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Pakistan Test-Fires Long-Range Missile

Good news brothers.

However, upgrading the gas chamber will make it fly to 3500-4000km ;)

Just joking.
ah man give me a break r u kidding me what is actual range of our upgarded shaheen II
WOOOOHOOOOO all of india is covered in its range and our MISSILE never failed WITH ALMIGHTY ALLAH"S help INSHAHALLAH it will never indian missiles are dudds and will be dudds for ever
WOOOOHOOOOO all of india is covered in its range and our MISSILE never failed WITH ALMIGHTY ALLAH"S help INSHAHALLAH it will never indian missiles are dudds and will be dudds for ever

You are absolutely right.... but was wondering how come you get this classified information out :undecided:???
we are pakistani we can do things which u never imagine and it is no more classified our scientists students of abdul qadeer khan are enough qualified to bring missile range to USA but the probeum is it will bring a lot of probleum in relations with USA its not old rusted tech of your abdul kallam who him self is like his missiles.
Shaheen II range has been upgraded to 3500km. Whole of india and israel is within range.
but it is ready to be tested pakistan army looking for a better time to teest them
but it is ready to be tested pakistan army looking for a better time to teest them

I don't know if we have but logically speaking, scientists does not need to wait for the politically right time. May be Government would only release the test info on the right political time but as far as development and testing is concerned, it is independent of external matters.
I don't know if we have but logically speaking, scientists does not need to wait for the politically right time. May be Government would only release the test info on the right political time but as far as development and testing is concerned, it is independent of external matters.

When you say testing what are you refering to?? Something in laboratory or a full blown ballisting missile test to ensure it is performing as per specifications??? Correct me if i am wrong but i believe not only Scientists need a nod from the political establishment but external situations also need to be considered....For example when it comes to ballistic missile Pakistan is signatory to inform india and vice-versa about any such tests well in advance...
1. If pakistan can reach united states it means that yo have icbm capability. Then why thy have not made even a LEO SLV, that is peaceful use of missile tech.
Moreover if u have icbm capability u got to have cryo engines. Pak has never made a jet engine from where did u get cryo tech?

2. Aq khan is a nuclear scientist has zero knowledge of ballistics howcome he be a missile maker?

3. Dr kalam gave us very succssful agni 1 and SLV 1 in 80s, INDIANs have been constantly updating rocket tech and have even reached moon.
We have silo based missiles. We have SLBMs
we also have long range all solid fueled missile,

I will never say that Pakistani missile tech is inferior to any one, but since u said that abt india plz tell me how, keeping the above facts in consideration.

4. I have seen many posts about people showing sympathy to indian muslims.

Mate. Is ur way of language used for eminent scientist and ex president of india who is a muslim, right?

if this is the feeling for such a great man one can eaisily speculate ur feelings for any muslim indian.
1. If pakistan can reach united states it means that yo have icbm capability. Then why thy have not made even a LEO SLV, that is peaceful use of missile tech.
Moreover if u have icbm capability u got to have cryo engines. Pak has never made a jet engine from where did u get cryo tech?

2. Aq khan is a nuclear scientist has zero knowledge of ballistics howcome he be a missile maker?

3. Dr kalam gave us very succssful agni 1 and SLV 1 in 80s, INDIANs have been constantly updating rocket tech and have even reached moon.
We have silo based missiles. We have SLBMs
we also have long range all solid fueled missile,

I will never say that Pakistani missile tech is inferior to any one, but since u said that abt india plz tell me how, keeping the above facts in consideration.

4. I have seen many posts about people showing sympathy to indian muslims.

Mate. Is ur way of language used for eminent scientist and ex president of india who is a muslim, right?

if this is the feeling for such a great man one can eaisily speculate ur feelings for any muslim indian.

They say Abdul Kalam was a muslim to name, not really a muslim.... :hitwall: :rofl:

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