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Pakistani army started to improve Al Khalid shape close to China 99G

You're giving a tank that barely has enough crew space more armor. and counter measures. I don't know the reason for Pak armies decision for this but it must be economical. In my opinon keeping tanks light is important but have protection is even more of a priority. Either the tank lacks internal space for more machines or having armour is cheaper expeically with the taliban being armed with RPG-7s. The 1500 hp engine if German would cost as much as the tank! Leaves me wondering.
You're giving a tank that barely has enough crew space more armor. and counter measures. I don't know the reason for Pak armies decision for this but it must be economical. In my opinon keeping tanks light is important but have protection is even more of a priority. Either the tank lacks internal space for more machines or having armour is cheaper expeically with the taliban being armed with RPG-7s. The 1500 hp engine if German would cost as much as the tank! Leaves me wondering.

The new tank is not for fighting the taliban, it is for any future Indian misadventure. We have other tanks capable enough to take on the taliban. So don't worry.
agreed sir but we need to take care of indians and also americans from afghan border too and we must improve our air defence capability too becoz americans will launch air attack first
agreed sir but we need to take care of indians and also americans from afghan border too and we must improve our air defence capability too becoz americans will launch air attack first

unless you get a large amount of s-300 class air defenses(or better), it will not be enough to deter a full us air strike, which will be very expensive to say the least. (i say a large amount because if u only had a few then the f-22s will take em out followed by f-16s, f-15s, f-18s)
unless you get a large amount of s-300 class air defenses(or better), it will not be enough to deter a full us air strike, which will be very expensive to say the least. (i say a large amount because if u only had a few then the f-22s will take em out followed by f-16s, f-15s, f-18s)

If this happens (i.e. USA or Israel attacks Pakistan), then Europe will burn. Not only Europe but also USA, Canada, Oz.... all places with large Pakistani and Muslim populations. Not only that but you are also created very bad karma. Keep in mind that a nation and its collective people have an EXTREMELY long memory! Heck, Europeans and Whites still harbor lots of ill feelings and prejudice against nearly ALL "Easterners" because of Mongolian invasion over a thousand years ago!!! Where did you think the derogatory term "Mongrel" came from?.....

Likewise we Chinese and Japanese and Koreans and Vietnamese and Malays and Indonesians and Thais and Cambodians and Laotians and .... have not forgotten what you Europeans and Whites have done (and continue to commit) against us. And it is MUCH WORSE than what the Mongols ever did by thousand fold!!!

And it's not just us Asians (Indians/Paks included), but also Arabs, Africans, Native Americas (both north and south) that you have committed massive human rights abuses (the worst in all of human history) against. Keep that in mind when you open your big mouth and accuse us (instead of yourselves) of "evil", "terorrisms" or "human-rights abuses"!!! :police:
I think the palestinians have just copied the Pakistani al-Khalid. I mean, they even gave it a similar name for gods sake!

Can't they come up with their own name?

Hey, you should take that as a compliment! The Palestinians are looking up to their big brother Pakistan!:pakistan::pakistan:
agreed sir but we need to take care of indians and also americans from afghan border too and we must improve our air defence capability too becoz americans will launch air attack first

Well conventionally we can't go head to head with US, even if we get S-300 type missile system, they have stealth aircraft which have so far no antidote.

In case God forbid a scenario arises that a clash between US & Pakistan is imminent, best option would be to do a guerrilla style warfare, hit & run tactics & try to safe as much assets possible. Go after them in Afghanistan & attack them from behind & front.

But i don't believe such a scenario will come in the near future at least, as US itself is in trouble & has already stretched its troops more then it can.

Allah help us in facing this shaitan.
Hey, you should take that as a compliment! The Palestinians are looking up to their big brother Pakistan!:pakistan::pakistan:

yes. That is machine translation error. you know, in Chinese, the two nation's name of Pakistan and Palestine pronounce really alike.

You see, both of the nation's name in chinese have four characters in which there are three characters are same.

will some one tell me here, the fire power ? and waight of its shell ? (how long AL-Khalid hit can hit, distance)
Sir, the 6TD-3 is said to be a 1,500hp engine, how much more power do you need for next variant of AK ??? :confused:

At what range do the engines hit peak power? The lower the rpm when the power comes on the better. How long can each be run at max power, how many hours between overhauls, fuel consumption, thermal signature, access to parts and spares, ergonomic design and ease of working on it/changing it out, cost per unit to buy vs cost per unit to run....

Picking the right engine is not a simple matter.

For example, lets say both engines have a redline of 5700rpm, but the MTU hits 100% power at 5000RPM and 80% at 4000% while the 6TD-3 hits max power at 5200 and 80% at 4800. The MTU would be a better choice.

What if the MTU would give the tank 2km to the gallon, but the 6TD-3 only gave on average 1.6 km?

What if the 6TD-3 only cost $50,000 USD to buy but will cost another $200,000 over 10 years to keep running and the MTU costs $125,000 to buy but only another $70,000 over the next 10 years.

See how many factors are at work.
Well conventionally we can't go head to head with US, even if we get S-300 type missile system, they have stealth aircraft which have so far no antidote.

In case God forbid a scenario arises that a clash between US & Pakistan is imminent, best option would be to do a guerrilla style warfare, hit & run tactics & try to safe as much assets possible. Go after them in Afghanistan & attack them from behind & front.

But i don't believe such a scenario will come in the near future at least, as US itself is in trouble & has already stretched its troops more then it can.

Allah help us in facing this shaitan.

Even with their superior technology, US is biting dust in Afghanistan just like the Soviets.
Soviets with their 500,000 troops were beaten, do you think US with their Coalition of 150,000 troops would do anything substantial.
Critics say fall of Soviet Union was due to factors unrelated like economy, etc. I'd ask is US economy any better?
What I've concluded is if your spirit is unbreakable than nothing (technologically) is insurmountable. And the Americans know this too. Food crisis, electricity, gas, water, bombs, ethic strife are just one of their many tools to break the spirit of Pakistani people.

May Allah be with us. Keep the flag high.... :pakistan:

PS. Pardon me for digressing from subject.
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I'd ask is US economy any better?

yes, becuase its nit centrally controlled.Although if Obama gets his way that might change.

What I've concluded is if your spirit is unbreakable than nothing (technologically) is insurmountable. And the Americans know this too. Food crisis, electricity, gas, water, bombs, ethic strife are just one of their many tools to break the spirit of Pakistani people.

Breaking a peoples will is easy- kill them faster than they can breed or starve their children. Peo[ple are people, apply enough pressure and they will do what you want and beg you to allow them to do it.

The US isn't out to break Pakistan, the last thing we want is another Afghanistan, Sudan or other failed Islamic state providing a base of operations for jihadist, giving them a stockpile of advanced weapons and cutting our supply lines to Afghanistan.

May Allah be with us. Keep the flag high.... :pakistan:

PS. Pardon me for digressing from subject.

your claiming God for Pakistan, the Taliban claims it for their side- is God engaged in a civil war?
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