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Pakistani-American arrested in Times Square bomb plot



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Apr 11, 2010
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Pakistani-American arrested in Times Square bomb plot

NEW YORK: US police arrested a Pakistani-American in the Times Square bomb plot as he tried to board a New York-Dubai flight, and investigators said Tuesday the wide-ranging probe was extending overseas.

US authorities identified the suspect as Faisal Shahzad, a US citizen born in Pakistan.

Attorney General Eric Holder, announcing the arrest, said the probe was ongoing and was seeking information on “overseas” terrorist groups.

“Mr. Shahzad, an American citizen, was taken into custody at JFK Airport in New York as he attempted to board a flight to Dubai,” Holder told a hastily called news conference in Washington after midnight.

News reports said the suspect, aged 30, lived in Connecticut and had recently returned from a five-month trip to Pakistan and the city of Peshawar, a known jumping off point for Al-Qaeda and Taliban recruits.

CNN reported the suspect was on the plane with a likely final destination of Pakistan when authorities halted the aircraft and arrested him.

Emirates Airlines said meanwhile that three passengers were removed from the New York-Dubai flight.

It said the flight “was called back by the local authorities prior to departure. Three passengers were removed from the flight.”

In Islamabad, Pakistan pledged cooperation with US officials.

“Pakistan and the US have ongoing, robust cooperation on counter-terrorism. If required, we will extend fullest cooperation to US,” a senior government official said.

In New York, a statement from law enforcement officials said the suspect was taken into custody around 11:45 pm Monday “for allegedly driving a car bomb into Times Square on the evening of May 1, 2010” but gave no specifics on charges.

In the early morning hours Tuesday, the FBI searched a home in Bridgeport, Connecticut as part of the probe.

“The search is related to the Times Square investigation,” FBI special agent Kim Mertz said.

“The search is complete and the public is safe.”

New York officials said carnage was narrowly avoided Saturday when the car bomb parked near the theatre staging “The Lion King” musical failed to go off.

Police shut down entire blocks, evacuating thousands and preventing many tourists from getting back to their hotels or to Broadway shows.

Authorities offered few other details but said the investigation into the attempted attack late Saturday was being pursued on several fronts.

“This investigation is ongoing, it is multi-faceted, and it is aggressive,” Holder said.

Holder said of the attempted attack that it was “clear that the intent behind this terrorist act was to kill Americans.”

The man was to appear later Tuesday to face “formal charges,” which were not specified, the statement from law enforcement said.

Earlier in the day, New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said more than one person may have been involved but could offer no specifics.

Representative Peter King, the ranking Republican on the House Homeland Security Committee, said the investigation “is taking a definite turn toward international terrorism.”

One possible indication of jihadist links is the similarity of the botched bombing to a failed double car bomb attempt in London's entertainment districts in 2007.

ABC News reported that Shahzad, a naturalised American citizen, had recently returned from a five-month trip to Pakistan.

ABC said officials tracked Shahzad over two days using evidence found in the Nissan Pathfinder left at the scene and the unexploded bomb components.

According to authorities, Shahzad bought the vehicle one week before the bombing attempt, paying 1,300 dollars in cash for the vehicle in 100 bills, the network said.

Police recovered evidence from the Nissan sport utility vehicle and its rudimentary bomb consisting of timers, wires, fireworks, gasoline, propane tanks and fertiliser.

New York has been on constant watch for potential attacks since the September 11, 2001, airliner attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center, killing almost 3,000 people.

So far, the only group to claim responsibility for the would-be bombing is the Pakistani militant group Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).

This was quickly dismissed by Bloomberg and Kelly. However, a video emerged showing Pakistani Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud — reported to have been killed months ago — vowing to attack major US cities.

DAWN.COM | World | Pakistani-American arrested in Times Square bomb plot
Pakistan arrests relatives of NY bomb suspect

KARACHI: In the wake of the arrest of a US citizen of Pakistani origin in the United States, Pakistani law-enforcement agencies swung into action here on Tuesday and picked up two suspects – a friend and the father-in-law of Faisal Shahzad.
The friend Tausef and father-in-law Iftikhar Mian were picked up by intelligence personnel from a house in Block N, North Nazimabad, sources privy to the development told Dawn.

According to the sources, Faisal’s immediate family, his wife Huma Mian and two children are also in Pakistan, but it could not be confirmed if his wife has also been detained.

The sources said that Faisal Shahzad had come to Karachi in 2009. He is son of Air Vice Marshal (retd) Baharul Haq, who retired in early 90’s. Later, he got a senior post in the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and his family moved to Karachi, the sources said.

Air Vice Marshal (retd) Baharul Haq has two sons. The elder son is settled in Canada.

Faisal had been living in the US. His father lives in Hayatabad area of Peshawar.

Local police officials, however, expressed disassociation with the developments and said they had not received any orders in connection with Faisal Shahzad.

“We didn’t get any order, but at our end we have collected information which confirms that a young man by the name of Faisal Shahzad did arrive in Karachi in April 2009 and left in August the same year. We have received information that some of his relatives live somewhere in North Nazimabad and police are trying to locate the house,” Capital City Police Chief Waseem Ahmed told Dawn.

Faisal Ali adds from Lahore: Police, with the help of intelligence personnel, picked up a few suspects from different parts of Punjab in connection with the recovery of explosives from a vehicle in New York.

Informed sources in the Punjab police told Dawn that the arrests had been made in Lahore and Rawalpindi.

Pakistan assures US of full cooperation

The government on Tuesday assured the United States it would fully cooperate in the investigation into a botched terrorist attempt at Times Square allegedly by Faisal Shahzad, an American citizen of Pakistani origin.

The assurance was given to US Ambassador Anne W. Patterson who visited the Foreign Office.

However, Interior Minister Rehman Malik said that the US authorities had not made any request to Pakistani authorities about information relating to Faisal Shahzad.

“We are receiving sketchy information about the suspect through media. Until and unless we are provided proper information through proper channels, I cannot verify the involvement of any Pakistani citizen in the New York attack plot,” he told media at the Parliament House.

The minister made it clear that Pakistan would extend full cooperation to US authorities if they sought any help.

“Let me reiterate the strong resolve of Pakistan that no one would be allowed to use Pakistani soil for terrorism in any part of the world,” he said.

Mr Malik said the move could be a conspiracy hatched against Pakistan with nefarious designs. However, he said if any Pakistani was found involved in any act of terrorism, strict action would be taken against him.

DAWN.COM | Front Page | Pakistan arrests relatives of NY bomb suspect
Huh there is a similar thread which started much earlier.where were you??

and whats with the tags which is along with the thread??
NY bomb probe takes new turn; man of Pak origin held

NEW YORK/WASHINGTON: “We will not be terrorised,” declared US President Barack Obama on Tuesday as American authorities announced the arrest of a Pakistani-American in connection with the failed car bomb attack in New York’s Times Square.
The suspect, a 30-year old Pakistan-born US citizen, Faisal Shahzad, appeared in a Federal Court in Manhattan on Tuesday afternoon to face charges on his alleged involvement in the botched car-bombing.

“We anticipate charging him with an act of terrorism transcending national borders, attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction, use of a destructive device during the commission of another crime, and explosives charges,” US Attorney General Eric Holder told reporters.

“Justice will be done, and we will continue to do everything in our power to protect the American people,” said President Obama.

“We will protect and defend the country we love to ensure a safe and prosperous future for our people. That’s what I intend to do as president and that’s what we will do as a nation.”

Mr Obama also vowed not to allow terrorists to intimidate Americans.

“As Americans and as a nation we will not be terrorised. We will not cower in fear,” he said at the start of a speech to the US Business Council. “We will not be intimidated.”

Mr Obama noted that the attack was thwarted by “ordinary citizens” who were vigilant and reported suspicious activity, and by authorities who did what they were trained to do.

“This incident is another sobering reminder of the times in which we live,” he said.

“Around the world and here at home there are those who would attack our citizens and who would slaughter innocent men, women and children in pursuit of their murderous agenda. They will stop at nothing to kill and disrupt our way of life.”

Earlier on Tuesday, the White House said President Obama had been briefed six times on Monday by his homeland security adviser, John Brennan, about the investigation. Mr Brennan notified him of the arrest of Faisal Shahzad just after midnight.

Attorney General Holder said that Faisal, a resident of Bridgeport, Connecticut, was arrested on Monday night at New York’s JFK Airport as he attempted to board a flight to Dubai.

“Over the course of the day (Monday), we had gathered significant additional evidence that led to tonight’s arrest,” Mr Holder said.

Faisal was already aboard Emirates flight 202 when a US Department of Homeland Security team identified him as the man who had parked an explosive-laden SUV in Times Square on Saturday. The vehicle was rigged with a crude propane-and-gasoline bomb.

Officials called the plane back. All of the passengers were taken off, and they, their luggage and the Boeing 777 were screened before the flight was allowed to depart, about seven hours late, at 6:29 a.m. It was not immediately known when Faisal had bought his ticket. Emirates said in a statement that a total of three passengers were removed from the plane.

The other two Pakistanis were apparently held because their names resembled Faisal’s. They were released after interrogation.

Attorney General Holder also indicated working with Pakistani authorities to trace others who might have been involved in the bombing plot.

“We are coordinating with other members of the President’s national security team to ensure we use every resource available to the United States to bring anyone responsible to justice,” he said.

The US president’s office has apparently been involved to expedite cooperation with Pakistani intelligence agencies.

“Based on what we know so far, it is clear that this was a terrorist plot aimed at murdering Americans in one of the busiest places in this country,” said Mr Holder.

“We believe this suspected terrorist fashioned a bomb from rudimentary ingredients, placed it in a rusty SUV and drove it into Times Square with the intent to kill as many innocent tourists and theatre-goers as possible,” he said.

“Make no mistake – although this car bomb failed to properly detonate – this plot was a serious attempt. If successful, it could have resulted in a lethal terrorist attack causing death and destruction in the heart of New York City.”

In December 1998, Faisal received an F-1 student visa. Immigration officials noted then that there was “no derogatory information” on him in any database.

He first attended Southeastern University in Washington, DC, and then transferred in 2000 to the University of Bridgeport, Connecticut, where he received a B.A. in computer science and engineering.

In April, 2002, he was granted an H1-B visa for skilled workers; he stayed in the US for three years on that visa and gained an M.B.A. It is not clear what company sponsored the visa, which is used to attract workers with a “specialty occupation”, such as information technology.

Then on October 20, 2008, he reported his marriage to a woman he identified as Huma Asif Mian, an American citizen. He became a naturalised US citizen on April 17, 2009.

Database information indicates shortly after Faisal became a naturalised American citizen, he travelled to the United Arab Emirates. He previously left the United States on June 2, 2009, aboard Emirates Flight 204 for Dubai, and last entered the US on Feb. 3, 2010, aboard Emirates Flight 201.

US counter-terrorism experts say Faisal’s travels raise questions about possible ties to international terrorists, but officials still have not established any firm links to Al Qaeda or any other terror group.

Investigators say Faisal has known connections in Pakistan, but the nature of those connections – whether they are family, friends or individuals associated with a terrorist group – remains unclear.

At least two videos have surfaced showing leaders of the Pakistani Taliban claiming responsibility for the attempted bombing. Those claims were initially dismissed, but a Pakistani government official told reporters that US intelligence officials had been in contact with their Pakistani counterparts as part of the ongoing investigation.

Apparently, Faisal was at his apartment in Connecticut on Monday night when details began leaking in the media that the FBI was looking for a Pakistani-American. This prompted him to try and run, although it is still unclear when he purchased his ticket to Pakistan via Dubai.

“He’s admitted to buying the truck, putting the devices together, putting them in the truck, leaving the truck there and leaving the scene,” a US law-enforcement official told reporters.

“He’s claimed to have acted alone. He did admit to all the charges, so to speak,” the source said, adding that investigators were still looking into his activities during a recent trip to Pakistan.

Faisal reportedly told interrogators that he learned bomb-making at a camp in North Waziristan during a recent five-month trip to Pakistan.

When asked to comment on the reported admission, Attorney General Holder characterised the botched attack as one that “transcended national borders”.

DAWN.COM | Front Page | NY bomb probe takes new turn; man of Pakistan origin held
Huh there is a similar thread which started much earlier.where were you??

and whats with the tags which is along with the thread??

Well he is an Indian and that too from Bharat Rickshaw or rakshaw or whatever it is.
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