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Pakistan trying to bleed India through a thousand cuts: Official.

This policy of bleeding India with thousand cuts was popularized during ZA Bhutto's time..and i have to say Pakistan has tried her level best on it...but now she is bleeding from 500 cuts she got from trying to harm us, another 500 cuts she got from interfering in Afghanistan and destroying that country and 1(albeit huge) cut from us in 1971...:)
This policy of bleeding India with thousand cuts was popularized during ZA Bhutto's time..and i have to say Pakistan has tried her level best on it...but now she is bleeding from 500 cuts she got from trying to harm us, another 500 cuts she got from interfering in Afghanistan and destroying that country and 1(albeit huge) cut from us in 1971...:)

With that kind of attitude MR., you should expect our missiles raining down on your MA bharat.
they are trying for thousands of cut but some other country is bleeding instead of india..
they try more,the more it bleeds !!
Sounds like some Indian members are just venting because of their pms.
Ur 2nd point is wrong as India is not trying to bleed pakistan at all.

in the process of bleeding india, pakistan itself is bleeding.... rite? every decision.. whether it's foreign policy or strategic policy decisions are taken by pakistan keeping india in mind. So..yes!! India becomes a reason for their bleeding, eventhough it's of their own making.... either directly or indirectly!! difference is just the context...
The Jihadi monster created by the ISI is now coming back to haunt it's masters call it karma if you like
With that kind of attitude MR., you should expect our missiles raining down on your MA bharat.
And u should also expect nukes faling on ur pure land from sea and land....not roses...may be there wil be roses raining after nuke rains on pakistan
And u should also expect nukes faling on ur pure land from sea and land....not roses...may be there wil be roses raining after nuke rains on pakistan

It takes two to tango.
If Pakistan trying to bleed India. Your economy is not like what you have today!
This is not new . But we have been facing this for a long time and God willing, continue to succeed even in the face of overwhelming adversity . JAI HIND. :cheers:
this is not new but its failing and Pakistan is cutting itself by 1,000 cuts.

oh btw @Pakistani trolls what proof do you have to support your BS claims of Indian proxy wars inside Pakistan? anyone care to share or is someone going to post a stupid a$$ conspiracy theory about how RAW CIA and Mossad are covertly destabilizing Pakistan?
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