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Pakistan tries to poke its nose into Doklam


Dec 27, 2011
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NEW DELHI: Amid the Sino-Indian military standoff near the Bhutan-China-India tri-junction, Pakistan high commissioner Abdul Basit met the Chinese ambassador to India Luo Zhaohui. In what further raised eyebrows among Indian authorities, after his meeting with Luo, Basit was also learnt to have a sought a meeting with Bhutan's ambassador to India Vetsop Namgyel.

Top diplomatic sources confirmed to TOI that Basit called on the Chinese ambassador on Wednesday. They also confirmed that he was likely to soon meet the Bhutanese ambassador.

TOI has learnt that the situation at Doklam, where Indian troops have physically prevented the Chinese from constructing a road, was discussed in the meeting.

Basit is learnt to have wanted to discuss the situation with the envoys of both the countries. Basit has completed his tenure as high commissioner here and is expected to return to Islamabad next month.

Beijing is currently actively engaging the international community to drive home its point that it is India which is the aggressor at the Doklam plateau which is disputed between Bhutan and China. Unlike any other border transgression in recent times, the Doklam stand-off has even seen the Chinese embassy under Luo actively engage the Indian public to expound Beijing's position.

Political counsellor Li Ya recently released a video to address the concern of "some Indian friends".

More than a month into the "eyeball to eyeball" standoff though, it is still not clear how it'll all end as China publicly insists on an immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Indian troops. India has so far not engaged with foreign missions the way Beijing has. Or even if it has, it is not saying so. Until Wednesday, even the Russians had not been briefed about the situation.
Indian officials have warned against warmongering in the media but the fact is that it is the Chinese state backed media which has taken an unusually strident position on Doklam. They have also sought to exploit India's vulnerability in Kashmir by talking up the threat to India from Pakistan.
A noted Global Times columnist wrote recently that the India's logic in stalling Chinese road construction at Doklam could also be used by a "third country" to enter "India-controlled Kashmir" if it received a request from the Pakistan army. Basit's meeting with Luo may further fan that sentiment.

Despite the remark by Indian Army chief Bipin Rawat that India is ready for a "two-and-half front" wars, the government will be mindful of the threat from Pakistan in case there indeed is a flare up at Doklam.
Once upon a time, Sikkim was part of Pakistan. So, definitely, Pakistan can't resist the urge but to poke her nose, hands and what not.

I know history sucks in Pakistan . But , is level ki ... i never knew that ... and here Chinese were claiming that sikkim was once under der rule ... Poor Chinese .
Go little further back , we where all one.we had one religion one country ,but then ideas from outside came and looted our country and our people.

Well...I get it what you meant to say.

I know history sucks in Pakistan . But , is level ki ... i never knew that ... and here Chinese were claiming that sikkim was once under der rule ... Poor Chinese .

Look...It can happen. If friendly countries are having disputes...It can be solved peacefully.

So, Sikkim issue will be solved just like Pakistan and China have solved their boundary dispute...
Well...I get it what you meant to say.

Look...It can happen. If friendly countries are having disputes...It can be solved peacefully.

So, Sikkim issue will be solved just like Pakistan and China have solved their boundary dispute...

Giving up Askai Chin and permanent route to another country ? And half of Balochistan in the name of agreement for economic development .

If dats a solution sorry .. we can defend our motherland .
Giving up Askai Chin and permanent route to another country ? And half of Balochistan in the name of agreement for economic development .

If dats a solution sorry .. we can defend our motherland .

U need to read this, brother

The Sino-Pakistan Agreement (also known as the Sino-Pakistan Frontier Agreement and Sino-Pak Boundary Agreement) is a 1963 document between the governments of Pakistan and China establishing the border between those countries. It resulted in China ceding over 1,942 square kilometres (750 sq mi) to Pakistan and Pakistan recognizing Chinese sovereignty over hundreds of square kilometers of land in Northern Kashmir and Ladakh. The agreement is controversial, not recognized as legal by India, which also claims sovereignty over part of the land. In addition to increasing tensions with India, the agreement shifted the balance of the Cold War by bringing Pakistan and China closer together while loosening ties between Pakistan and the United States.

U need to read this, brother

The Sino-Pakistan Agreement (also known as the Sino-Pakistan Frontier Agreement and Sino-Pak Boundary Agreement) is a 1963 document between the governments of Pakistan and China establishing the border between those countries. It resulted in China ceding over 1,942 square kilometres (750 sq mi) to Pakistan and Pakistan recognizing Chinese sovereignty over hundreds of square kilometers of land in Northern Kashmir and Ladakh. The agreement is controversial, not recognized as legal by India, which also claims sovereignty over part of the land. In addition to increasing tensions with India, the agreement shifted the balance of the Cold War by bringing Pakistan and China closer together while loosening ties between Pakistan and the United States.


So for 1942 Sq km land that even most of the part in glacier area and under control of Pakistan the only thing happen here was China will not claim as they will sooner or later will claim whole Pakistan looking at the debt u r going in ..

On topic Aksai Chin covers an area of about 37,244 square kilometres .

So you decide .. if you can give up your country into pieces to someone .. congr8s .. we cant .
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