pictures are very disturbing.

I don’t know about Bangladesh but certainly in Pakistan there should be a greater Awareness of the history of Pakistan including the 1971 war. Pictures like these should be put in to the books/newspapers for all to see and think about the stories behind them…

Unfortunately in the schools children are only taught through high school about Bangladesh and that also to a very limited standard e.g. there was a war, people were unhappy and India orchestrated it all from the start.

But at the college level understanding does begin to develop and reasons looked in to for why it happened. (I’m talking about private education in Pak, state schools would differ)

I remember a pukhtoon guy once came on TV interview 15 years ago bragging on about killing Hindu Bangladeshis because he thought they were allied to enemy India and so his company and some paramilitaries showed them no mercy and gunned them all down(not sure if it’s true or not).

Some would argue why should we? Care about this when we are in a lot of problems ourselves and it happened 40 years ago. However I would disagree because if you gonna print books then at least print them right with truth/prospective in it because lies will only make it more harder to justify the wrongs.

No Doubt Atrocities happened from Both Sides but as lonely one has pointed out a Review of All the historical facts surrounding the Actions/controversies Should be Carried out in order to re-examine the evidence more clearly and to heal the peoples misunderstanding of cases such as these.

Bangladeshi used to hate Pakistanis right after the separation however scenario is almost reverse after 40 years. Truth can not not be hidden for eternity. We know who was and is our enemy. Right now Bangladesh biggest enemy is Awami league. Pakistanis are welcome to help us to eliminate the scums once for all. This will be your ultimate revenge for 71.
Bangladeshi used to hate Pakistanis right after the separation however scenario is almost reverse after 40 years. Truth can not not be hidden for eternity. We know who was and is our enemy. Right now Bangladesh biggest enemy is Awami league. Pakistanis are welcome to help us to eliminate the scums once for all. This will be your ultimate revenge for 71.

When did you take a vote to reach this consensus??
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