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Pakistan will continue busting CIA rings: Shuja Pasha to the US


Mar 24, 2006
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Pakistan will continue busting private CIA rings, Pasha to tell US – The Express Tribune

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s top spy chief is purportedly going to give the following message to his American counterpart in Washington: yes to formalised anti-terror cooperation, no to private CIA network.

Chief of Pakistan’s premier spy agency, the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), Lt-Gen Ahmed Shuja Pasha was due to meet acting CIA Director Michael Morell on Wednesday.

The decision to send Pasha to Washington was reportedly taken at the corps commanders’ meeting on Wednesday, a day after US central command head Gen James Mattis met with top military officials, including the Army chief Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

Sources add that the new US head for international forces in Afghanistan Lt-Gen John Allen is arriving in Islamabad on Thursday.

The flurry of meetings between top military and intelligence officials from Pakistan and the US are seen as fresh efforts to salvage their ‘shaky’ war on terror alliance after a series of setbacks in recent months.

Hectic efforts are being undertaken both in Islamabad and Washington to rescue their relations from the brink of collapse.

No to ‘private network’

The back-to-back meetings of military and intelligence officials follow the US administration’s decision earlier this week to withhold $800 million in military aid to punish Pakistan’s security establishment for expelling several dozen alleged American spies operating in the country.

Top Pakistani military commanders on Wednesday said they would use their own resources to carry forward the war on terror in what appeared to be a ‘mild but defiant’ snub to Washington’s move.

According to senior intelligence officials here, Pasha would tell the American spy chief that the ISI has no objection to anti-terror cooperation between the two agencies but would never tolerate a private ‘network’ the CIA is secretly maintaining in Pakistan.

“We are willing to cooperate with CIA in war on terror … but there is no room for a private network. That is our position and we are going to stick to that,” said an official, giving a hint of what would be discussed during Pasha’s interaction with the Americans.

The Pakistani military has been in the process of busting what is described as an underground human network the US established over the past decade.

These local individuals associated with the CIA are believed to have played a critical role in a secret manhunt that led up to the unilateral raid in which bin Laden was killed.

The US administration has been pushing Pakistani spy agencies to release at least several hundred people who were part of the CIA network and the issue is likely to feature during Pasha’s meetings as well.

But officials here said they believed the decision to dismantle these private clusters was final and there won’t be any second thoughts.
Salvaging US support

The decision to send Pasha to the US was apparently taken at the corps commanders’ meeting on Wednesday because the military still considers American financial support vital for their war on terror campaign.

Experts believe Pakistani military’s policy of still continuing the war on terror cooperation with the US emanates from fears that Washington might keep them out of the loop on any endgame in Afghanistan.
American troops start their partial withdrawal from Afghanistan in a month’s time.

There were already signs of Pak-US cooperation getting back on track when Gen Kayani visited the embattled Mohmand tribal region on Wednesday where more than a thousand terrorists surrendered to political authorities.

Local operational commanders also informed the army chief that seven factories of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) in the border area were destroyed by troops after being tipped of by US intelligence.

Releasing the doctor

Washington is pressing Islamabad to release a doctor – said to have helped in tracking Bin Laden using DNA samples – in the wake of bitter diplomatic relations, the Guardian reported.

Dr Shakir Afirdi is being held by ISI after it discovered that he was recruited by the CIA for carrying out a fake vaccination programme in Abbottabad, trying to track down al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden.

According to the report published earlier in the Guardian, Afridi, a senior government employee, was initially taken into custody in Peshawar but may have been transferred to Islamabad.

Pakistani and US officials say that American authorities are trying to rescue the Pakistani doctor, his wife and children, and take them to the US.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 14th, 2011.

Not to sound too much like a political sloganeer, but...

"Kadam barhao, Pak Fauj, sab tumhare saath hain!"
If he does that, I'll be impressed. Haven't had this much talk about secret agencies busting each other since the cold war ended.
I hope you know Pasha sahab, the Pakistani people & the Pakistani nation are by your side, & will fully support you. We need to encourage the initiatives for peace with India, resolve our problems, & root out the imperialistic instigators that want to divide & destroy us.
He know it Sir that is why he is taking stand against America Pakistanis and Muslims should unite together to teach United Snakes of America a great lesson or keep getting killed
What was the requirement of Gen Pasha to go the US to tell them that the CIA rings will be busted?

One does not go to the US for fun or to tell them off.

And given the way the dignitaries hotfoot to the US after every crisis and this time it is cutting of US military aid, does appear that they are either called to the US or go their to plead Pakistan's case.

It is all smoke and mirrors!
What was the requirement of Gen Pasha to go the US to tell them that the CIA rings will be busted?

One does not go to the US for fun or to tell them off.

And given the way the dignitaries hotfoot to the US after every crisis and this time it is cutting of US military aid, does appear that they are either called to the US or go their to plead Pakistan's case.

It is all smoke and mirrors!

very true, I mean just think he is going on a emergency visit to USA, just to tell them this ?? while the Corps Commander meeting suggests drone shall not be tolerated and the moment they give a press release the moment they rain with missiles and kill 40 plus civilians !!

moreover, if Pakistan has taken up the stand, then it must be them coming to us, rather than we running to them !!

however, things would be negotiated, working relationship is required and in interest of both sides... and both sides know this very well. I am pretty sure Pakistan is in a much better position now...
SLAMABAD: Pakistan’s top spy chief is purportedly going to give the following message to his American counterpart in Washington: yes to formalised anti-terror cooperation, no to private CIA network.

It is easy to predict what USA will reply to his message, formalized anti-terror co operation = advance notice to terrorists about the operations and they will show satellite videos of insurgents leaving explosive factory before the operation.

It is interesting to know the outcome of the meeting
i think he is not there for only this purpose. but
he is there to tell them now things wont work like it worked for them an year ago.
and to bring all the secret thing , or agents on paper and in knowledge of ISI.
It is easy to predict what USA will reply to his message, formalized anti-terror co operation = advance notice to terrorists about the operations and they will show satellite videos of insurgents leaving explosive factory before the operation.

It is interesting to know the outcome of the meeting
Bhati's wont stop spitting in any of the pakistani matter.
What ever Pakistan does on the WOT, please be sure that you dont go on a 90 degree policy change, as it will affect Pakistan more than anyone else. to uplift Pakistan's image and stability continue your part of WOT and finish of the war step by step.
Assalam alaikum

I hope pakistan doesnot accept american's conditions and even if we r in bad shape ( though i think if we stay away from american demands will do us good ) still we should not let them treat us like that is has to stop someday why not now? All the nation is behind this decision and this should give them confidence and i hope they won't sell them cheaply again


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