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Pakistan Wants 'Battlefield' Nukes to Use against Indian Troops

Yes, Pakistan WILL use tactical nukes on its soil in case of massive Indian attack. When you guys says India will bring its massive response, you forget one thing; Pakistan's second strike capability! The massive Indian nuclear strikes will be met by massive Pakistani nuclear strikes, this time on Indian cities BECAUSE Pakistan has second strike capability. So despite Indian massive nuclear strikes, India will be destroyed (so will be Pakistan). Both people will live on contaminated grass! Wanna play?

Its not like those cowboys movies, you take a gun and shoot, and on the other end the cowboy uses his second gun to kill and both the party dies.

A nuclear strike is much bigger game.
Plans are supported by tones of informations, so please understand whenever a nuclear strike would be done, the country making the strike will have its plans to counter second and third strike capabilities as well as global fallouts.

Pakistan should stop dreaming of nuclear war with any nation, thats not going to happen in worst case scenario also.
Its a troll thread and in additoin to iam not TECH-GEEK :enjoy:
but my own view about nuclear war is that ...it wont be used again in the history of mankind
It is an old concept majorly used to hinder the threat
world has progressed to the point to Stop the up-comming missile on its way
thats wat i think ...maybe wrong o_O
Pakistan wants to use it, Like itching to use it, like as in I want a young wife and $5 mil lottery?
Second or first strike.....pak don't have enough nukes considering

1.Size of India


3.Two tier BMD

In any case large pc of of our population will continue to survive....i am not sure about pakistan

You are mistaken or haven't really read about Pakistan's nuclear capability. Ten nuclear devices are enough for complete destruction of either India or Pakistan as a viable state.

And who's gonna win to gloat over their success? The cockroaches hiding in your cupboard will have the last laugh at the stupidity of humans. According to a study, they're the only ones who'll survive a nuclear conflagration.

By the way, all this talk of a nuclear war is utter nonsense. It's never going to happen! Period!

Hopefully you are right. Cockroaches will walk around or the humans left will be living like cockroaches.

To those who think either India or Pakistan can absorb nuclear exchange are highly mistaken. Two nuclear devices of first generation were enough to bring Japan on its knees. India CAN NOT absorb nuclear strike. Very high population density is a factor against India. It will cave in under the weight of its own population. Nuclear strike have paralyzing effects on a country and India (or Pakistan for that matter) will go in mass anarchy immediately. Let the sense prevail and nations move away from conflict.
Not much use against drones. Why send 1M men on foot over the border when you can have a drone force soften up the defenses?
...but are these thermonuclear?

None of the present Pakistani nukes are thermonuclear, Bornobus.
Since this is a moral doctrine decision, it would be unlikely to differ for tactical versions …
especially since these are normally of smaller yield than the norm to avoid radiation spillage.

Hope that helps, Tay.

Edit : scroll down to first quarter of this page for report on this :
DAWN WIRE SERVICE : 25 March 2000 Issue : 06/13
None of the present Pakistani nukes are thermonuclear, Bornobus.
Since this is a moral doctrine decision, it would be unlikely to differ for tactical versions …
especially since these are normally of smaller yield than the norm to avoid radiation spillage.

Hope that helps, Tay.

Edit : scroll down to first quarter of this page for report on this :
DAWN WIRE SERVICE : 25 March 2000 Issue : 06/13
I know...but i asked him anyway......thanks
Yes, Pakistan WILL use tactical nukes on its soil in case of massive Indian attack. When you guys says India will bring its massive response, you forget one thing; Pakistan's second strike capability! The massive Indian nuclear strikes will be met by massive Pakistani nuclear strikes, this time on Indian cities BECAUSE Pakistan has second strike capability. So despite Indian massive nuclear strikes, India will be destroyed (so will be Pakistan). Both people will live on contaminated grass! Wanna play?
I don't know what you think about nuclear explosions . It will turn stones into molten flat sheet of glass . Giving the size Indian arsenals and delivery mechanism and giving the size of Pakistan think anything will left after Indian retaliation . So I strongly belive this tactical nukes are just another threat which will goes on until India decides to go after terrorism inside pakistan border this will be a possible reasons for war with pakistan as far as India is concerned. So cut this joke about exploding nukes over Indians head. It's a suicide mission

Indians should know one thing to destroy India and its forces Pakistan will not hesitate at all when it comes to using nukes
But after that what ? India will be alive to live another day giving the size of the country and keen watch on your missiles launches . But after that will pakistan survive ?
Nice to see people having øřga$m over an imaginary nuclear war leading to anhiliation of billion souls... considering the fact that most of the members here do not stay in south asia and are safe in some country 1000 miles away.....:mad::hitwall:
I don't know what you think about nuclear explosions . It will turn stones into molten flat sheet of glass . Giving the size Indian arsenals and delivery mechanism and giving the size of Pakistan think anything will left after Indian retaliation . So I strongly belive this tactical nukes are just another threat which will goes on until India decides to go after terrorism inside pakistan border this will be a possible reasons for war with pakistan as far as India is concerned. So cut this joke about exploding nukes over Indians head. It's a suicide mission

Do some serious reading on this subject. Please do.
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