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Sep 20, 2014
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"The Ministry of Defence will stand by the Army. We have to work together with the Jammu and Kashmir government," Nirmala Sitharaman said.

JAMMU: With two terror strikes on security forces in Jammu and Kashmir in two days, Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman today said Pakistan will "pay".

"I wouldn't certainly state a timeline (for action against Pakistan). But will say this, Pakistan will pay for this misadventure. I repeat, Pakistan will pay for it," Ms Sitharaman said, triggering speculation about another possible strike against terror camps across the Line of Control, as happened after the 2016 terror attack on the army camp at Uri.

"The Ministry of Defence will stand by the Army. We have to work together with the Jammu and Kashmir government," the minister said.

On Saturday, one of the deadliest terror attacks took place in Sunjuwan army camp in Jammu and Kashmir, in which five army personnel and a civilian died. Ten people including six women and children, were injured. The police said terrorists of Jaish-e Mohammad were involved, who were killed after a nearly 36-hour operation.

Another suicide attack on a CRPF camp in the heart of Srinagar was repulsed this morning.

In a scathing attack on Pakistan, the minister said the neighbouring state has not taken any action "despite dossier after dossier given to them... In fact those responsible for Mumbai terror attack are freely roaming in Pakistan".


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Increase security at Afghan border, there is a possibility of attacks on schools. Indian vassal in Afghanistan are quite good at killing school children.
"The Ministry of Defence will stand by the Army. We have to work together with the Jammu and Kashmir government," Nirmala Sitharaman said.

JAMMU: With two terror strikes on security forces in Jammu and Kashmir in two days, Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman today said Pakistan will "pay".

"I wouldn't certainly state a timeline (for action against Pakistan). But will say this, Pakistan will pay for this misadventure. I repeat, Pakistan will pay for it," Ms Sitharaman said, triggering speculation about another possible strike against terror camps across the Line of Control, as happened after the 2016 terror attack on the army camp at Uri.

"The Ministry of Defence will stand by the Army. We have to work together with the Jammu and Kashmir government," the minister said.

On Saturday, one of the deadliest terror attacks took place in Sunjuwan army camp in Jammu and Kashmir, in which five army personnel and a civilian died. Ten people including six women and children, were injured. The police said terrorists of Jaish-e Mohammad were involved, who were killed after a nearly 36-hour operation.

Another suicide attack on a CRPF camp in the heart of Srinagar was repulsed this morning.

In a scathing attack on Pakistan, the minister said the neighbouring state has not taken any action "despite dossier after dossier given to them... In fact those responsible for Mumbai terror attack are freely roaming in Pakistan".


Normal indian trait. Talk big, blow a lot of hot air but do nothing in real life. Keep talking but doing nothing. The true indian way. I am perfectly happy with this arrangement.............:lol:
"I wouldn't certainly state a timeline (for action against Pakistan). But will say this, Pakistan will pay for this misadventure"

These kind of statements mean .... we cant do sh!t about it .... par choronga nai tujhay.....
sometimes it makes me wonder a nation of 1+ billoin ...who aspires to become a super power ... is so overly obseesed with a nation not a seventh of its size!
the last time they said something like this, APS happened
we should be extra alert and vigilant
they dont have even the basic amount of humanity and shame, and they will attack school children without a second thought
Hopefully, Pak has made it amply clear: Pak soft targets = Indian hard targets. KADER wants some folks always to play hard ball...
Wah aunty ji.
Modi will call Trump and raise the issue.

anything happens in Afghanistan, Blame Pakistan, anything in India or illegally occupied Kashmir, blame Pakistan. Looks like Pakistan is more powerful then both, without claiming taking care of two super powers and they are crying.
That is obvious.
It would either be a covert operation by RAW via Afghanistan or a direct ation by Indian Army like surgical strikes.

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