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Pakistan tries to poke its nose into Doklam

Its time India should give recognition to Balochistan Liberation forces as Government in axile of Republic of Balochistan .. if they care too much about matter that dont concern them ... make them realise that we even care with love from India .
I fully second your idea its time to liberate Balochistan from evil Punjabis and P*rkis
Ajad Balochistan Jindabad
whole world will support this even African refugees
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So for 1942 Sq km land that even most of the part in glacier area and under control of Pakistan the only thing happen here was China will not claim as they will sooner or later will claim whole Pakistan looking at the debt u r going in ..

On topic Aksai Chin covers an area of about 37,244 square kilometres .

So you decide .. if you can give up your country into pieces to someone .. congr8s .. we cant .

The thing you'll never understand is Chinese are the most least people interested in war...They can be managed but you screwed it up while Pakistan succeeded...

Pakistan and China are having more than decades of time tested friendship...Iron brothers what they call each other. China is not western power who is seeking to occupy any territory under business purpose
Pakistan should do everything in its capacity to provide any assistance to China, diplomatically to their claim on dokkam and also make arrangement to divert Indian attention and keep them engaged

North Korea will support both of you as well.
A trio of very nice nations, well respected and admired.
Pakistan sud take this opportunity to put india on its place if they can involve in Afg to check Pakistan van do the same I hope.
We didn't attack india in 62 when they got humiliated by China but they attack after 3 years on Pak and 7 years later they stab in our back.. so with this kind of enemy we sud make them pay if anything happen.
I hope peace prevail in Asia.
OMG dont understand while India PM MOdi have sold india to US & israel and in bed of US president why they are not supporting india says alot india needs to learn that US is no ones friends and the way indians are jumping like monkeys on US back will make them more funny more then they are now:enjoy:

Pakistanis are really Smart keep it up Pakistan we should always go against aggressor.
@Chinese-Dragon how do youthink Pakistan can assist the mighty dragon in this regards ? I think we. Could offer something diplomatically. Other than that what else could pakistan assist China with?

I am keen to hear your learned view on this
Another Indian media fart.

LOL if we really had to poke than we could had directly talked to China rather than asking our top diplomat to India to look into the matter as if, we do not enjoy cosy relationship with China.
OH did I hit a nerve or something ?

Its OK chill out Buddy you don't even have Indian passport so quit the fake nationalism

Looking at your reaction, we can all guess who hit whose nerves.
Share a pot with me dear friend and chill out, your nerves will be calmed.
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