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Pakistan training Nigerian Special Forces for Boko Haram fight.

Is it in Pakistan or in Nigeria. I think its an M113 class vehicle he's sitting inside.

Pakistan... I also had pics of Jaffar Molhtar training at Cherat unfortunately lost it ... And just came to know tht he had died fighting Boko haramis.

I know Pakistan trains a good number of Nigeria's special forces, but is there a guesstimate on how many numbers make it through training every year?

A few weeks back I went to Navy recruitment cente in Lahore ... (A frnd had applied for commission with the SSGN).. I read a few facts there .. The most interesting one was about the drop out rate :

85-95% drop out rate !
I know Pakistan trains a good number of Nigeria's special forces, but is there a guesstimate on how many numbers make it through training every year?

Training program for Nigeria is not limited to Spec Ops: PAF trainer 2nd from left in Nigera for F-7 Skybolt training.

Pakistan should offer them Super Mushak, K-8s and JF-17s.... And I am sure its a good chance for PAF and other Muslim airforces to sell their F-7s to Burma.
Nigeria already bought JF17s from us.
Care to share ur sources? no sales have been made as per my knowledge

@Horus ..... Nice post, i didnt know that Nigerian Special forces were being trained by PA.
Well, Sorry but I can't post any links since i'm a new member :p
Perhaps they can replace the south africans doing most of the heavy lifting atm.
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