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Pakistan wants US to get it off FATF grey list

US is the only heavy lifter here. India with UK and France was trying this for a long time. It was only when US jumped in and threw us into the greylist.

The UK and France duo can be broken very easily. The US has to pull the plug on their FATF project against Pakistan. UK and France will crawl from their hate hole against Pakistan.

The US understands the severity of continuing on the FATF trajectory. Pak support and goodwill is not free lunch. Pakistan expects goodwill in return. US appeasment for India can only go so far.
He reminded Washington that “Pakistan fulfilled your expectations. Now’ we too had some expectations, what have you done?”

This is blunt and derogatory. In diplomacy you can't ask for rewards publicly, for services offered in private.
This is blunt and derogatory. In diplomacy you can't ask for rewards publicly, for services offered in private.
Somewhere there is frustration. Seems promises were not fulfilled. More demands on the table.
This is blunt and derogatory. In diplomacy you can't ask for rewards publicly, for services offered in private.

You plead to WP and NYT to provide pro-India coverage LOL Talk about bluntness and derogatory behaviour.

We will demand our right whether you like it or not. Do something if you can. If the US fails to deliver our goodwill can end.
15 votes dude 15 countries.
Hmmm i thought they were 5. Or maybe 5 were needed initially not to get into the grey list to begin with. I remember N league had claimed they have support of 5 members and will not get into the grey list.
Hmmm i thought they were 5. Or maybe 5 were needed initially not to get into the grey list to begin with. I remember N league had claimed they have support of 5 members and will not get into the grey list.
IK will go again Malaysia and Turkey for FATF vote. Because China, Turkey and Malaysia is the best bet. Rest no idea.
The US’s Super Power status is at stake!!! The “institution” isn’t giving her much time either!! It’s like “now or never” for the US policy makers...

The failures will only put more fuel into the fire of the fight b/w Rome of Christians and Rome of Pagans....
He reminded Washington that “Pakistan fulfilled your expectations. Now’ we too had some expectations, what have you done?”

Published in Dawn, January 19th, 2020
Pakistan should first ask USA to remove them from grey list and then they will help them in Afghanistan.
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