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Pakistan trained al-Qaeda, says Imran Khan

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Asked at the Council for Foreign Relations about how Osama bin Laden had managed to stay in Pakistan undiscovered, Mr Khan said: “The Pakistani Army, ISI [military spy agency], trained al-Qaida and all these troops to fight in Afghanistan.

“ There were always links between—there had to be links, because they trained them."

He said the links were “probably at lower levels”, and he did not believe military chiefs had known of Bin Laden's presence.

Mr Khan's comments may anger the military. Pakistan's security apparatus has in the past angrily rejected politicians linking it to militancy. Nawaz Sharif, the former prime minister, faced treason charges last year after an interview where he suggested the Pakistani state played a role in the 2008 Mumbai attack that killed 166 people.

Mr Khan said that after the 9/11 attacks, Pakistan had done a 180 degree turn against former militants, to side with America.

“ I opposed this from day one,” Mr Khan said. “I said we had first trained these guys to fight jihad and it was a great idea, and now we are telling the same groups it’s terrorism. So we should at least have stayed neutral. Pakistan, by joining the US after 9/11, committed one of the biggest blunders.”

Mr Khan also said he believed the Taliban had changed since they were ousted in 2001 and were willing to make peace

He said: “This is—Taliban realise that they cannot control the whole of Afghanistan. The Afghan government knows that they cannot—you know, there needs to be some sort of a peace deal. There has to be a political settlement.”

Then hange Mr Kiyani first, during his tenure that Osama bin Laden drama. Imran Khan said right thing. Nothing that world doesn't know already, and that statement directly puts blame on USA, not on Pakistan.
Then hange Mr Kiyani first, during his tenure that Osama bin Laden drama. Imran Khan said right thing. Nothing that world doesn't know already, and that statement directly puts blame on USA, not on Pakistan.
Yea keep confirming the stance of your enemy at world stage by taking all blame on yourself that Pakistan army and ISI supported militancy but then why cry when PTM shout slogan that yea jo deshut ghardi ha iss k peshey wardi ha..some are right and others are traitors when say same things
Slip of tongue, he meant mujahideen. To many of these though. He need to keep few parchis at this age.

This slip of tongue of a sitting Pakistani PM will haunt all of Pakistan for decades to come.

The leader of Al Qaida, Osama bin Laden, was sheltered in your military cantonment, in case you forgot. The Pakistan military, ISI, and Pakistanis in general support the very same ideology.

Did uncle Modi tell you all this? Well, tell him it is all a bloody lie.
Yea keep confirming the stance of your enemy at world stage by taking all blame on yourself that Pakistan army and ISI supported militancy but then why cry when PTM shout slogan that yea jo deshut ghardi ha iss k peshey wardi ha..some are right and others are traitors when say same things
Blame or no blame. The real problem is not they are blaming us, or we are rejecting it, the real problem is our very existence. Whether you become as harmless as a snail on the road, you will not be spared. Better grow some nails, and tell your enemies, while looking in their eyes : yes we are the bad guys of this world, and you better live with it, and better change your living style.

So, Imran Khan, no Imran Khan, taking blame putting blame, doesn't matter.

Iran may be a good example for you. Yeh nangy hokar bhi nach laingy tu bhi nai bachaingy.
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The wording used by Imran Khan was not ideal

He should have emphasized :coffee::big_boss:

"Pakistan was part of a Coalition in 70's which got encouraged to get itself stranded in Afghanistan, as part of that United States coalition, the strategy was to build up local Afghan resistance fighter capacity to engage adversaries"

After 1989 fall of the Soviet Union, support was disengaged from the United States, and as a result, various groups of fighters still in Afghanistan formed their own factions no longer in control of any nation. There was a failed transition to political setup.

What these groups may have done after 1990 was their own action as they were not under anyone's administrative control, these groups had "no-name" prior to 1990

After 2003 , when Pakistan was formally part of USA coalition again, these group also started to target Pakistan and we lost 70,000 lives

[**Important point these groups were running independently inside Afghanistan after 1990 self-administered entities]

May be Imran Khan should hire me for such difficult responses
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OBL was a CIA asset till he died in 2002.

If you believe that Pakistan successfully dodged all of NATO intelligence combined as well as stood up to pressure from the Saudis and provided a safe and comfortable place for OBL then I have a bridge to sell you. Also, if you believe that to be true then you should be really worried about what Pakistan can and will do to India once the USA withdraws from Afghanistan.
Sadly some Pakistanis also beleive that Usama was in Abbotabad while the people who reside there have completely rejected this conspiracy theory
It is not quite exactly a secret. US/Saudi money funneled to Afghan mujahideen; largely trained by PA and CIA operatives on the ground. Hell the US made a good movie Rambo on it. Not exactly sure what we're trying to achieve by denying facts. In The Beast the mujahideen use an RPG to track and take down a T-55:


Back then Mujahideen were heroes for the United States.
You are misleading it because you are spreading it while it is taken out of context and PM has cleared it again and again. Still you chose to believe those sources and not your own PM?

Agree. But IK has to be far more careful in the choice of his words.
OP is a single tracked idiot who didn't bother listening to the full interview yet he picked a propaganda article that suited his hatred for IK to start a thread - as usual.
imran should have told this to trump instead of putting all burden on his army by saying that we have trained them because Pakistan army and ISI had nothing to do with All qaida and their activities
Khan can tell what he wants, true is some of our military generals openly declared the Taliban as our assets and children, do you know Hamid gul and Co? Failure lies by Musharraf he had not
cleared the red line and our narrative.
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Agree. But IK has to be far more careful in the choice of his words.
There will always be someone somewhere taking out his words and twisting it to suit their own flavor. The onus lies upon us not to go so far in our hatred that we start sharing such nonsense just to show PM Khan in bad light.
You are misleading it because you are spreading it while it is taken out of context and PM has cleared it again and again. Still you chose to believe those sources and not your own PM?

Khota briyani khaney waley would't understand it because they are so corrupt from inside that they don't want to listen anything. I wish these type of people could leave pakistan and settle themselves somewhere else so that pakistan can develop in right direction but then they still say rubbish even go outside of Pakistan. Some people will keep crying by making thread and present things out of context to show the world they care but they don't that's why settle outside of Pakistan, keep saying rubbish things about pakistan rather than presenting and follow sincere person to their sight zardari, nawaz type leader should lead the country so that their boat can float (either their chacha phopa taya some how releated and getting benefit from zardari,nawaz people)and don't even cast vote for Pakistan but want to be relevant all the time regarding Pakistan politics.
The leader of Al Qaida, Osama bin Laden, was sheltered in your military cantonment, in case you forgot. The Pakistan military, ISI, and Pakistanis in general support the very same ideology.
Yes and it was Pakistan who provided information about his personal aide that ultimately resulted in capture of Usama. So shushhhh ...

Americans knows that it was a combined strategy of Pak and USA, Taliban even visited US in those days when we were training them
The leader of Al Qaida, Osama bin Laden, was sheltered in your military cantonment, in case you forgot. The Pakistan military, ISI, and Pakistanis in general support the very same ideology.
Well do ask America why in one place they claim they needed our help and in another that they secretly entered Pakistan? Their story as usually never adds up coz they know how to evade their own guilt just like about Dr. Aafia a super soldier who could out do not one but two marines!

He explained this in today's press conference what actually he meant.
But people with low intelligence would have died from joy and didn't get the opportunity to read it ...inna lillahi we inns ilayhi rajeeoon...This is the state of many who don't know how to follow news
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