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'Pakistan will address Indian missile test at international level'

Seriously ?? Did we just broke some international rule ??

Another futile effort in offing for Pakistan .From when did right to defend against offence became immoral or unethical ?? They won't get anything from raising it in international forums instead their interests would be better served if they lobby in Russia against S-400 deal with India or still better if they themselves test some defensive systems . :lol:

I see !! you have bigger balls than your COAS or just he happens to know his country's limits better than you ?? :rofl:

Lobby in russia ?
That is a new term i have ever heard.

Even they know they have better chance of sending a manned probe onto mars than lobby in russia against weapons meant for india. lol
Aziz uncle needs to relax bichara needless stress kartai hai
it will disturb the balance of power in the region

What Balance is he Talking about ?
Truth is : China > India > Pakistan

They can book cheaper flight tickets here, for their international travels. :lol:
Lobby in russia ?
That is a new term i have ever heard.

Even they know they have better chance of sending a manned probe onto mars than lobby in russia against weapons meant for india. lol

The economic gap between India and pak to which pakistanis are totally oblivion to (thanks to jf17 wonder) will begin to show on ground as well, militarily.
There shouldn't be no surprise. Those 40 billion plus dollars every year are going to make some noise nonetheless.

BTW, what does international level mean?
It is only a defensive system. It shoots down incoming missile. Why Pakistan is worried?
Becuase after it Pakistani ballistic missiles will become useless.
Why do you assume we are worried?
He probably doesn't know Pakistan is centuries ahead of India at least in missile technology but why Pakistan will address Indian missile test at international level?
This is great that this time round Pakistani military and civilian leadership is getting scared of Indian missiles. We normally damn care what defense technology India is buying or developing.
Last time we got scared was in 1998 and the world saw the result. This time round too they will start working hard and funding will be provided and a way round Indian ABM will be found.
As a rule, ABM is very expensive but countermeasures arent.
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