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Pakistan Tribes Turn Against Army

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Pakistan Tribes Turn Against Army
By Ashfaq Yusufzai
PESHAWAR, Pakistan, Feb 2 2013 (IPS) - –“We demand an immediate end to the military operation in Khyber Agency because it has not brought any results during the past three years,” says Iqbal Afridi from the Pakistan Tehreek Insaf party. “The military operations are killing the local population while the militants remained unharmed.”

Afridi from the Khyber Agency unit of the party led by former cricketer Imran Khan spoke with IPS near the Governor’s House in Peshawar, the northern Pakistani city adjacent to the Khyber Agency region in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). Party members had brought bodies of 18 local people reported killed by security forces in nearby Alamgudar village.

Thousands of local tribal people, including students, civil society members and leaders of political parties joined the bereaved families in the protest against the army.

“The military operations have brought lives of the eight million population in FATA to a standstill,” Afridi said. “The seven tribal agencies have remained under curfew and the population has become completely idle.”

Juma Khan Afridi from the family of some of those killed told IPS what happened. “We were asleep when security forces scaled the walls of our home. They asked the women to get aside,” Khan Afridi, a student of the same family told IPS. He said he survived because he put on a veil and stood with women.

This is not the first time the army has killed innocent people in Khyber Agency, he said. “It is because of the growing anger that bereaved families brought the coffins of their dead relatives to protest.”

Wazir Muhammad, political analyst at the University of Peshawar, said people of FATA had been bearing the brunt of the U.S.-led war on terror for the past four years, but had remained silent due to fear of reprisals by army.

The protest by Hazara communities in Quetta in Balochistan over their dead had given strength to local tribal people in FATA, he said. More than 100 people, including 83 Shias were killed in two bomb explosions in Quetta Jan. 11. The relatives there had refuse to bury their dead immediately in protest.

Only after braving three nights in Quetta’s freezing temperatures next to their slain loved ones did the families of the bombing victims end their protest and bury the bodies amid strict security measures in a Hazara graveyard. They did so after the government imposed governor’s rule in Balochistan.

“Anger is growing over the acts of terrorism everywhere in the country. The people are rightly protesting over the army’s killing of the innocent,” Muhammad said.

The Khyber Agency incident has opened a new chapter of protests against the army. “It is for the first time that people have chanted slogans against law enforcement agencies for their failure to provide protection. It will continue in the future if the army doesn’t mend its ways,” Umar Farooq, whose younger brother was among the dead, told IPS.

“It was not just the brutal killing – the army took away the slain bodies from the site of the protests and buried them on their own. Being Muslims, we wanted to give bath and have funerals before lowering them to the graves.”

The killings come after a dubious army record. In 2009 the Pakistan army, he said, was shown in a video to be shooting from close range at seven boys in Swat. The army had argued that they were Taliban but they looked innocent and juvenile, he said.

“The incident caused international outrage and the U.S. – the main sponsor of the Swat Operation – briefly withheld aid,” Farooq said.

In October 2010 the U.S. sanctioned six units of the Pakistani military operating in the Swat valley under the Leahy Law – which requires the U.S. State Department to certify that no military unit receiving U.S. aid is involved in gross human rights abuses. The law requires that when such abuses are found, they must be thoroughly investigated.

Despite pledges, Pakistan did not take any action to hold the perpetrators accountable as required under the law.

In several instances in Swat, Balochistan and the tribal areas, U.S. aid to Pakistan has continued in apparent contravention of the Leahy Law.

Human Right Watch said in its 2012 report that conditions had deteriorated markedly in the mineral-rich Balochistan, with disappearances of civilians, and an upsurge in killings of suspected Baloch militants and opposition activists by the military, intelligence agencies and the paramilitary Frontier Corps.

“The government appeared powerless to rein in the military’s abuses,” it said. Human Rights Watch recorded the killing of at least 200 Baloch nationalist activists in 2012.

In April 2010, the Pakistan army chief, Gen Ashfaq Kayani, apologised for the deaths of dozens of civilians during air raids near the Afghan border. The civilians were members of a pro-government tribe which had resisted Taliban influence.

On Jan. 17, shortly after the last killings, the army was severely criticised in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa assembly. Lawmaker Saqibullah Khan said such incidents were bound to create anger against the army among the people, and should immediately be stopped.

“The federal government should immediately stop military operations against militants as these have failed to establish peace. They have become the main source of creating problems for the civilians.”

Member of the National Assembly from the Awami National Party Bushra Gohar told IPS that the military campaigns have displaced 1.2 million people in FATA and had adversely affected the lives of tribal people. “Since 2005, we have started military operations in most of the seven tribal agencies of FATA, but militants are gaining strength while the poor people are suffering.

“We demand an end to the military operation in FATA,” she said. (End)
IPS – Pakistan Tribes Turn Against Army | Inter Press Service
This is where it gets confusing. So the tribals must seek revenge when PA or drones cause civilian causlaties due to collateral damage.

But Taliban have killed many more in targetted attacks against tribal civilians. What happens to the cultural compulsion of seeking revenge against Taliban???
To be honest these tribal areas should be handed back to Afghanistan,thats where they came from.
They have been nothing but trouble and an immense pressure on country's resources..
Their inclusion into Pakistan was jinnah's biggest blunder which we are still suffering.
To be honest these tribal areas should be handed back to Afghanistan,thats where they came from.
They have been nothing but trouble and an immense pressure on country's resources..
Their inclusion into Pakistan was jinnah's biggest blunder which we are still suffering.

With respect must register a "disagree" -- Their inclusion is not just territorial - govt must actually be govt, must actually provide services, it cannot just leave people to fend for themselves and then claim that they are nothing but trouble.

There are strange ideas of tribals in Pakistan - the noble warring savage, just leave them be and use them - They are Pakistanis, extend to them all rights, responsibilities of any other person -- Trust me, they want what anybody else wants, a better life - A better life - that can only come from a Pakistani economy free of the state, and that can only come from a change int he nature of politics in Pakistan -- When govt refuses to protect you, what option do you have but to make accommodation with terrorists? When you can't fit in the economy and the only option is to make a kliving as smugglers and hired guns for terrorists, when you can't elect who you want -- they can't just be Pakistan in territory, they must be made Pakistani in all rights and responsibilities.
Why dont these stupid tribals turn against Taliban?
Taliban bastards have killed more civilians than PA.

Tribals & village idiots :hitwall:
To be honest these tribal areas should be handed back to Afghanistan,thats where they came from.
They have been nothing but trouble and an immense pressure on country's resources..
Their inclusion into Pakistan was jinnah's biggest blunder which we are still suffering.

Merge them into the country as a the sixth provience. The biggest blunder of Jinnah was to let tribals live as tribal free of state authority!
Pakistani's have fallen from grace when they start questioning Jinnah and blaming the Tribal people, who have suffered the most. You can sit in your luxury houses in London and Islamabad, but it is these tribal people who are fighting for Pakistan from the opression of Taliban and the various Imperial powers. FATA is going no where, it will stay with Pakistan and those who voice the idea of separation are traitors.
Pakistani's have fallen from grace when they start questioning Jinnah and blaming the Tribal people, who have suffered the most. You can sit in your luxury houses in London and Islamabad, but it is these tribal people who are fighting for Pakistan from the opression of Taliban and the various Imperial powers. FATA is going no where, it will stay with Pakistan and those who voice the idea of separation are traitors.

Haji Ayub Afridi of LandiKotal us dead now.
But go and see his castle,and you will forget President house of Islamabad and also forget Buckingham palace of London,and he is only one example.
All across the tribal areas there are mega rich tycoons with lifestyles of Beverly hills..
Benazir tried to establish government writ on Ayub Afridi's arwa and he hired a private army 20,000 strong with all the latest weapons.
Same is the story of other regional mega rich tribal cheifs..
The people are like their slaves.
GOP or Army cannot do much without the consent of these cheifs and they do whats in their own benifit.
Many times PA too gets tricked into fighting a teibe's war against another instead of WOT or law enforcement.
Yet nobody here or anywhere will speak against these tribal cheifs,
Its always the fault of Army,GOP, ISI-
Slave mentality at best.
If you send PA to abolish tribal areas and inregrate them into Pakistan then how these tribals will run theur drugs,weapons and smuggling businesses?
Of course any attempt of integration and building infrastructure will be met with armed resustance.
PA will and has lost soldiers trying reign these illegal tribal smugglers,and also got blamed if intrusion,cruelity and what not.

Still want to provide for your tribal brotheren?
This is where it gets confusing. So the tribals must seek revenge when PA or drones cause civilian causlaties due to collateral damage.

But Taliban have killed many more in targetted attacks against tribal civilians. What happens to the cultural compulsion of seeking revenge against Taliban???

Media does not cover that. Salarzai Lashkar chief of village in Bajaur lost his brother to Faqir Muhammad. Another incident was shooting at Taliban militants by Swat residents who had lost relatives. A jirga (which is the first thing the taliban appropriate when they rule an area-also covered in my book Badal which itself revolves around revenge as a never-ending process) was convened and tensions receded.

When Swat was cleared, tortured dead bodies of militants began to appear everywhere. A lot of the actions were committed by enraged civilians.

Pakistani's have fallen from grace when they start questioning Jinnah and blaming the Tribal people, who have suffered the most. You can sit in your luxury houses in London and Islamabad, but it is these tribal people who are fighting for Pakistan from the opression of Taliban and the various Imperial powers. FATA is going no where, it will stay with Pakistan and those who voice the idea of separation are traitors.

3+ thanks... I wish we could double thank a poster. But I don't think there is any plug-in with a double thank option yet. @Awesum is there?
Media does not cover that. Salarzai Lashkar chief of village in Bajaur lost his brother to Faqir Muhammad. Another incident was shooting at Taliban militants by Swat residents who had lost relatives. A jirga (which is the first thing the taliban appropriate when they rule an area-also covered in my book Badal which itself revolves around revenge as a never-ending process) was convened and tensions receded.

When Swat was cleared, tortured dead bodies of militants began to appear everywhere. A lot of the actions were committed by enraged civilians.

3+ thanks... I wish we could double thank a poster. But I don't think there is any plug-in with a double thank option yet. @Awesum is there?
I was saying this for long ago our army disastrous operations in our tribal areas have turned those people against us who always stood with the Army against India and any enemy but Musharraf made us USA slaves and we are now facing our own people who hate us to the core and this will never end until operation is stopped
Haji Ayub Afridi of LandiKotal us dead now.
But go and see his castle,and you will forget President house of Islamabad and also forget Buckingham palace of London,and he is only one example.
All across the tribal areas there are mega rich tycoons with lifestyles of Beverly hills..
Benazir tried to establish government writ on Ayub Afridi's arwa and he hired a private army 20,000 strong with all the latest weapons.
Same is the story of other regional mega rich tribal cheifs..
The people are like their slaves.
GOP or Army cannot do much without the consent of these cheifs and they do whats in their own benifit.
Many times PA too gets tricked into fighting a teibe's war against another instead of WOT or law enforcement.
Yet nobody here or anywhere will speak against these tribal cheifs,
Its always the fault of Army,GOP, ISI-
Slave mentality at best.
If you send PA to abolish tribal areas and inregrate them into Pakistan then how these tribals will run theur drugs,weapons and smuggling businesses?
Of course any attempt of integration and building infrastructure will be met with armed resustance.
PA will and has lost soldiers trying reign these illegal tribal smugglers,and also got blamed if intrusion,cruelity and what not.

Still want to provide for your tribal brotheren?

Still a question arises. ISI is powerfull enough to take them down, even without anyone pointing fingers at them. These tribal leaders always have rivalries, which they can make use of. (PS: Thats how FBI bought down Mafias in USA). But when they dont take an steps, doubts arise whether the Pakistani security establishment have any plans for them?
Through them anti US sentiments can be maintained, and support for Taliban(afghan) can be sustained.
So since the culprit is "assumed" to be Pakistani Army for this aggravation of the Tribals, will it be now safe to consider that this is an internal problem of pakistan up to now?

It is really disappointing how the pakistani government or the media / pakistani army fanboys here shy away from the real cause of the problem and the tribal unrest and tout foreign intervention "bairooni haath" as being the reason. Good to read that Kayani apologized at least once.
I was saying this for long ago our army disastrous operations in our tribal areas have turned those people against us who always stood with the Army against India and any enemy but Musharraf made us USA slaves and we are now facing our own people who hate us to the core and this will never end until operation is stopped

I disagree.
Druugs and money.
Two keywords here.
Tribal cheifs run drugs business and USA is in Afghanistan to control world drugs trade.
PA's intrusion in tribal areas dusrupts thar business and makes both tribal cheifs and USA angry.
Cheifs feed the people anti PA propaganda.....
Drones are controlled by USA and they are alles in drug trade and wont disrupt that..
So no problem with Drones but Problem with PA-

As for as PA-PAF operations in tribal areas...they have done it since 1950s.
The skies of Timar garah buzzed with PAF jets when they used to go bomb tribal areas,and thats a memory from late 70s.
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