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Pakistan to demarche US envoy over Joe Biden's statement: FM Bilawal Bhutto


Sep 26, 2018
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  • Says we know how to safeguard our nuclear arsenal.
  • Indian nuclear weapons safety should be questioned.
  • Warns nation against churning out conspiracy theories.
KARACHI: Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari said Saturday that Pakistan has decided to summon the US ambassador to the Foreign Office to give him a demarche over President Joe Biden’s controversial statement regarding the country’s nuclear arsenal safety.

“We are fully capable of safeguarding our nuclear weapons, and they meet every international standard in accordance with the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) as far as security and safety is concerned,” Bilawal said addressing a news conference.

“Pakistan is adamant about ensuring its integrity and safety. Security questions, if any, should be raised on the nuclear weapons of India that recently fired a missile into Pakistani territory by accident."

FM Bilawal said he had discussed President Biden's statement with Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif in detail and hoped this incident would not affect Pakistan-US relations negatively.

“This is not only irresponsible and unsafe but raises serious concerns about the safety of nuclear-capable countries. Biden's remarks came as a surprise. I believe such misunderstandings are a result of a lack of engagement,” the foreign minister said.

"We will make sure our engagements with the US continue in the right direction," Bilawal said.

On the sensitivity of Biden's remarks, Bilawal, however, added it was not an official function and it wasn’t an address to the parliament or an interview.

“It was a fundraiser. It was an informal conversation in which this sentence was used so it should be [looked at] in this manner, I think we will look at this statement in this way,” he said.

However, he warned that at the same time the nation should avoid churning out conspiracy theories.

'Nuclear weapons without any cohesion'​

Bilawal's presser came hours after US President Biden said Pakistan may be “one of the most dangerous nations in the world” as the country has “nuclear weapons without any cohesion”.

The US president made the comments while addressing a Democratic congressional campaign committee reception on Thursday.

“And what I think is maybe one of the most dangerous nations in the world: Pakistan. Nuclear weapons without any cohesion,” Biden was quoted as saying in a transcript of the address, published on the White House’s website.

Biden’s remarks were made with regard to the changing geopolitical situation globally, as he highlighted that the world was changing rapidly, and countries were rethinking their alliances.

“And the truth of the matter is — I genuinely believe this — that the world is looking to us. Not a joke. Even our enemies are looking to us to figure out how we figure this out, what we do,” he added.

‘Is this reset?’​

In response to the remarks, PTI Chairman Imran Khan held the incumbent rulers responsible, saying it shows the total failure of the "imported government’s" foreign policy.

Terming the US president’s comments as an “unwarranted conclusion” of Pakistan’s nuclear programme, the former premier asked about the information Biden got to make such a statement on the country’s capability, and added: “….having been PM, I know we have one of the most secure nuclear command & control systems”.

“Unlike the US which has been involved in wars across the world, when has Pakistan shown aggression esp post-nuclearisation?” he further asked. “Is this the ‘reset’?”
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Imran, Nawaz denounces Biden’s unwarranted comment on Pakistan’s nuclear program

US president had called Pakistan one of most dangerous countries

Former prime ministers Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif are adversaries but on Saturday they were, somewhat, on the same page while condemning US President Joe Biden remarks calling Pakistan “nuclear weapons without cohesion.”

Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) supremo and three-time prime minister Nawaz Sharif said that Pakistan’s program is in no way a threat to any country.

“Pakistan is a responsible nuclear state that is perfectly capable of safeguarding its national interest whilst respecting international law and practices,” said Nawaz.

The PML-N supremo said that like all independent states, Pakistan reserves the right to protect its autonomy, sovereign statehood and territorial integrity.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan said that he has a couple of questions for the US president.

Based on what information, President Biden has reached the “unwarranted conclusion” on Pakistan’s nuclear capability. “Having been PM, I know we have one of the most secure nuclear command & control systems,” said Imran.

Unlike the US which has been involved in wars across the world, when has Pakistan shown aggression esp[ecially] post-nuclearisation, asked the PTI chief.

He said that Biden’s statement shows the total failure of the Imported government’s foreign policy & its claims of a “reset of relations with US.”

US President Joe Biden has said that Pakistan may be among the most dangerous nations in the world, calling it nuclear weapons without any cohesion.

He made these remarks on Thursday during Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee reception in Los Angeles.
KARACHI: Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Chairman and Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari on Saturday said Pakistan has decided to summon the US ambassador to the Foreign Office to give him a demarche over President Joe Biden’s statement regarding the country’s nuclear capability.

“We know how to safeguard our nuclear arsenal,” Bilawal said addressing a news conference.

“Pakistan is adamant about ensuring its integrity a safety. If questions are to be raised then they should be over Indian nuclear weapons.”
Yes let’s try it and all that photo shoot and this Billo. Rani so excited about the 10 million peanut flood aid doesn’t have the manhood to stand up against their Masters.
So is this mudakhalat or saazish?

Or can the Sharifs just deny Biden made the statement.

Imran, Nawaz denounces Biden’s unwarranted comment on Pakistan’s nuclear program

US president had called Pakistan one of most dangerous countries
View attachment 886894
Former prime ministers Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif are adversaries but on Saturday they were, somewhat, on the same page while condemning US President Joe Biden remarks calling Pakistan “nuclear weapons without cohesion.”

Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) supremo and three-time prime minister Nawaz Sharif said that Pakistan’s program is in no way a threat to any country.

“Pakistan is a responsible nuclear state that is perfectly capable of safeguarding its national interest whilst respecting international law and practices,” said Nawaz.

The PML-N supremo said that like all independent states, Pakistan reserves the right to protect its autonomy, sovereign statehood and territorial integrity.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan said that he has a couple of questions for the US president.

Based on what information, President Biden has reached the “unwarranted conclusion” on Pakistan’s nuclear capability. “Having been PM, I know we have one of the most secure nuclear command & control systems,” said Imran.

Unlike the US which has been involved in wars across the world, when has Pakistan shown aggression esp[ecially] post-nuclearisation, asked the PTI chief.

He said that Biden’s statement shows the total failure of the Imported government’s foreign policy & its claims of a “reset of relations with US.”

US President Joe Biden has said that Pakistan may be among the most dangerous nations in the world, calling it nuclear weapons without any cohesion.

He made these remarks on Thursday during Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee reception in Los Angeles.

LOL at reset of relations with papa America. There goes the claim in the dustbin.
All the fielding PDM and Army slaves done for Amreeka gone to
waste. Even a budha Biden is spunking on thier faces.

Reminds me of the days between 2008 till 2018 when Pakistan
was treated like a punching bag by the world.

بائیڈن کا بیان، امریکی سفیر ڈونلڈ بلوم دفتر خارجہ طلب​


امریکی صدر جو بائیڈن کے بیان پر امریکی سفیر ڈونلڈ بلوم کو دفتر خارجہ طلب کر لیا۔

سفارتی ذرائع کا کہنا ہے کہ صدر بائیڈن کے بیان پر امریکی سفیر ڈونلڈ سے وضاحت طلب کی گئی ہے۔

ذرائع نے کہا کہ امریکی سفیر کو پاکستان کی جانب سے احتجاجی مراسلہ بھی تھمایا جائے گا۔
سفارتی ذرائع کا کہنا ہے کہ دفتر خارجہ میں جاری اجلاس میں امریکی سفیر کو طلب کیے جانے کا فیصلہ کیا گیا۔

ذرائع کا یہ بھی کہنا ہے کہ دفتر خارجہ حکام نے امریکی صدر کے بیان پر شدید تحفظات کا اظہار کیا۔
واضح رہے کہ امریکی صدر جو بائیڈن نے ڈیموکریٹک کانگریشنل کمپین کمیٹی میں خطاب کے دوران روس اور چین کا حوالہ دیتے ہوئے پاکستان کو لپیٹ میں لیا تھا۔
امریکی صدر جوبائیڈن نے پاکستان پر الزام لگاتے ہوئے کہا تھا کہ پاکستان کا ایٹمی پروگرام بے قاعدہ ہے۔
امریکی صدر نے مزید کہا کہ میرا خیال ہے کہ پاکستان خطرناک ترین ممالک میں سے ایک ہے۔

KARACHI: Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Chairman and Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari on Saturday said Pakistan has decided to summon the US ambassador to the Foreign Office to give him a demarche over President Joe Biden’s statement regarding the country’s nuclear capability.

“We know how to safeguard our nuclear arsenal,” Bilawal said addressing a news conference.

“Pakistan is adamant about ensuring its integrity a safety. If questions are to be raised then they should be over Indian nuclear weapons.”
Means he will call the ambassador for tea and bend over

US envoy summoned to issue demarche over President Biden's statement​

US envoy summoned to issue demarche over President Biden's statement

US envoy summoned to issue demarche over President Biden’s statement
15 October,2022 05:27 pm
KARACHI (Dunya News) – Following the statement of US President Joe Biden regarding Pakistan’s nuclear programme, Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that the federal government has summoned US Ambassador Donald Blome to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for an official demarche.

Addressing a press conference in Karachi on Saturday, he said that the US President at an event had spoken about many countries, including Pakistan, about which he had a discussion with Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and that we had summoned US Ambassador Donald Blome to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for an official demarche.

The foreign minister said that as far as the safety and security of Pakistan s nuclear assets are concerned, we have fulfilled all the standards of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and if there were questions regarding the security and safety of nuclear assets, they should ask our neighbour India, which recently accidentally fired a missile on Pakistani soil, which was not only irresponsible and highly unsafe, but it also raises questions about the safety of Indian nuclear weapons.

"I was surprised by President Biden s statement," he said, and added, "I believe it was just a misunderstanding caused by a lack of communication, but fortunately we are now on a journey to restore communication. Recently, the 75th anniversary of Pakistan-US bilateral relations was celebrated in the State Department at the Secretary of State level, and if there was any concern in this regard, the matter should have been raised with me in that meeting.

He said, "We have summoned the US ambassador for demarche and I think we should give them [the US] a chance to explain their stance. I do not believe that this statement would have adverse effects on Pakistan-US relations. "

Letter to President UNSC, SG UNGA

Earlier today, the FM had addressed a letter to the President of the United Nations Security Council and the UN Secretary General, drawing attention to the alarming situation in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), especially India’s ongoing unlawful measures to change the demographic structure of the occupied territory.

In his letter, the Foreign Minister regretted India’s continued denial of the right of self-determination to the people of IIOJK. He recalled that the unilateral measures undertaken by India since August 5, 2019 in IIOJK, including the ongoing systematic efforts to change the demographic structure of the occupied territory, were in blatant violation of international law, including the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and the Fourth Geneva Convention.

He underscored that the Indian government was making expeditious moves to register as many as 2.5 million new voters in IIOJK before the upcoming local elections in the region, to meddle with and further alter the demographic make-up of the occupied territory.

The Foreign Minister reiterated that the only legal basis for the resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute was the implementation of the relevant Security Council Resolutions stipulating the final disposition of the state through a free and impartial plebiscite under the auspices of the United Nations.

The Foreign Minister called upon the UN Security Council to take immediate cognizance of the ongoing illegal and unilateral actions by India to change the demographic composition of IIOJK; remind India that Jammu and Kashmir remains an internationally recognized dispute; and prevail upon India to let the people of IIOJK determine their own future.

The Foreign Minister also urged the UN Security Council and the Secretary General to make concerted efforts to promote a peaceful settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiri people.

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