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Pakistan: United we fall?

I have an eerie feeling that the recent surge in Baluchistan issue media coverage is a tit for tat action by none other than USA..
They want to teach Pakistan a lesson..
and i wont be surprised if Paksitan and USA are reaching a non disclosed agreement on Baluchistan that USA stops supporting seperatists and probably help Paksiatn in kkepng Baluchistan intact and Paksitan will keep helping in their WOT..
At times you have to make compromises to avoid a greater loss..
and may be current friendly gestures between Pak-USA are on those lines.
DAWN is a typical liberal fascist rag.

Most of the problems listed are due to the Punjabi/Sindhi feudal-dominated civilian government's incompetence and blatant racism against Bengalis/Baluchis. But these liberal fascists blame everything on Islam and the army. This is not to say that the army/ISI are without fault -- they have abused their powers -- but the root cause is the failure of civilian institutions (government, media, schools) to forge a common nationhood. It's not the army's job to create national unity; that's the job of the civilian institutions listed above.

These liberal fascists in the media never take responsibility for their own failures over the decades; instead, they mindlessly parrot Western/Indian propaganda to get a pat on the back for being good little "progressive" liberals.

There is no such thing as a liberal fascist. The term 'liberal fascist' itself came about in the American conservative scene. Now who's parroting Western propaganda without thinking?:azn: A liberal should believe in liberty in all areas of living. You cannot simply brand, say, Stalin a liberal fascist. The worst fascists are either not liberal or came to power claiming Christianity(or some other religion) is in danger. Quickly think of some 'liberal fascist' names if you can now. And btw a major part of media's responsibility is to expose the faults of society and governance. They should take responsibility only if they report something with inaccuracies or omissions. Media's responsibility definitely does not constitute convincing you of no bias.
Playing a blame game on Foreign powers even when they are involved..wont solve anything..Internal politics and wise decisions will solve it...
So in a way they are right in saying so.

And since when are our politicians are wise enough to do what is right for the nation and not what is right for themselves personally?
And since when are our politicians are wise enough to do what is right for the nation and not what is right for themselves personally?

i will repeat myself.

i have an eerie feeling that the recent surge in Baluchistan issue
media coverage is a tit for tat action by none other than USA..
They want to teach Pakistan a lesson..
and i wont be surprised if Paksitan and USA are reaching a non
disclosed agreement on Baluchistan that USA stops supporting
seperatists and probably help Paksiatn in keeping Baluchistan
intact and Paksitan will keep helping in their WOT..
At times you have to make compromises to avoid a greater loss..
and may be current friendly gestures between Pak-USA are on
those lines.
I have an eerie feeling that the recent surge in Baluchistan issue media coverage is a tit for tat action by none other than USA..
They want to teach Pakistan a lesson..
and i wont be surprised if Paksitan and USA are reaching a non disclosed agreement on Baluchistan that USA stops supporting seperatists and probably help Paksiatn in kkepng Baluchistan intact and Paksitan will keep helping in their WOT..
At times you have to make compromises to avoid a greater loss..
and may be current friendly gestures between Pak-USA are on those lines.

I fully agree with you.

So everytime they put pressure on us we have no option but to agree to their terms and to put the nation under more troubles. This looks like a never ending process.
i will repeat myself.

i have an eerie feeling that the recent surge in Baluchistan issue
media coverage is a tit for tat action by none other than USA..
They want to teach Pakistan a lesson..
and i wont be surprised if Paksitan and USA are reaching a non
disclosed agreement on Baluchistan that USA stops supporting
seperatists and probably help Paksiatn in keeping Baluchistan
intact and Paksitan will keep helping in their WOT..
At times you have to make compromises to avoid a greater loss..
and may be current friendly gestures between Pak-USA are on
those lines.

Pakistan can not afford to make Pakhtuns angry. Pakhtuns are the 2nd largest ethnic group and are not separatists like Baloch. If there is a Pakhtun separatist movement then Pakistan is gone. Baloch separatists is nothing to worry about. Balochistan is not even Baloch majority.

U.S. wants Pakistan Army to do an Army operation in North Waziristan. No Pakhtun will support it especially after U.S. soldiers burned the Holy Quran in Afghanistan.

And what is most dangerous for Pakistan. A Pakhtun insurgency and a Baloch insurgency at the same time so better for Pakistan to keep fighting terrorists in Balochistan and leave Waziristan. BLA terrorists will never give up even if America stops supporting them because they will always have India backing them so there is no use compromising over Balochistan issue. Better for Pakistan army to continue what they are doing, making terrorists in Balochistan go missing while indians and one retarded American congressman cry over human rights abuses.
In continuation to my previous post:

Tit for Tat for Pakistan stopping the land routes, this time the land routes will be re-opened and some more terms and conditions of USA will agreed to by Pakistan.
In continuation to my previous post:

Tit for Tat for Pakistan stopping the land routes, this time the land routes will be re-opened and some more terms and conditions of USA will agreed to by Pakistan.

ever heard of the saying.....being stuck between a rock and a hard place? :)
There are areas like Balochsitan all over Pakistan , lets all be honest about this.

IMO, the US wants to put pressure in Iran, and with Afghanistan already in it's hold, the only hurdle was Pakistan, and to back the Pak officials off, this Balochistan issue is now being put up, so we have that little thought on the back of our mind.

Because the only people that I have heard talking about separation are sardars living in london, and not the poor man on the streets, which I know.

Although the atrocities in some places need to stop, but looks like some people would rather have BLA scu*bags stopping a bus and killing 30 odd people on the basis of their CNIC's, rather than a little FC presence.

This congress bill also had something to do with the recent pulling out of a US company from Reko Diq.
There is no such thing as a liberal fascist. The term 'liberal fascist' itself came about in the American conservative scene. Now who's parroting Western propaganda without thinking?:azn: A liberal should believe in liberty in all areas of living. You cannot simply brand, say, Stalin a liberal fascist. The worst fascists are either not liberal or came to power claiming Christianity(or some other religion) is in danger. Quickly think of some 'liberal fascist' names if you can now. And btw a major part of media's responsibility is to expose the faults of society and governance. They should take responsibility only if they report something with inaccuracies or omissions. Media's responsibility definitely does not constitute convincing you of no bias.

First, it's important to distinguish between propaganda and terminology. Propaganda is a specific goal to be achieved; terminology is the tools of communication. Using the term "liberal fascist" is no more parroting than using the term "democracy" or the word "hydrogen".

Secondly, the term "liberal fascist" is a pejorative term used precisely to point out that these people are not liberal at all. They call themselves "liberal", but they are just as fascist as the conservative kind. Convinced of their own self-righteousness, blind to their own faults, and intolerant of any dissent, they are the epitome of intellectual fascism.

And, finally, the media has a crucial role to play in shaping the national mood and mindset. It goes beyond merely reporting problems; the media has a responsibility to promote dialog and understanding of different communities forming a nation. When the government allocates airwaves to the media, there is an explicit obligation of public service and public responsibility, along with commercial interests. The Western media, in particular, takes that role seriously. Pakistani media in the 70s and 80s used to be much more inclusive and representative of national diversity. All that diversity has all but vanished of late -- it's all about crass commercialism.
First, it's important to distinguish between propaganda and terminology. Propaganda is a specific goal to be achieved; terminology is the tools of communication. Using the term "liberal fascist" is no more parroting than using the term "democracy" or the word "hydrogen".

Secondly, the term "liberal fascist" is a pejorative term used precisely to point out that these people are not liberal at all. They call themselves "liberal", but they are just as fascist as the conservative kind. Convinced of their own self-righteousness, blind to their own faults, and intolerant of any dissent, they are the epitome of intellectual fascism.

And, finally, the media has a crucial role to play in shaping the national mood and mindset. It goes beyond merely reporting problems; the media has a responsibility to promote dialog and understanding of different communities forming a nation. When the government allocates airwaves to the media, there is an explicit obligation of public service and public responsibility, along with commercial interests. The Western media, in particular, takes that role seriously. Pakistani media in the 70s and 80s used to be much more inclusive and representative of national diversity. All that diversity has all but vanished of late -- it's all about crass commercialism.
You are right about the terminology part. But surely you agree that the terminology is an import.
Secondly nobody becomes a fascist for advocating something. As long as they are limited to speech. So media cannot be fascist whether it hosts extremist liberal or extremist conservative views. All along history no single newspaper or channel survived without a conservative, liberal or state sponsored tag. You name it NY times, ABC, FOX, CNN. So are they not doing public service?
You are wrong when you say media should take a balanced view. The only requirement is the correct reporting of facts. Interpretation or taking a position is upto the specific guy, because as long as there is free press, another guy with an opposite view can have his own and publish them.
You say that these liberals are fascist because they are intolerant of dissent. How exactly did they show intolerance? Did they kill some one? Did they stop some other newspaper to publish opposite views? By your standards of 'balance', no independent book, article or movie can present a single view. All of them have to allocate some space for opposite view half-heartedly(most of them answer to criticism anyway). Free media works because each guy puts forward his views with conviction without caring for balance. Winners can be decided only if everyone tries to win. Dawn and in general the English media in Pakistan represents correctly the fact that most English speaking intellectual and literate Pakistanis are liberal. It says the opposite view has few takers.
There is no such thing as a liberal fascist. The term 'liberal fascist' itself came about in the American conservative scene. Now who's parroting Western propaganda without thinking?:azn: A liberal should believe in liberty in all areas of living. You cannot simply brand, say, Stalin a liberal fascist. The worst fascists are either not liberal or came to power claiming Christianity(or some other religion) is in danger. Quickly think of some 'liberal fascist' names if you can now. And btw a major part of media's responsibility is to expose the faults of society and governance. They should take responsibility only if they report something with inaccuracies or omissions. Media's responsibility definitely does not constitute convincing you of no bias.

There is also no such thing as "Islamist" "Islamo fascist" or "Islamo nazi"
That did not stop bigoted haters from using them.
It makes me really sad, i feel like bursting into tears man. there was a time when the name of pakistan shined in the muslim world and the west, we proudly held the largest islamic summit after the fall of khilafa back in the 1970s in lahore. whats happend to us now man.... but if this is from allah azwajal i’ll accept but if from the khuffar im ready to die till the last drop of my blood. only allah azwajal can help us now.
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