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Pakistan to remove visa for Turkish businessmen

What kind of attitude is that? As Muslims it is our duty to help the poor. Our culture is different from your western culture.

I agree paying "zakat" is good, but be practical. The guy is going there to visit and have fun, he isn't there to alleviate poverty in Pakistan. Ok sure you see someone really needy ok help out if you wish, however be careful because some cunning people will ask for money but they don't really need it. By the way about helping the poor and western culture, the West my friend gives a lot of money to developing countries, western agencies like Red Cross, Doctors without borders and others do help the poor and victims of natural calamities. When Pakistan had an earthquake, US and western countries were some of the highest donors.

I'll share a story with you, one time I was in Pakistan. I was sitting a car and a guy approached my window on his motorcycle (night time) he said to me, his motorcycle tire is flat and he needs money to get back home, I said nope sorry. A minute later I look at my side mirror (to get a rear view) and I saw that guy take off on his motorcycle and ride away...

Anyways, Pakistani government and people must take care of themselves. To the Turkish member going to Pakistan, I'm just trying to provide beneficial advice.
If you hold a Pakistani passport and have a US, UK or Schengen visa you don't need a visa to visit Turkey. Just take your passport to the visa counter, pay 10 Lira and go to the immigration desk. Super simple and easy.
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