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Pakistan to form it's own T20 league like IPL

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again i've stated it before which you seem to ignore and keep babbling your folly.. pakistani cricket league would compete directly against indians.. since already pakistanis have been unofficially barred in IPL, there is no need to worry about players being lost to IPL

So you mean a tournament completely made up of Pakistanis and foreigners living in Pakistan (acco to ur first port)? Hmm...that is possible but I think you missed a crucial point there. It wont be competitive, at least not to the standards of Pakistani international players. Even the now defunct ICL had ex-international players and was fairly competitive. May be you will get the funding but not international level competition and neither the big names. I doubt if the Pakistani stars themselves would play in it. They might prefer a county stint instead.

I will, disprove indian lies and deception which they spread online.. team consists number of players and uninmous decisions are taken if one player objects in regards to personal safety.. then decision stands for the entire team... No player would be forced at gunpoint to sign contracts with pakistan, it's up to them.. our last coach was an Australian and many others foreigners live in pakistan... Yes there is disdain for americans none of the high level cricket super stars are american.. and the lahore attacks were planned by indians and carried out by them... the players should be worried about indians not pakistan

Indians did the Lahore attacks! So who's babbling now? Have you got any proof instead of incoherent ramblings?

yes we will consult indians and follow their directive regarding our own cricket league.. without them what will we do... or more appropriate, what can't we do

You are welcome to request our services. After all who puts up a bigger bash in the subcontinent?

A word of advice- Don't make personal comments in your posts and dont generalize. My first post was completely respectful and within limits of decency, while your above post wasn't. I could have made a lot of personal comments about your intelligence but I chose not to stoop your level.
Go for it Pakistan. My love for cricket makes me wish you the best of luck. The more international tournaments , the better for the sport and the supporters. Just ensure that you sell viewership rights to Zee so I could cheer my favourite team on here in Africa :cheers:
The entire domestic circuit in pakistan is organized by the private corperate sector

what is IPL worth, generous guess 1.8 billion, since we're 1/3 the size i'm pretty sure we can come up with 540 million.. how much did it cost to start ipl??? 4 to 5 hundred million Correspondingly it would cost around 100 to 200 million, which is alot of money for pakistani players

Nice job on the calculations but you seem to lack common business sense. And sport, cricket even more so today, is driven by business.

The private sector that you are counting on will only stake its money if its sees any returns. Based on your idea, PPL would be a more or less a domestic competition with a handful of Afghan and Pakistan based foreigners. Thats nothing better than a B-grade domestic tournament. Will public come to watch them? Will it have international viewership? What about the team sponsorships? Those are big questions and I dont think businessmen are willing to tackle them. Heck, even ICL was better than that. Your idea seems still born!

Believe me, I am a big fan of Pakistani cricket. The IPL would be poorer without them. But creating a parallel league isn't the answer. The answer lies in making yourself stronger. Take this incident on your chin. Win the under-19 WC, the T20WC again and the next WC. After that nobody could ill afford to keep out Pakistani players.
foreign player aayenge khelne? its not easy to organise event like IPL.
yes,you can organise maches abroad till the situation gets normal in pak.
I highly doubt that pakistani business giants can spend more money than the Indian ones to 'beat' IPL.

It is habitual for Indian members to under estimate Pakistan. What is that in the world that India can do and Pakistan cannot? Pakistan was host of World Cup Final and that was only a decade back.. got some memory of that? Pakistan has been host of hundreds of international events where international players came over and over again. If your question is will players come then yes they will and soon Inshallah.

We have been in trouble but worst of Pakistan is behind us and we are heading towards better time every day. It would take Pakistan to plan and setup structure to induct tournament of this sort in almost a year and Pakistan will be much better and safer place in the meantime.

I wait for the day when somebody from India would make a comment that is actually supportive with positive intents behind but it does not disappoint me when I see you guys fail doing that because I have only a little expectation from you.

Have peace.
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Believe me, I am a big fan of Pakistani cricket. The IPL would be poorer without them. But creating a parallel league isn't the answer. The answer lies in making yourself stronger. Take this incident on your chin. Win the under-19 WC, the T20WC again and the next WC. After that nobody could ill afford to keep out Pakistani players.

Lol.. what is that demand from Pakistan to win the 20-20 world-cup "again"? We are current 20-20 Champions the time we talk. What about world-cup? Are all the countries who are participating in IPL currently world-champions? How would Individual players become "better" by their country winning a cup? Do you realize what a lousy point you are trying to make over here?

We are way too ahead on the roads of creating our own paths. Can you name a single activity that is being done by India and Pakistan together? Sports and Movies ware probably the only left areas where we could join each other and India pulled its hand away in that too. Good going India, this will help you become bigger and more influential for sure. :angry:
dude there are foreigners living in pakistan, have you ever been to islamabad...

our last austialian cricket coach threated that he will not leave the country....

and plus the attacks in lahore were carried out by indians..... to malign pakistan....

we would definitely provide them the best security utilizing our commandos and special forces

have them insured against attacks if any attacks occurs we would pay out millions dollar to each player.. and plus provide incentive of $$$ ( you know the saying Risk and Reward Go Hand in Hand..

You have already tarnsihed the image of Pakistanis by making such senseless statements.
Lol.. what is that demand from Pakistan to win the 20-20 world-cup "again"? We are current 20-20 Champions the time we talk. What about world-cup? Are all the countries who are participating in IPL currently world-champions? How would Individual players become "better" by their country winning a cup? Do you realize what a lousy point you are trying to make over here?

We are way too ahead on the roads of creating our own paths. Can you name a single activity that is being done by India and Pakistan together? Sports and Movies ware probably the only left areas where we could join each other and India pulled its hand away in that too. Good going India, this will help you become bigger and more influential for sure. :angry:

What I meant was that Pakistan to make itself indispensable in world cricket and dont crib about being left out of IPL. As that is not going to help matters. Currently that isn't happening.
So you mean a tournament completely made up of Pakistanis and foreigners living in Pakistan (acco to ur first port)? Hmm...that is possible but I think you missed a crucial point there. It wont be competitive, at least not to the standards of Pakistani international players. Even the now defunct ICL had ex-international players and was fairly competitive. May be you will get the funding but not international level competition and neither the big names. I doubt if the Pakistani stars themselves would play in it. They might prefer a county stint instead.

The IPL itself is made up of 80 percent indians.. people don't care where the player is from, rather their city and performance since pakistanis were able to achieve T20 championship, there is plenty of cricket talent and would result in healthy amount of competition

Your not familar with pakistan domestic level cricket, all the big name pakistanis players participate at the national level..

Indians did the Lahore attacks! So who's babbling now? Have you got any proof instead of incoherent ramblings?

here is your proof BREAKING NEWS: Indian Terrorists Behind Attack on Sri Lankan Cricketers in Lahore – Updated Full Coverage Pak Alert Press

I already know your response it's pakistani source so indians claims regarding mumbai should be deemed false bearing in mind such logic..

You are welcome to request our services. After all who puts up a bigger bash in the subcontinent?

no one requested your services of deception and malingment of pakistan
A word of advice- Don't make personal comments in your posts and dont generalize. My first post was completely respectful and within limits of decency, while your above post wasn't. I could have made a lot of personal comments about your intelligence but I chose not to stoop your level.

I've Repeatedly proved you wrong, called you out on your lies and deception backed by solid proofs, then you resort to personal attacks and false accusation against me..

Your complete delusional moron...when on previous occasion have i made personal comments against you? in fact your calling me incoherent rambler and telling me how you can insult my intelligence, how am i generalizing, slight warning:, know your place, KNOW WHO YOU ARE, where you are... before you insult well respected pakistani members of this forum..

"The private sector that you are counting on will only stake its money if its sees any returns. Based on your idea, PPL would be a more or less a domestic competition with a handful of Afghan and Pakistan based foreigners. Thats nothing better than a B-grade domestic tournament. Will public come to watch them? Will it have international viewership? What about the team sponsorships? Those are big questions and I dont think businessmen are willing to tackle them. Heck, even ICL was better than that. Your idea seems still born!"

All professional domestic cricket in pakistan is supported by the private sector, extremely profitable, you have no idea about pakistan or it's domestic cricket situation, so please keep your expertise in this regard to yourself, there are even foreign players participating in our leagues.. by your definition the amount of money a cricket teams earns demonstrates cricket rank.. the foudation of your argument has very little Substantiation it is extremely primal!

Pakistan has one the best players in the world who migrate to other countries to participate in oversees leagues.. it's not a matter of competition but proper organized structure and financial support for talented individuals..
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So you mean a tournament completely made up of Pakistanis and foreigners living in Pakistan (acco to ur first port)? Hmm...that is possible but I think you missed a crucial point there. It wont be competitive, at least not to the standards of Pakistani international players. Even the now defunct ICL had ex-international players and was fairly competitive. May be you will get the funding but not international level competition and neither the big names. I doubt if the Pakistani stars themselves would play in it. They might prefer a county stint instead.

The IPL itself is made up of 80 percent indians.. people don't care where the player is from rather their city and performance since pakistanis were able to achieve T20 championship, there is plenty of cricket talent and would result in healthy amount of competition

Your not familar with pakistan domestic level cricket, all the big name pakistanis players participate at the national level..

Indians did the Lahore attacks! So who's babbling now? Have you got any proof instead of incoherent ramblings?

here is your proof BREAKING NEWS: Indian Terrorists Behind Attack on Sri Lankan Cricketers in Lahore – Updated Full Coverage Pak Alert Press

I already know your response it's pakistani source so indians claims regarding mumbai should be deemed false bearing in mind such logic..

I've Repeatedly proved you wrong, called you out on your lies and deception backed by solid proofs, then you resort to personal attacks and false accusation against me..
Your complete delusional moron...when on previous occasion have i made personal comments against you? in fact your calling me incoherent rambler and telling me how you can insult my intelligence, how am i generalizing, slight warning:, know your place, KNOW WHO YOU ARE, where you are... before you insult well respected pakistani members of this forum..

All professional domestic cricket in pakistan is supported by the private sector, extremely profitable, you have no idea about pakistan or it's domestic cricket situation, so please keep your expertise in this regard to yourself, there are even foreign players participating in our leagues.. by your definition the amount of money a cricket teams earns demonstrates cricket rank.. the foudation of your argument has very little Substantiation is extremely primal!

Pakistan has one the best players in the world who migrate to other countries to participate in oversees leagues.. it's not a matter of competition but proper organized structure and financial support for talented individuals..

Comparing IPL with Pakistan's domestic cricket tournaments? Heck, it can't be compared to anything the world of cricket has seen uptill now. May be the ICL came close.

Further you are delusional and won't accept facts but will support conspiracy theories.

Dont want to argue with you anymore. PM me when you have a successful PPL on the ground.
do we need foregin players to have Pakistan cricket league. Let City have there teams and grounds. Have 5 6 divisions with 10 teams in each divisions. I bet it will be huge. Teams can buy sell etc. Use English Preimer Leauge as model.

I dont care if habib bank is playing but if my City is playing i will support it with what every i can.
IPL is masala cricket with few bollywood prost***s and other mujra ladies. What the hell they have to do in grounds ? keep them away.
Few days back south africa refused to tour pakistan. I dont see any foreign teams coming to pakistan to play cricket anytime soon.
Comparing IPL with Pakistan's domestic cricket tournaments? Heck, it can't be compared to anything the world of cricket has seen uptill now. May be the ICL came close.

LOL IPL is made of gold.. blah :blah:, maybe you should familiarize yourself with pakistan's RBS T20 league.. we have better content and competition then hyped IPL and yes comparison is valid considering the fact its domestic league..

Further you are delusional and won't accept facts but will support conspiracy theories.

maybe you should tell that to indian media regarding mumbia attacks....

i don't believe the president of sri lanka is delusional.

Dont want to argue with you anymore. PM me when you have a successful PPL on the ground.

maybe you should google PPL, it's already functional
do we need foregin players to have Pakistan cricket league. Let City have there teams and grounds. Have 5 6 divisions with 10 teams in each divisions. I bet it will be huge. Teams can buy sell etc. Use English Preimer Leauge as model.

I dont care if habib bank is playing but if my City is playing i will support it with what every i can.

exactly we need more Sustainable league rather then boom busts type of operation of IPL which i will guarantee you will fail.. most of the time they couldn't even fill 20 percent of the stands...i don't believe it's anywhere near a success as claimed only time will tell...

It all depends how we package the league for example if teams were along the lines of, Punjabi league, Pathan league, Karachi league, etc... trust me people would pay decent amount of money to see such matches
IPL is masala cricket with few bollywood prost***s and other mujra ladies. What the hell they have to do in grounds ? keep them away.

Is that the best you can do? After 500 some odd posts I would have believed that you would have reached the level of maturity expected of posters here. Those so called "Bollywood prostitutes" and "mujra ladies" as you call them do not play the game. It is players from various nations including Pakistan who play on the fields. Are you calling members of your national team "prostitutes" ? If IPL is such masala cricket then why the hullaboo at the exclusion of Pakistani players from the IPL? Think before you type. :coffee:
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