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Pakistan vs The Taliban: Who Will Win?

Pakistan will be the both winner & loser. It's like asking who will win in a fight between Pakistan vs Pakistan. End of the day Talebans are also Pakistanis.. & they have a huge fan following too in their country...
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that day pakistan better nuke suicide for save the world from cancer kill your own country :confused:
not true, there was peace in pakistan for decades while afghanistan was burning. but one thing for sure though, if there is no peace in pakistan then there will be no peace of india.

Because all of them stayed on other side of the border before American invasion but now they have spread across Pakistan. Many terror outfights fighting in Kashmir became part of Taliban after Musharraf stormed Lal Masjid.
both will compromise and live together peacefully soon. :)

not true, there was peace in pakistan for decades while afghanistan was burning. but one thing for sure though, if there is no peace in pakistan then there will be no peace of india.
not true, thre is peace in India even while......................
as soon as US will leave taliban will take over afghan government ..they will not need TTP anymore ...they have openly said that TTP is not part of taliban ... but they need them for the supplies that come through that area .. once they dnt need them anymore talbs will ditch them .. Mollah Omar leader of taliban is very pro pakistan ..mostly likely be in Pakistan with help of pakistan army ...
as soon as US will leave taliban will take over afghan government ..they will not need TTP anymore ...they have openly said that TTP is not part of taliban ... but they need them for the supplies that come through that area .. once they dnt need them anymore talbs will ditch them .. Mollah Omar leader of taliban is very pro pakistan ..mostly likely be in Pakistan with help of pakistan army ...
i wud say....too much faith on a terrorist....
Pakistan might be able to destroy Taliban a long time ago.But their classification between good taliban and bad taliban is the real problem.I think some army personnel in PA also help Taliban my passing information.
Talibanism is an Ideology . period, And tbh it has taken roots in our land and we made this monster ourselves. we must strike at the heart of this enemy and that is the militant version of Islam.
re indoctrinate our people because of us have soft spot for this monster.
Once we finish the ideology only then we can finish these pests otherwise I don't see this bloodshed stopping soon.

This is a bold comment coming from a Pakistani. By reading the comments of most Pakistanis in this forum makes me feel either they are in a denial mode or are a follower of the same ideology. Killing Talibanis won't be a tough task...but the ideology that has been passed on to generations since the days of Gen. Zia would be really difficult. A country where implementing polio immunization is impossible because of religious beliefs...changing such a society to a liberal one would take some time.
Taliban influence will remain confined to FATA where they have life support system due to ill placed sense of loyalty due to pashtunwali , in other areas of Pakistan they have some support due to ill placed sense of loyalty due to Islamic belief but this alone is not enough to take control of Pakistan in any meaningful way.
Taliban can do suicide bombing , plant IEDs , do hit and run with small and medium arms but they don’t have the capability to do large scale strategic op to take control of large parts of Pakistan.
Fazlullah tried that in Swat , because we Pakistanis chose to look the other way while he was doing his dastardly seen in Khoni Chowk , however once the military went in and pounded his ugly *** he ran away like the ugly rat that he is and he lives on because of support of the afghan government , which runs on Indian/US/NATO life support
The Afghani OP his high on chars , as many afghans are who think that they have an outside chance , through Taliban , though US intervention , of realizing pashtunistan , it’s not going to happen .. You idiots will more likely get you selves nuked in the process.
Because all of them stayed on other side of the border before American invasion but now they have spread across Pakistan. Many terror outfights fighting in Kashmir became part of Taliban after Musharraf stormed Lal Masjid.
you just come up with this shit from your *** don't you lol?

both will compromise and live together peacefully soon. :)

not true, there is peace in India even while......................

well see.
i wud say....too much faith on a terrorist....
define the defination of a terrorist ... it is such a vague term ..who ever is fighting against a bigger frce is labled terrorist ...

Even though i agree with you but I didnt meant that pakistan troops are best against Taliban but rather the USSR.

USSR troops had a Good kill ratio against Taliban despite financially alot weaker than NATO/AMERICA,Not supported by the world rather the Taliban against ussr were supported by countries like America,Pakistan,Saudi arabia,China,UK,Iran and many more to name
taliban can only fight in mountains which is best for gurrellia warfare ... there are no good on land ... that is why they only hide out in fata ... on rest of pakitan they dont have anyhold ... they just do sucide attacks and bombings ..but actually they dont have anyone of ground to take control of anythng
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