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Pakistan to receive $3 billion from Friends in October: Qureshi

why do you concern yourself to what we do?

1) Pakistani minister went out of his way to specifically mention that India was not mentioned :D

2) The person who's post I replied to talked something about British PM's visit to India

Hence, my reply...... btw did you want to answer my little query?

Just wanna see what is the rational of fighting this war from a Pakistani's perspective....... is it either something that should be done as a matter of principle OR is it an opportunity to mooch more aid from the west?
1) Pakistani minister went out of his way to specifically mention that India was not mentioned :D

2) The person who's post I replied to talked something about British PM's visit to India

Hence, my reply...... btw did you want to answer my little query?

Just wanna see what is the rational of fighting this war from a Pakistani's perspective....... is it either something that should be done as a matter of principle OR is it an opportunity to mooch more aid from the west?

did you get an education? this doesn't make any sense.

3 billion should be used to revive economy and also help schools in
Pakhtoon Province

Also the funds should be used to improve gov facilities in that region and also help families directly effected by terrorism
I think this aid has nothing to do with WOT.
It is given by some friends???? Like helping a needy in times of distress, but is it to be repaid or not??
Need more details on the aid. The Pakistani members should be asking their minister where its going to be used for(Other than an Atom bomb or F16.:lol:), make sure its not going in to their foreign accounts, but rightly used for the purpose given.
I think this aid has nothing to do with WOT.
It is given by some friends???? Like helping a needy in times of distress, but is it to be repaid or not??
Need more details on the aid. The Pakistani members should be asking their minister where its going to be used for(Other than an Atom bomb or F16.:lol:), make sure its not going in to their foreign accounts, but rightly used for the purpose given.

what is the purpose of this post?
its around 2% of the GDP, so its a bigger chunk of the budget for sure. But i couldn't find the budget figure easily. neway.
its around 2% of the GDP, so its a bigger chunk of the budget for sure. But i couldn't find the budget figure easily. neway.

I said 0.02% our defence budget alone exculding WOT cost and other expenses is around 10 billion..

how significant is 3B for Pakistan? What % of the country's budget?

The question was related to budget not GDP?

Even if you look at it from GDP's prospective, it is 1.7% - as per your quoted figure of GDP. ($165 billion)

PS: You have edited your post to state GDP(PPP). That is not an apple's to apple's comparison. Moreover, if you look at GDP(PPP), it is 0.7% and not 0.02% as you stated.
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I am sorry, did u mean 3.08 trillion rupees(pk) or you meant pakistan would have become fourth largest economy in the world with 3.20 trillion dollars in last 10 years? please clarify.

A correction, that was 2.08 trillion and yes that was rupees. More infomercial available over here.


But yes, Pakistan has lost 3 thousand soldiers, got nearly 10 thousand injured and more of less 15 thousand civilians who lost their lives as a result of different terrorist activities. Thats huge... not even combined effort of the world is comparable to what Pakistan has suffered/offered alone.
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