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Pakistan to buy 40 SU-35 or Euro Fighter soon

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Sadly, that is because there is nothing better or more productive to do in their lives.
If I am to spend 25 pages on something; I'd wait for something of actual substance.. but sadly our qaum is busy spending 25 pages on hawai news, Veena Malik's capris or why Allah will or will not accept a beard length of 6.755477 inches.
I seriously do not know whether to post that laughing smilie here on that one where the dude in banging his head against the wall. :P In any case, you are absolutely right!!
You seems like more than Thread OP ..

@waz is that true? Nigeria paid money for jf 17!! ? lolz

MKI availability increased from past 2 years.. not 50%..
Source: http://www.janes.com/article/57014/nigeria-to-become-first-jf-17-export-operator
I don't talk without backing sources cause people go absolutely savage on news without source
MKI availability was half last year,cause i read an article stating that half of mki fleet is not ready at any given time.
Kuwait govt has paid 9 billion US $ for 28 EFT jets then how we can buy 40 jets in 5 billion dollars ?
:blah::blah: Wow i am new this is the first thread i am watching and one thing i can say is this discussion is pointless​
your face is pointless.
Atleast i have have a human face,and its not a cow.....good way of welcoming
your face is pointless.
Atleast i have have a human face,and its not a cow.....good way of welcoming
the cow in the pic isn't pointless,it is considered as a god in someplaces of the world.
Nice to see thoughts and opinions, but until something more solid comes along, I'll close the thread.
Tujhay khuda ka wasta hai shut this nonsense down. Your colleague agrees butdoes not do anything. Please do the right thing. It pains me to see people wasting time seeing planes where there are none.
Kyun bhai? inna mazza araha hai tarha tarha ki chawallian parh parh ke.
Interspersed with this.
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