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Pakistan suspects U.S. illegally cut down trees in its capital


And the plantation that happened is far greater than this one truckload.

It was the contractor who was fined for not having a proper permit for transportation for one truckload, that is all. Besides, the area inside the US Embassy is sovereign territory of USA.
It was the contractor who was fined for not having a proper permit for transportation for one truckload, that is all. Besides, the area inside the US Embassy is sovereign territory of USA.

This is propaganda. Just take it from someone who knows a lot better about the ground realities. And US embassy is US soil but they do need NOCs and building permits.
oye bas karo saab.

How many of you got 'permits' to expand your homes or what not? Do you know how many trees or arable land was wasted for you to make your home? How many trees did you plant once you made your home?

If you really care about the trees, then you should be angry at the contractor who cut them down, dont you think he/she should have decided;

"Hmm, ok i'll cut the trees down fro $X price, now where are your permits? Oh, you don't have a permit? I cant cut the trees then sorry."

The land inside the US embassy is sovereign territory.

US territory inside the US embassy. They can cut or plant trees as they wish. :D

No, an Embassy was nor is it ever the sovereign territory of the nation it represents.

The laws of the embassy's nation don't apply either, inside the embassy.

Ambassadors enjoy immunity, but most staff are given partial immunity which is worked out prior to that staff member landing in the host nation.

Ignorantia juris no excusat doesn't apply, the embassy can be fined, but this will probably be worked out over a case of wine.


Vienna convention on diplomatic relations 1961;
No, an Embassy was nor is it ever the sovereign territory of the nation it represents.

The laws of the embassy's nation don't apply either, inside the embassy.

Ambassadors enjoy immunity, but most staff are given partial immunity which is worked out prior to that staff member landing in the host nation.

Ignorantia juris no excusat doesn't apply, the embassy can be fined, but this will probably be worked out over a case of wine.

I was referring to the concept of extraterritoriality of the embassy grounds for the host nation with immunity from local laws.

This is propaganda. Just take it from someone who knows a lot better about the ground realities. And US embassy is US soil but they do need NOCs and building permits.

I was referring to the sources quoted in the OP.
I was referring to the concept of extraterritoriality of the embassy grounds for the host nation with immunity from local laws.

No, diplomatic missions be it embassies, consulates, or trade offices don't enjoy complete immunity. They aren't sovereign territories of the diplomatic mission.

The boundary wall of the embassy is the property of the host nation, and it's laws apply. The Embassy building itself is the property of the host nation. The space on which the diplomatic mission sits is under the laws of the host nation.

Raymond Davis is the perfect example.

Just because the Vienna Conventions states that the host nation forgoes the ability to unequivocally enter a diplomatic mission (Embassy. consulates and trade missions enjoy lesser freedoms) it doesn't mean that the embassy is the sovereign territory of the sending nation.

Lets say an individual enters an embassy with intent to do harm. The Security staff of the embassy can a) put the individual down, kill him/her, for which they are given immunity due to Vienna Conventions, self defense. or b) subdue the individual and hand him/her over to the local authorities that will try him/her to under greater degree of the crime.

Edit; Jullian Assange, is the prefect example.

Remember anyone can do tit or tat, unless the Americans want the Pakistani Embassy to start cutting down trees on their sovereign territory, which it cant by the way because well take a look on Google Earth, this 'incident' will be resolved under the table.
No, diplomatic missions be it embassies, consulates, or trade offices don't enjoy complete immunity. They aren't sovereign territories of the diplomatic mission.

The boundary wall of the embassy is the property of the host nation, and it's laws apply. The Embassy building itself is the property of the host nation. The space on which the diplomatic mission sits is under the laws of the host nation.

Raymond Davis is the perfect example.

Just because the Vienna Conventions states that the host nation forgoes the ability to unequivocally enter a diplomatic mission (Embassy. consulates and trade missions enjoy lesser freedoms) it doesn't mean that the embassy is the sovereign territory of the sending nation.

Lets say an individual enters an embassy with intent to do harm. The Security staff of the embassy can a) put the individual down, kill him/her, for which they are given immunity due to Vienna Conventions, self defense. or b) subdue the individual and hand him/her over to the local authorities that will try him/her to under greater degree of the crime.

Edit; Jullian Assange, is the prefect example.

Remember anyone can do tit or tat, unless the Americans want the Pakistani Embassy to start cutting down trees on their sovereign territory, which it cant by the way because well take a look on Google Earth, this 'incident' will be resolved under the table.

I think the issue has already been resolved to mutual satisfaction. Much ado about nothing. :D
You do realize that you're own views on how the U.S should interact with the world AKA "U.S Imperialism" is becoming increasingly unpopular in the U.S itself, right?

As Russian and chinese aggression gathers more news, the US will gradually become more hawkish.


If you were a US national you won't be saying this. May be you did not realise but you sound ignorant and a false flagger from the neighborhood.

There is a saying by Mao Zedong, "Political power flows out of a barrel of a gun." Right now the US is the equivalent of an M2 Browning while the rest of the world are the equivalent of 17th century muskets.
No, an Embassy was nor is it ever the sovereign territory of the nation it represents.

Exactly ! I was thinking the same thing, that if US embassy is part of USA, then I need US visa to get into US embassy to get visa to the USA.

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