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Pakistan Zindabad' Slogans Raised At AIMIM Rally In Lucknow

Trust me bro, you don't have convince me of their hatred , met a nice Indian Christian from Kerela in UAE back in 2011 , love that guy he was very friendly, I even talked to his kids once while i was there . I must say these Kerlen Christians may surprise you .
Kerala's Christians and Hindus, no problem. Sanghis are the real problem. Kerala Hindus even don't have any problem with beef. They eat it.

Yaaaar Jews are not bad, Zionist are .. Jews are closest to Muslims compared to Christianity, they lived under Islam for centuries , this hatred started by Zionist , American and even many of Israeli Jews don't agree with their own govt and how they treat the Palestinians .
I meant Zionists. So when I talk about Hindus, it is specifically for Indian sanghis, and Jews means Zionists.
Kerala's Christians and Hindus, no problem. Sanghis are the real problem. Kerala Hindus even don't have any problem with beef. They eat it.

Never Interacted with South side Hindu, but met few Indian Muslims , they are indeed pathetic .. I am glad my grand parents took the right decision to move here, or else we would also be so full of Shit .
Kerala's Christians and Hindus, no problem. Sanghis are the real problem. Kerala Hindus even don't have any problem with beef. They eat it.

I meant Zionists. So when I talk about Hindus, it is specifically for Indian sanghis, and Jews means Zionists.
It's as good idea to be specific and it's a mistake many people make. I can leave one open to the charge of anti semitism rather than be seen as anti Israel.
Azadi ka matlab kia, La Ilaha Ilallah !!

Do not forget to wear weird clown pyjamas when you go out demanding a country which has been demanded and given 72 years ago.

Good luck
Azadi ka matlab kia, La Ilaha Ilallah !!

Do not forget to wear weird clown pyjamas when you go out demanding a country which has been demanded and given 72 years ago.

Good luck

I'm from Lucknow, am a Hindu with most of my best friends being Muslim.

Trust me none of friends will prefer Pakistan over India, we have our issues in India for sure but still a lot better than Pakistan in same sense.

IMHO all these issues are only due to the historic mistake of partition, unnecessary wars, unnecessarily millions dying due to violence in migration, and for what, aren't there segetarian issues in Pakistan with Punjabi dominating other states, are minorities not having issues in Pakistan as well as in India? Ahmedi's facing procecution, Hindu and Christians facing hatred etc.

20% of Indians are Muslims, if we take whole subcontinent the number must be around 40% right? That would have been good, Muslims must have had greater say in politics and the balance would have been there.

Then we could have seen great harmony, without all these religion based issues.

Obviously you might not like it as you have grown in Pakistan with Pakistan nationalism, like I have grown in India with Indian nationalism. Many Indians consider all our problems due to Pakistan and vice versa, reality is all our problems are our own. Politicians are of pootlr quality.

A United country let's not even call it India or Pakistan or Bangladesh, let's call it United Country. ( UC )

UC would have been true competitor of China and true super power in the world, neither India nor Pakistan nor Bangladesh can come close.

But being born in this house or the other is just a matter of chance. Are we so different after all?
I'm from Lucknow, am a Hindu with most of my best friends being Muslim.

Trust me none of friends will prefer Pakistan over India, we have our issues in India for sure but still a lot better than Pakistan in same sense.

IMHO all these issues are only due to the historic mistake of partition, unnecessary wars, unnecessarily millions dying due to violence in migration, and for what, aren't there segetarian issues in Pakistan with Punjabi dominating other states, are minorities not having issues in Pakistan as well as in India? Ahmedi's facing procecution, Hindu and Christians facing hatred etc.

20% of Indians are Muslims, if we take whole subcontinent the number must be around 40% right? That would have been good, Muslims must have had greater say in politics and the balance would have been there.

Then we could have seen great harmony, without all these religion based issues.

Obviously you might not like it as you have grown in Pakistan with Pakistan nationalism, like I have grown in India with Indian nationalism. Many Indians consider all our problems due to Pakistan and vice versa, reality is all our problems are our own. Politicians are of pootlr quality.

A United country let's not even call it India or Pakistan or Bangladesh, let's call it United Country. ( UC )

UC would have been true competitor of China and true super power in the world, neither India nor Pakistan nor Bangladesh can come close.

But being born in this house or the other is just a matter of chance. Are we so different after all?
Not interested. If 60% of "UC" population rejects its Mughal past and tries to justify erasing them from history, then this UC can go *uc* itself.
So many Pakistanis here calling Indian Muslims names just because they are patriotic Indians. Why do you guys have a problem with that? Indian Muslims being patriotic to India also means that India has done a good job of integrating and making them comfortable right? Or are you guys just jealous?

I know someone will immediately point out cow lynching/Babri Masji/Gujarat riots, etc. But let me remind you that majority of Indian Muslims are unaffected by these events.

Like all other Indians, the most important thing for all Indian Muslims is that they are Indian first and then Muslim. Like all other Indian Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, Jews, Parsis, Hindus, etc. We are all Indian first, our religion comes later.
I'm from Lucknow, am a Hindu with most of my best friends being Muslim.

Trust me none of friends will prefer Pakistan over India, we have our issues in India for sure but still a lot better than Pakistan in same sense.

IMHO all these issues are only due to the historic mistake of partition, unnecessary wars, unnecessarily millions dying due to violence in migration, and for what, aren't there segetarian issues in Pakistan with Punjabi dominating other states, are minorities not having issues in Pakistan as well as in India? Ahmedi's facing procecution, Hindu and Christians facing hatred etc.

20% of Indians are Muslims, if we take whole subcontinent the number must be around 40% right? That would have been good, Muslims must have had greater say in politics and the balance would have been there.

Then we could have seen great harmony, without all these religion based issues.

Obviously you might not like it as you have grown in Pakistan with Pakistan nationalism, like I have grown in India with Indian nationalism. Many Indians consider all our problems due to Pakistan and vice versa, reality is all our problems are our own. Politicians are of pootlr quality.

A United country let's not even call it India or Pakistan or Bangladesh, let's call it United Country. ( UC )

UC would have been true competitor of China and true super power in the world, neither India nor Pakistan nor Bangladesh can come close.

But being born in this house or the other is just a matter of chance. Are we so different after all?

Actually yes we are. Its the soil which bears the fruit that shapes the people.

Giving people basic human rights is not a matter of chance but a matter of choice.

Lynching people for their beliefs is not a matter of chance its a matter of choice.

There is no such racism in Pakistan. Punjab is an administrative unit of the country where abundance of food allows for a greater population to thrive.

However friendly banter between the different ethnic and lingual groups is a hallmark that inclusive living has created a tolerant vibrant mixed culture where boundaries are known and respected.

However Lucknow lies on the edge of the cow belt and the city has taken advantage of industrialisation effort as one of my Lakhnavi friend pressed to me during one of our last sit downs in Southern Europe two summers ago.

How much are muslims in lucknow demographically? Less than 5 percent?

Pakistan did not come into existence to fall back under oppression of numerals.
I have been saying for years .... muslims need another homeland in India... time to divide India
I have been saying for years .... muslims need another homeland in India... time to divide India
Same things people will say for sub sects division has no limit.

Time for baloch to divide. Sab stupidity hai

Not interested. If 60% of "UC" population rejects its Mughal past and tries to justify erasing them from history, then this UC can go *uc* itself.

What, have you read our history books, so many chapters are given to Mughals, you must be misinformed, we cherish our past Hindu or Muslim.

Of you come to central Delhi there are so many roads after Mughals, not just Mughals we cherish slave dyansty, siri, almost all Muslim rulers, except a few like aurangzeb, he is ajao taught though.
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