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Pakistan will 'discontinue' talks with US this month if asked to 'do more' to combat terror

CPEC is just a card for US to play to black mail or leverage the support they needed but shutup call from CHina makes it irrelevant

Pakistan should also issue an unequivocal shut up call to USA on CPEC and Do More.
Tillerson boss is Trump. Trumps has cast doubts on his own Secretary of State. This is so against any management rules that as a boss you cant and should not doubt or question your subordinates in public.

America is run by Trump. And Trump has inflicted damage to America's reputation that USA's worst enemies could have wished for. Trump is running America like any so called democratically elected Third World leader. Of all people, his daughter and son in law are running his foreign policy.

This is how much America is to be taken seriously right now.

Trump policy in Afghanistan is knee jerk. In all 15 years and three Presidents, USA has not even tried to understand regional dynamics and how to find a political solution to a political problem in Afghanistan. For America, US military and its military industry run every policy. Military intervention is not solution to everything unless that intervention was not
meant to win a war but to set up a foothold in strategic region.
Tillerson boss is Trump. Trumps has cast doubts on his own Secretary of State. This is so against any management rules that as a boss you cant and should not doubt or question your subordinates in public.

America is run by Trump. And Trump has inflicted damage to America's reputation that USA's worst enemies could have wished for. Trump is running America like any so called democratically elected Third World leader. Of all people, his daughter and son in law are running his foreign policy.

This is how much America is to be taken seriously right now.

Trump policy in Afghanistan is knee jerk. In all 15 years and three Presidents, USA has not even tried to understand regional dynamics and how to find a political solution to a political problem in Afghanistan. For America, US military and its military industry run every policy. Military intervention is not solution to everything unless that intervention was not
meant to win a war but to set up a foothold in strategic region.
Do you actually believe what u just said or are u bieng funny....
Elahamdulillah!!! Free at last, free at last......

Free but not out of woods....
Tree of freedom needs blood9f martyrs... there are wars in future... not imminent may b but in future
Such as what can be leveraged

here you are wrong

What can US do about stopping CPEC? Not much. What alternative does Pakistan have to CPEC? Nothing. It's fully vested. US hasn't said much about CPEC at all except for a single comment by Secretary of Defense Mattis, answering a question from a US Senate Committee.
What can US do about stopping CPEC? Not much. What alternative does Pakistan have to CPEC? Nothing. It's fully vested. US hasn't said much about CPEC at all except for a single comment by Secretary of Defense Mattis, answering a question from a US Senate Committee.

But aim is cpec not Afghanistan...3000 extra troops and frequently bombing Afghan national army is not going to win Afghanistan... also diverting blame is not a winning strategy... there is a different fish to fry here
Senate Committe is an important institute and some how it reflects the mood , the point you mentioned here that what US can do there are already many wonders which US has done e.g recent referndum in Kurdish lands , Spain/France catalina issue so list goes on and one one has to be careful as you dont want US enemy or Ally
What can US do about stopping CPEC? Not much. What alternative does Pakistan have to CPEC? Nothing. It's fully vested. US hasn't said much about CPEC at all except for a single comment by Secretary of Defense Mattis, answering a question from a US Senate Committee.
US's desire to inject India in Afghanistan would be detrimental: Pakistan PM


Well no foreign policy discussion can take place till conclusion of 2018 election , general election

a) New Government will form a new Cabinet and people woud be selected to forge a new foreign policy

b) Between now October 2017 and May 2018 , it is not suitable time from Pakistan's prespective to discuss becasue we have no policy in place to base our discussion on .

c) CPEC is a bilateral deal between China/Pakistan which is not going to change as both nations have comitted Strong military defence pact against any disruption for that project

Between now 2017, October and May 2018 , Trump is invited to write an Essay about what he wants to discuss with Pakistan and he should perhaps send us a plan for visiting Pakistan
on a formal visit by plane. Once he is in Pakistan I am sure we can discuss various matters face to face.

Now if USA wants to invest 10 Billion in Economic center , may be move few auto manufacturing plants in Pakistan etc Talking business yea it would make sense to have this discussion After May 2018

Expected words we want to hear (From Pakistan's Prespective) :

1- We would like to open a branch for GM motors in Pakistan (Great)

2- We would like to open perhaps a food supermarket retail branch (Great)
3- US business and Commerce minister wants to expand products in Pakistan (Great)
4- Trump would like to build the next big Ammusement park in Gawadar or Karachi
5- US electronics seek a presence in Pakistani market
6- May be NFL wants to do a promotional game in Pakistan (Yeah why not?)
7- US companies would like to overhaul our railways end to end

Talk Trade and Business , don't expect us to disrupt our existing Business alliances
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