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Pakistan trained al-Qaeda, says Imran Khan

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Nov 8, 2013
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United Kingdom

Asked at the Council for Foreign Relations about how Osama bin Laden had managed to stay in Pakistan undiscovered, Mr Khan said: “The Pakistani Army, ISI [military spy agency], trained al-Qaida and all these troops to fight in Afghanistan.

“ There were always links between—there had to be links, because they trained them."

He said the links were “probably at lower levels”, and he did not believe military chiefs had known of Bin Laden's presence.

Mr Khan's comments may anger the military. Pakistan's security apparatus has in the past angrily rejected politicians linking it to militancy. Nawaz Sharif, the former prime minister, faced treason charges last year after an interview where he suggested the Pakistani state played a role in the 2008 Mumbai attack that killed 166 people.

Mr Khan said that after the 9/11 attacks, Pakistan had done a 180 degree turn against former militants, to side with America.

“ I opposed this from day one,” Mr Khan said. “I said we had first trained these guys to fight jihad and it was a great idea, and now we are telling the same groups it’s terrorism. So we should at least have stayed neutral. Pakistan, by joining the US after 9/11, committed one of the biggest blunders.”

Mr Khan also said he believed the Taliban had changed since they were ousted in 2001 and were willing to make peace

He said: “This is—Taliban realise that they cannot control the whole of Afghanistan. The Afghan government knows that they cannot—you know, there needs to be some sort of a peace deal. There has to be a political settlement.”

Slip of tongue, he meant mujahideen. To many of these though. He need to keep few parchis at this age.
Prime minister of pakistan dont know difference between alqaida and Taliban? Two different groups with two different objectives and approach. Pakistan has never trained Al-Qaida. Al-Qaida was created in 1988. In fact Pak has fought against Al-Qaida since 2002. Pakistan trained Afghan Mujahideen to fight against USSR and itself took part in Afg-USSR War
Prime minister of pakistan dont know difference between alqaida and Taliban? Two different groups with two different objectives and approach. Pakistan has never trained Al-Qaida. Al-Qaida was created in 1988. In fact Pak has fought against Al-Qaida since 2002. Pakistan trained Afghan Mujahideen to fight against USSR and itself took part in Afg-USSR War

Slip of tongue, no one payed any attention to it apart from some stupid Indians jumping with joy in front of Trump lol
Prime minister of pakistan dont know difference between alqaida and Taliban? Two different groups with two different objectives and approach. Pakistan has never trained Al-Qaida. Al-Qaida was created in 1988. In fact Pak has fought against Al-Qaida since 2002. Pakistan trained Afghan Mujahideen to fight against USSR and itself took part in Afg-USSR War

The leader of Al Qaida, Osama bin Laden, was sheltered in your military cantonment, in case you forgot. The Pakistan military, ISI, and Pakistanis in general support the very same ideology.
The leader of Al Qaida, Osama bin Laden, was sheltered in your military cantonment, in case you forgot. The Pakistan military, ISI, and Pakistanis in general support the very same ideology.
Osma bin laden escaped from Afghanistan after US invaded Afghanistan and started military operation over there. Al Qaida existed prior to 9/11 . Talibans unlike alqaida were not involved in any terrorist activities in different countries.. few alqaida member joining Jihad with Taliban against USSR dont mean they are same
There are very few leaders in world who are perfect in speech and I think he is not amongst them
Osma bil laden escaped from Afghanistan after US invaded Afghanistan and started military operation over there. Al Qaida existed prior to 9/11 ..Taliban unlike alqaida were not involve in any terrorist activities in different countries.. few alqaida member joining Jihad with Taliban against USSR dont mean they are same

Yes, he escaped - to where? Which country gave him shelter? That too, in their military cantonment?

BTW, he wasn't the only one - the entire Al Qaida leadership was airlifted by the Pakistan air force just before the US attacked them:

“ There were always links between—there had to be links, because they trained them."

He said the links were “probably at lower levels”, and he did not believe military chiefs had known of Bin Laden's presence.

The following is a quote from Musharraf from a 2006 interview :

"These people are extremists, terrorists, they believe in forcing their views on others. So, I'm standing in their way, frankly," Musharraf says.

"The suicide attack. You discovered that most of the plotters were from the Pakistani Air Force," Kroft remarks.

"Yes," the president replied.

Asked if that disturbs him, the president acknowledges, "It did. It's all the lower ranks. They are susceptible to such extremist, terrorist tendencies and to be indoctrinated to do these things."


So, what is new?
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The leader of Al Qaida, Osama bin Laden, was sheltered in your military cantonment, in case you forgot. The Pakistan military, ISI, and Pakistanis in general support the very same ideology.
OBL was a CIA asset till he died in 2002.

If you believe that Pakistan successfully dodged all of NATO intelligence combined as well as stood up to pressure from the Saudis and provided a safe and comfortable place for OBL then I have a bridge to sell you. Also, if you believe that to be true then you should be really worried about what Pakistan can and will do to India once the USA withdraws from Afghanistan.
Yes, he escaped - to where? Which country gave him shelter? That too, in their military cantonment?

BTW, he wasn't the only one - the entire Al Qaida leadership was airlifted by the Pakistan air force just before the US attacked them:


Even now border controls are weak let alone in 2001 when we had open borders with Afghanistan. So called military cantonment are just residential areas occupied by civilians. Impossible to check everyone. And Osama never went out of his home.
Yes, he escaped - to where? Which country gave him shelter? That too, in their military cantonment?

BTW, he wasn't the only one - the entire Al Qaida leadership was airlifted by the Pakistan air force just before the US attacked them:

You are stupid or what? You have slight idea about Pak-afghan border? He was not state guest but entered illegally and was hidden ..Its same like saying that US provided shelter to those who did 9/11 and India provided shelter to those who were involved in Bombay attack....apply same logic to Pulwama attack that how did such a large cache of explosives reach the Pulwama district of South Kashmir?
Even now border controls are weak let alone in 2001 when we had open borders with Afghanistan. So called military cantonment are just residential areas occupied by civilians. Impossible to check everyone. And Osama never went out of his home.
And your ISI and Military intel had no clue, right? I doubt even you believe that.

The fact is that Osama found refuge among the people who sympathize with his ideologies.
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