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Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees


Jul 11, 2008
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October 07, 2008

Pakistan has ordered the deportation of about 50,000 Afghan refugees from a troubled tribal region amid a major military offensive against al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters.

The government said it was expelling all Afghan refugees in the Bajaur tribal region, alleging many of them have links to armed groups.

Police in the town of Khar in Bajaur arrested 25 Afghans and said they would soon be deported.

"The orders have been issued to the tribal police to push all of them [refugees] out," Abdul Haseeb, a local government official, said on Monday, adding that their homes would be bulldozed to keep them from returning.

A government offensive in Bajaur that began in early August has claimed some 1,000 lives.

It comes amid increased US pressure on the government of Asif Ali Zardari, the Pakistani president, to crackdown on armed groups in the restive border region where al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is believed to be hiding.

Washington has long complained Pakistan is unwilling or unable to take strong action against the armed fighters.

Pakistani pledge

Zardari has pledged his co-operation in the US 'war on terror', but he must tread carefully given strong domestic opposition to his country's alliance with Washington.

This balancing act has become increasingly complicated because of increasing US missile attacks against suspected al-Qaeda and Taliban hide-outs in Pakistan's northwest and more recently by Zadari's comments to The Wall Street Journal suggesting he had consented to the strikes.

"We have an understanding, in the sense that we're going after an enemy together," the newspaper quoted him as saying on Saturday.

On Monday, Farhatullah Babar, a Pakistani government spokesman, insisted there was no deal allowing the US to fire missiles at targets in Pakistan, saying the journalist had read too much into Zardari's comment and that the president was talking in generalities about fighting terrorism.

"The official position is that we do not allow foreign incursions into Pakistani territory," Babar said.

In the latest in a string of bombings against government, military and Western targets in Pakistan, a suicide bomber attacked a legislator's home in the east of the country on Monday, killing 15 people and wounding 50.
They are already started going back Flintock have posted the news but with a flawed version giving the impression that they are Pakistanis :P
They are already started going back Flintock have posted the news but with a flawed version giving the impression that they are Pakistanis :P

What else did you expected of him Jana ji.
Don't blame me. Its the AFP.

It says that 70% of those in the Afghan refugee camp are Pakistanis.

Eat your heart out.

It was you who was so much worried for them saying that oh it will be a humanitarian disaster and the report says this and that.
I told you already in that thread that there 50,000 Afghan Refugees in Bajaur who have been given deadline few days back to vacate the agency and now they are fleeing to Afghanistan.

As far that 70% claim of AFP well


Either they should own this claim of theirs or the one they had thrown to the world as breaking news that more than half of the population of Bajaur had fled to other areas of the country.

I think if you remember that there you also was saying the same thing that how would these refugees be tackled and i was saying that first of these are not refugees who are migrating to other areas of country.
Thank goodness that was long overdue, I am sure Karzai can accommodate some of them in his palace. :D

On a serious note I believe half of our problems in FATA can be resolved if all of them are repatriated.
30,000 refugees flee to Afghanistan under shadow

October 09, 2008

KABUL: Thousands of Afghan refugees forced to flee Bajaur agency on the orders of the provincial government - are facing another humanitarian crisis in their home country due to the ongoing coalition forces attacks on Taliban fighters in the Kuner province.

According to sources - The U.N. refugee agency said last week that 20,000 people had moved into the neighboring Afghan province of Kunar forecast they would return after the fighting.

Sources said that Kunar provincial Police Chief Abdul Jalal said over 30,000 people had arrived from Pakistan.

He said seven very poor families arrived on Monday and residents are sheltering them in their homes.

Relief agencies and the government were scrambling to build one-room shelters in time for winter.
Quite sad this - innocent people, and the majority of these refugees are innocent and wish no one any harm, do not deserve this.

They do not deserve being made destitute and homeless - they do not deserve moving their children from one camp to another, scraping and begging an existence. What future do those children have? What is their present like?

This is just utterly shameful and heart wrenching.
Sad yes, but what else could Pakistan do? Can it be denied that the Taliban were recruiting men from these very same refugee community? What stops the foreign taliban just hiding their guns and mingling with the refugee community, since they are actually from that community? How can the govt differentiate between a Talib and not? they all wear turbans and topis, most have beards and wear much the same clothes and speak the same dialects.

However, I do think that most of these refugees will find a way of coming back to Pakistan, but go to another district while some have already left for other parts of FATa or NWFP.

I don't see them staying in AFghaniland too long, since they have already forsaken them, claiming that most of them are Pakistanis. Never have I heard a country rejecting its own people like that. The refugees will soon feel alienated and come back to Pakistan.
Dark Star,

I am not blaming the GoP for repatriating the refugees - while they may not all directly pose a security risk, their presence does. What is heart wrenching is just the general state of these people, trying to escape violence and find some way to take care of their families, to find some way to provide a better future for their children. More than anything it is the plight of the children that hurts me most. Whose sins are they paying for?

It is this damn violence that I am mostly lashing out at - first the bloody Soviets and warlords and now these perverts striving for a 'divine cause'.
All Afghan refugees should be repatriated. We have provided shelter to them for three decades. Enough is enough. Its time to go back home.
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