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Pakistan survival without Kashmir???

The arguments, disputes, confrontation between India and Pakistan will be centred around Kashmir and Kashmir alone.Period.

Yes, India will definitely use it in negotiation, but it is pertinent for you to understand that it will happen in negotiation table alone.

Whatever confrontation between India and Pakistan wil be restricted to Kashmir alone, all conuntries have strategic differences and goals, these are usually solved through negotiations and tacit diplomacy, it will only be foolish of you to think that we shall go to war or starve you off because you have stategic differences.

It dosen't matter what you or I think but what establishments across both sides think. Saner minds will use it for negotiations and not resort to throat stangulation and paranoia as often happens in your dreams.

Let me ask you a question here. How do you know that confrontation between the two countires will be restricted to kashmir only? Are you the foreign policy maker of india or what. According to you we have no other issue like siachen, strategic interests like Gawadar etc? Get out of the dream world and smell the coffee.
Secondly on one hand you say that indeed india will use this leverage over pakistan and on the other hand you say they will use it negotiation table only. What you need to understand here is that leverage is after all a leverage,it doesnt matter where one uses. Isnt it obivious that when and if india gets this leverage, whenever the conflict of opinions will rise between the two nations be it of any nature and you cant gurrantee that it wont, india will immediately bring this threat into the equation to force pakistan to accept what india has to say or suffer the consequences.
Therefore it will become a necessary obligation to make sure that this does not happen, because one way or the other this kind of leverage over pakistan simply means death for pakistan and to safegurad our interests of basic existence we can go to any extent believe it or not.
Let me ask you a question here. How do you know that confrontation between the two countires will be restricted to kashmir only? Are you the foreign policy maker of india or what.

No, I am not the foriegn policy maker of my country, neither is your paranoia going to guide your countrys foreign policy. Here confrontation means a situation for which the two countries are ready to go to war. Every nation has confrontation and disputes with one another and the issues can range from the ones where they are ready to go to war and declare themselves sworn enemy to ones where they sit down on to the table , talk negotiate and shake hands. Kashmir issue belongs to the former while the rest belongs to the latter.

According to you we have no other issue like siachen, strategic interests like Gawadar etc? Get out of the dream world and smell the coffee

Siachin will most probably be part of any settlement regarding Kashmir. Gwadhar is an economic interest . I n peace time I see it as an opportunity for India to invest in Pakistani economy fulled by Gwadhars expansion and growth. These are economic issues and countries nowadays don't go to war becaus of these. It only indicates that India must be more competitve and must use other means to counter it eg Chabbar.

Any ways I am awake and am smelling aromatic south Indian Filter coffee

Secondly on one hand you say that indeed india will use this leverage over pakistan and on the other hand you say they will use it negotiation table only. What you need to understand here is that leverage is after all a leverage,it doesnt matter where one uses

Yes a leverage is a leverage no matter what, every country has as leverage of its own perception to bring in to the table and that my friend is called negotiations. Pakistan will used first strike policy as a leverage against conventional Indian attack. Pakistan will use millitancy as a leverage when in talks with India. It works both ways.
Isnt it obivious that when and if india gets this leverage, whenever the conflict of opinions will rise between the two nations be it of any nature and you cant gurrantee that it wont, india will immediately bring this threat into the equation to force pakistan to accept what india has to say or suffer the consequences.

The issue is very important that India will not use it for petty squabbles, if it is so then it wont have its worth.
Therefore it will become a necessary obligation to make sure that this does not happen, because one way or the other this kind of leverage over pakistan simply means death for pakistan and to safegurad our interests of basic existence we can go to any extent believe it or not.

I can't see to what extent you shall go, thereby saving your fellow countrymen from starvation.
Before putting blames on pakistan, one has to acknowledge the fact that kashmiri freedom struggle was started in kashmir and not pakistan beacuse kashmiries were deprived of their basic right "FREEDOM". However pakistan did supported it, why because it was a disputed terrority with india killing hundreads of thousands of kashmiries every day, while the sole powers watching it, as afterall muslims were being killed so why to bother.
Nonsense. The first incident of a terrorist based proxy war was in 1947 when the newly formed Pakistan unleashed Pathan tribals who did a fare share of killing, looting and pillaging of their own. And let's not even get into the support of the Mizo insurgency in the early 60s which predated the Mujib Bahini. Also, I'm sick and tired of the "Muslim card" being pulled relentlessly. It was Kashmiris, in most cases Muslims themselves who warned Indian troops about the invading irregular forces in 1947's Operation Gulmarg and 1965's Operation Gibraltar and in 1999. It is the persistent doting on the Hindu Muslim issue and the various insurgencies and violent movements that have further endangered Indian Muslims. You keep talking about Kashmiri freedom, yet refuse to let Pakistan occupied Kashmir to declare itself as a sovereign state and instead choose to give land away in bilateral agreements with China. The insurgency in Indian Kashmir is the primary reason for the high level of morbidity and mortality which could have easily been avoided. So yea, I'm sorry but I'm just not buying the story about Pakistan being sole benefactor of Kashmiri and Muslim interests in the region. I do however wholeheartedly agree that Kashmir is a highly desirable asset from a strategic and economic point of view and totally understand why Pakistan would want to take it. I just doubt it will ever happen.
IceCold said:
Secondly when you blaim pakistan for doing every bad thing, why do you forget that it was india that stated to spread terrorism in east pakistan, supported the militants there and broke pakistan a part. Was that not terrorism?
Sure it was a proxy war, for which a precedence was already established by Pakistan. However in addition to this, India engaged Pakistan in open warfare and won. I also love how India is blamed for curbing freedom and killing Muslims and there is no mention of Pakistan doing a lot worse in East Pakistan and elsewhere.

[IceCold]Now coming back to the original topic, has there been any credible evidence, well if it wouldnt be the case pakistan would have not gone to the international court to get involved in this case. You see of you read the indus treaty, according to one of its clause, i'm not sure i think its the third one which clearly illustrates that india could not any water from the western rivers, so building dams is in itself is an open violation of this treaty as a whole. And if india is violating the terms, it would be stupid to think that they are not doing to run pakistan dry or perhaps to blackmail it like one of the indian memebers too stated the same thing, "make pakistan accept the loc by pressuring it". Now how do you think that pressure will come at the first place unless india has something that could hold pakistan by its throat and militarly that is not possible, india has tried that already. Simply by saying that its hard to believe, will not change the reality that india is doing this for one sole purpose to hold pakistan down whenever and whereever india wants. Even if we agree for argument sake that india might not do it, fearing an inevitable human distaster, still it will give india enough leverage against pakistan to make pakistan do whatever india wishes.[/QUOTE]Building a dam doesn't mean that Pakistan will automatically dry up. The conserved water can be diverted for more fruitful agricultural purposes in both India and Pakistan through various channels. Also, I doubt the Indian government would do anything to further destabilize Pakistan via a humanitarian crisis because eventually they will be the ones paying the price themselves.

Now I have no doubt in my mind that India will use this as leverage to get Pakistan to accept the LoC, and the sooner this happens the better it is. In fact, I hope that the ridiculous article 370 is reversed as soon as possible so that Kashmir can be opened up in it's totality to the rest of India and most of all the economic train.
Nonsense. The first incident of a terrorist based proxy war was in 1947 when the newly formed Pakistan unleashed Pathan tribals who did a fare share of killing, looting and pillaging of their own. And let's not even get into the support of the Mizo insurgency in the early 60s which predated the Mujib Bahini. Also, I'm sick and tired of the "Muslim card" being pulled relentlessly. It was Kashmiris, in most cases Muslims themselves who warned Indian troops about the invading irregular forces in 1947's Operation Gulmarg and 1965's Operation Gibraltar and in 1999. It is the persistent doting on the Hindu Muslim issue and the various insurgencies and violent movements that have further endangered Indian Muslims. You keep talking about Kashmiri freedom, yet refuse to let Pakistan occupied Kashmir to declare itself as a sovereign state and instead choose to give land away in bilateral agreements with China. The insurgency in Indian Kashmir is the primary reason for the high level of morbidity and mortality which could have easily been avoided. So yea, I'm sorry but I'm just not buying the story about Pakistan being sole benefactor of Kashmiri and Muslim interests in the region. I do however wholeheartedly agree that Kashmir is a highly desirable asset from a strategic and economic point of view and totally understand why Pakistan would want to take it. I just doubt it will ever happen.
Sure it was a proxy war, for which a precedence was already established by Pakistan. However in addition to this, India engaged Pakistan in open warfare and won. I also love how India is blamed for curbing freedom and killing Muslims and there is no mention of Pakistan doing a lot worse in East Pakistan and elsewhere.

First of all 1947 was not a proxy war, thanks to lord MountBatten, he left this issue disputed between the two countires knowning that due the strategic position of pakistan, kashmir was very necessary for pakistan's survival, a war was launched and we were able to gain a certain part of it.By the way the looting you mentioned care to ellborate on that part.
Secondly as for declaring our part of the kashmir a soverign state, did we not. Do i need to remind you that when president Musharraf gave india the suggestion regarding the solution of kashmir issue, the pakistan administer kashmir was also involved in it. Means that the whole of kashmir is including into the equation not just india's, besides i do not need to make a comparision between the human rights violations which you tend to ignore on purpose done in indian administrated kashmir and pakistan administrated kashmir.
And how exactly was a precedence establish by pakistan. East pakistan unlike kashmir was not a disputed terrority, it was an intergal part of pakistan, (the comparision doesnt simply exists because kashmir was accepted as a disputed terrority by the UN which by the way you seem to forget that it was india who took it to the UN at the first place and later started defying every resolution) thanks again to the mother ****** viceroy who divided the terrority in such a pathetic way dividing pakistan by a hostile terrority with no land contact. India's open involvement with the terrorism and then launching an open war, you seem to justify it.
ABout the human rights violation killing musilms where the hell did we do that, ok fine with east pakistan there were human rights violations but that too were to some extend also caused by the Mukti Bahini, and accuse PA of doing so specially the raping of bengali womens. But where else care to provide an example and what about the violations done by india in kashmir,the killing of political leaders, at present the recent killing of a pakistani cricket fan in india while we had released their spy. Why there was no voice risen from any of the human rights orgainsations, why because he was a pakistani or because he was a muslim. And then you come up telling me that you are sick of this muslim card when the discrimination is visible to all.
Moreover giving us lectures about human rights violations seems to be a joke from someone who belongs to a country who's at the forefront of conducting massive human rights violations in the whole world in the name of protecting freedom. My Foot.
And as far as bilatteral aggreements were made with china, we tried to do the same on numerous of occasions with india as well, why do you think we always say that we need to solve the kashmir issue inorder to move forward. The problem is that india who took the issue to the UN at the first place now does not consider it a disputed terrority rather an intergal part of india, while we on the other hand does not consider the AJK as an intergal part of pakistan. There the difference lies.

Now I have no doubt in my mind that India will use this as leverage to get Pakistan to accept the LoC, and the sooner this happens the better it is. In fact, I hope that the ridiculous article 370 is reversed as soon as possible so that Kashmir can be opened up in it's totality to the rest of India and most of all the economic train.

Now why doesnt this surprises me. Actually you are not the only one who wants this to happen, kashmir falling into india's lap and pakistan on the mercy of india, infact due to US whole strategic shift towards india, many americans would want it the same way. You(US) want pakistan to remain fully engage in this stupid wars of yours which has destabilize pakistan and have hurt the very foundations of the country, while on the other hand get engage in full strategic relationships with india offering them your full support to counter both China and Pakistan.
Should be more then enough of an eye opener for us and all those who think we need to carry on with the US on this WOT. I"ll have to agree with Nawaz Sharif for the first time that we cannot protect the interest of the west at the cost of ours.
The new colation government will not be able to carry on with this wars of yours, or there would be simply too much of the public reaction to bare, and hopefully it will come to an end from our side.
if india tries to break pakistan or annex it, we will nuke india. Wouldn't you assume india would retaliate? i think we know that india would nuke us in return, yet we are ready to die. what matters is the state we worked so hard to estabilish. besides that, muslims don't fear death.:sniper:

my oh my, isn't someone having a bad day. If you are so ready to die, explain bangladesh, not to mention the thousands of iraqi civilians fleeing iraq, shouldn't they be unafraid of death? quit talking out of your a-s-s, wake up smell the ******* coffee and start using your head.

now, about this issue of India diverting all of pakistan's water supply, one word, horse-poop. sure, they might build a few dams and what not tosupplement agriculture and help the economy, but im pretty sure GOI is not tyring to dehydrate all of pakistan. and about china diverting rivers, oh yeah, just like the time they helped you in 1971 and stopped east pakistan from becoming bangladesh, phew, that was close. Oh, and kargil, yeah definitely lotta assitance from the chinese there.

Both countries have restored the peace process and this time im sure we will make some headway, we have differences, but we can work them out. I think india can do without a nation of 160 million constantly threatening it and pakistan will be more than happy to normalize its relations with us, although it might be another 15 years before we can really call ourselves nuetral. it would be fantastically foolish of india to try and divert all of pakistan's water and start another war because lets face it, we have a lot more to lose and china will be more than happy to have india out of the picture in south east asia. Do any of you realize the potential benefits of even being neutral towards each other?? pakistan will be able to focus on more pressing things and india and concentrate on neutralizing any chinese advances. remember, people are just using our differences against us, china uses pakistan against india whenever it deems necessary, but has so far done nothing substantial against india at pakistan's request. like, 71, kargil, could've helped but dint bother because they simply want to keep india in check they would never go to war with us unless it was in their own interest. sure they give pakistan weapons and whatnot but couldn't you see that as part of their strategy???

pakistan would be much better off normalizing its relations with india, a country that bears much cultural resemblance and thus rid itself of its primary adversary, and the US a country that can if nothing else provide lots and lots of cash.

Salim, you have by far the most interesting and well informed opinions I have ever come across on this forum.:cheers:
Let me ask you a question here. How do you know that confrontation between the two countires will be restricted to kashmir only? Are you the foreign policy maker of india or what. According to you we have no other issue like siachen, strategic interests like Gawadar etc? Get out of the dream world and smell the coffee.

Siachen is a part of the Kashmir problem, even if you do not take the Shia areas as a part of Kashmir.

As far as Gwadar is concerned, it is not within India’s actual capability, India would not take on an issue that someone else is more bothered about. Gwadar is a greater problem for the US than that of India.

So, you should smell the coffee and not get nightmares over nothing.

Have you read Shakespeare's Much Ado over Nothing?
First of all 1947 was not a proxy war, thanks to lord MountBatten, he left this issue disputed between the two countires knowning that due the strategic position of pakistan, kashmir was very necessary for pakistan's survival, a war was launched and we were able to gain a certain part of it.By the way the looting you mentioned care to ellborate on that part.
Secondly as for declaring our part of the kashmir a soverign state, did we not. Do i need to remind you that when president Musharraf gave india the suggestion regarding the solution of kashmir issue, the pakistan administer kashmir was also involved in it. Means that the whole of kashmir is including into the equation not just india's, besides i do not need to make a comparision between the human rights violations which you tend to ignore on purpose done in indian administrated kashmir and pakistan administrated kashmir.
And how exactly was a precedence establish by pakistan. East pakistan unlike kashmir was not a disputed terrority, it was an intergal part of pakistan, (the comparision doesnt simply exists because kashmir was accepted as a disputed terrority by the UN which by the way you seem to forget that it was india who took it to the UN at the first place and later started defying every resolution) thanks again to the mother ****** viceroy who divided the terrority in such a pathetic way dividing pakistan by a hostile terrority with no land contact. India's open involvement with the terrorism and then launching an open war, you seem to justify it.
ABout the human rights violation killing musilms where the hell did we do that, ok fine with east pakistan there were human rights violations but that too were to some extend also caused by the Mukti Bahini, and accuse PA of doing so specially the raping of bengali womens. But where else care to provide an example and what about the violations done by india in kashmir,the killing of political leaders, at present the recent killing of a pakistani cricket fan in india while we had released their spy. Why there was no voice risen from any of the human rights orgainsations, why because he was a pakistani or because he was a muslim. And then you come up telling me that you are sick of this muslim card when the discrimination is visible to all.
Moreover giving us lectures about human rights violations seems to be a joke from someone who belongs to a country who's at the forefront of conducting massive human rights violations in the whole world in the name of protecting freedom. My Foot.
And as far as bilatteral aggreements were made with china, we tried to do the same on numerous of occasions with india as well, why do you think we always say that we need to solve the kashmir issue inorder to move forward. The problem is that india who took the issue to the UN at the first place now does not consider it a disputed terrority rather an intergal part of india, while we on the other hand does not consider the AJK as an intergal part of pakistan. There the difference lies.

Now why doesnt this surprises me. Actually you are not the only one who wants this to happen, kashmir falling into india's lap and pakistan on the mercy of india, infact due to US whole strategic shift towards india, many americans would want it the same way. You(US) want pakistan to remain fully engage in this stupid wars of yours which has destabilize pakistan and have hurt the very foundations of the country, while on the other hand get engage in full strategic relationships with india offering them your full support to counter both China and Pakistan.
Should be more then enough of an eye opener for us and all those who think we need to carry on with the US on this WOT. I"ll have to agree with Nawaz Sharif for the first time that we cannot protect the interest of the west at the cost of ours.
The new colation government will not be able to carry on with this wars of yours, or there would be simply too much of the public reaction to bare, and hopefully it will come to an end from our side.

1947 was a proxy war.

Pakistan claimed that it was not Pakistan which attacked but angry tribal! Ofciurse, it is a different matter when the truth unfolded.

As far as East Pakistan is concerned enough has been said on this forum. Just as a recap for you, you must read Musharraf’s book. He states what was the reason why Mujib did what he did.

What Indian terrorism are you alluding to?

As far as killing the Pakistani cricket fan, how is it that you have a memory loss about killing the Indian fisherman? Indeed, but are the deaths acceptable? To you, maybe! But not to me.

Just to ask you a question and you holier than thou attitude goad me to ask it, if you are so worried about Kashmir, what makes you give away gratis a part of Kashmir i.e. Shaksgam? Is it because it is Shia?

I wish the new Coalition govt of yours all the Best wishes. If they can do what Musharraf couldn’t, then that will really be an achievement. Their past history does not give much hope that they can match Musharraf or give Pakistan its due!!
Wow... this thread really bothers me. I'm a Yank who follows these forums because I like knowing that there are some sensible and sane people in charge of weapons in Pakistan.

The gung-ho talk about nuking India over a river is just insane. Pure insanity. The same insane rhetoric coming out of the mouths of religious nutters in the Middle East. I come here to reassure myself that the inmates are not in charge of the asylum. Am I wrong?

Rivers through out the world cross many nations. This river goes through 2 or 3, and most of it is entirely within Pakistan. So as far as river disputes, you have a pretty good position. No other nations want to resort to nuclear annihilation over a river dispute. Why are you so eager to appear to do so?

I read the post where the guy claims that muslims don't fear death and will welcome war over this. Thanks a lot for asking millions of others, muslim and otherwise, if they want to die for your water. The fallout from such a war will not neatly contain itself within your borders.

The idea of having China re-route the river is crazy too. Talk about going from the frying pan into the fire (do they use that saying in Asia?). So you want China to control your water? Since you want them to pay for this project, they would certainly have the right to demand whatever the market will bear for the water, and to cut it off if Pakistan doesn't pay. You would be in a far worse situation than you are now.

The solution is not that complicated. Pakistan simply needs to build dams, reservoirs, and ground water systems within Pakistan. These will allow Pakistan to deal with water shortages, natural or man-made, for years. If somehow India were to cut off the river, it would buy Pakistan a lot time to resolve the problem, to let tempers cool down, and to make everything a lot more stable.

You can inject water into underwater aquifers, and then withdrawal it in times of need. You can build canals to reservoirs in the western deserts and mountains. You can use those "nukes" you want to threaten your neighbors with and instead build nuclear powered desal plants on the Indian Ocean.

There are no guarantees that it will rain next year. Perhaps this "crisis" of a potential man-made drought should prompt you to ask "What is in place to handle a natural drought?"
Hurrah for Yankinwaoz!!! There is a being out there with some sanity.
Negotiation is the only option.
The rivers are originating in their country, how can we question that?

One more reason why peace should be negotioated, rather than the hatred and war mentality.

I tend to agree with you. Although we apparantly have a moral stand on the issue of Kashmir, it has been far too long and the situation is far too complex. we need to sit together and negotiate a settlement that would be acceptable to ALL the parties concerned. We also need to think about ways to use the resources that we already have more sensibly. For instance, we are only beginning to invest in desalinisation plants when we shaould have started at least a couple of decades ago. Similarly, you cant just have reservoires and then do nothing about them. They will need dredging to keep the level of silt down and reinforcement of the surrounding earth by plantation and other means. Sitting on our Arses and crying about Kashmir is not going to get us anywhere. we need to move on! One needs to understand that as rampant development goes on we will have to devise means of supporting our population by developing and maintaining the infrastrucutre that we have.
1947 was a proxy war.

Pakistan claimed that it was not Pakistan which attacked but angry tribal! Ofciurse, it is a different matter when the truth unfolded.

As far as East Pakistan is concerned enough has been said on this forum. Just as a recap for you, you must read Musharraf’s book. He states what was the reason why Mujib did what he did.

What Indian terrorism are you alluding to?

As far as killing the Pakistani cricket fan, how is it that you have a memory loss about killing the Indian fisherman? Indeed, but are the deaths acceptable? To you, maybe! But not to me.

Just to ask you a question and you holier than thou attitude goad me to ask it, if you are so worried about Kashmir, what makes you give away gratis a part of Kashmir i.e. Shaksgam? Is it because it is Shia?

I wish the new Coalition govt of yours all the Best wishes. If they can do what Musharraf couldn’t, then that will really be an achievement. Their past history does not give much hope that they can match Musharraf or give Pakistan its due!!

First of all i wasnt the one digging the old issue up, it was Eregon. I simply replied to him. Enough have already been said about it on numerous occasions. As for the indian terrorism you asked since you asked i would reply to it, i think you are suffering from a shortage of memory of who was supporting the gurellia's and which side of the border were the gurellia camps being situated?
More recently the indian consulates in afghanistan, now i know you will discard all of these as BS however the fact states otherwise, what are these consulates with indian army officers doing just close to the border of pakistan in afghanistan, who is supporting BLA?
As far as the killing is concerned, apart from the cricket fan, how about the pakistani fishermen that are killed in indian jails? The number will be countless. I raised the cricket fan issue because just days back we released a spy of yours, and how do you give your regards, by killing a fan and sending his body back home and then people like you justifing such act very shamelessly says that did our fishermen not died in the pakistani jail and on the same hand say kiliing is no acceptable to you. What kind of hipocrasy is this?
And as for musharraf's book that you and other indians here are very fond of quoting specially the facts that very much suit your agenda, there are many other things in the same very book that you and others (indians) deny altogether. So try not quoting it next time you want to prove your point.
As far as Gwadar is concerned, it is not within India’s actual capability, India would not take on an issue that someone else is more bothered about. Gwadar is a greater problem for the US than that of India.

If Gawdar wasnt important as you stated, the IN chief wouldnt be loosing sleep over nothing.

So, you should smell the coffee and not get nightmares over nothing.

Have you read Shakespeare's Much Ado over Nothing?

I'm not having nightmares over nothing. This issue releated to the water is in the government circle as well. I remember a few days back reading somewhere, a person raised the same issue stating that we have means to counter india militarly but we donot have means to counter india if water issue gets out of hands and we need to do something about it. The fact is that just because you guys dont hear this from our government side does not mean that the issue is not there. Its just that pakistan at the moment is too busy in other things, from suecide bombings to political unstability, the US pressure, that we would not like to raise another issue just yet and when the case is still pending the international court. But that does not mean in anyway that the issue isnt there at the first place or just like you dismissed it or that pakistanies are getting nightmares over nothing.
If Gawdar wasnt important as you stated, the IN chief wouldnt be loosing sleep over nothing.

That is an infantile thought. But not to worry. One understands. You are after all, not conversant with the understanding of what is known as 'Threat Analysis'.

'Threat Analysis' does not mean that it will happen. It is just that one has to be ready and prepared and not caught napping. The Admiral was only being reckonable to the pay the taxpayer gives.

I'm not having nightmares over nothing. This issue releated to the water is in the government circle as well. I remember a few days back reading somewhere, a person raised the same issue stating that we have means to counter india militarly but we donot have means to counter india if water issue gets out of hands and we need to do something about it. The fact is that just because you guys dont hear this from our government side does not mean that the issue is not there. Its just that pakistan at the moment is too busy in other things, from suecide bombings to political unstability, the US pressure, that we would not like to raise another issue just yet and when the case is still pending the international court. But that does not mean in anyway that the issue isnt there at the first place or just like you dismissed it or that pakistanies are getting nightmares over nothing.

There are many in this world who think that tomorrow the world will end.

One should not bothered about who says what or who write what. One should have the mental prowess to understand what is feasible and what is not.

In this very forum, there are those who have aired views that the US is all set to pounce on Pakistan, destroy it and seize the nuclear assets.

Does it mean that I should believe such total rot? I can state with authority that the Pakistani armed forces are NO pushovers where any country can just pack them off like a pack of cards! And yet, if one goes by the silly posts here, the Pakistanis believe it can be done!!! Do you believe it? I don't!

Therefore, do not go by what you read,

Use your intelligence, analyse the events, and your eyes!

You will realise that half the people around wallow on enemity and not peace and friendship.

Yes, if something is seriously wrong, do stand up and have your say!
That is an infantile thought. But not to worry. One understands. You are after all, not conversant with the understanding of what is known as 'Threat Analysis'.

Well let me post an article for your review here:
Pakistan's Gwadar Port Worries Indian Navy

Chennai, Jan 23 (ANI): Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Sureesh Mehta has said that the development of Gwadar port, the third deep-sea port of Pakistan with Chinese assistance, worries India as the port would have serious strategic implications for the country.
While delivering a memorial lecture on T.S. Narayanswamy here, Admiral Mehta said that the port would empower Pakistan to control strategically important energy sea-lane on the Persian Gulf through which over 13 million barrels of oil pass every day.
“A highway is under construction joining Gwadar with Karachi and plans exist to link the port with Karakoram highway, thus providing China with the gateway to Arabian Sea,” he said.
“Being only 180 nautical miles from the exit of the Straits of Hormuz, Gwadar, would put Pakistan strike major aisles of the Persian Gulf. Thereby enabling her to exercise control over the energy jugular of the world as also easy interdiction of Indian tankers,” he added.
Gwadar port is on the Arabian Sea in the south-western province of Baluchistan. It is about 450 km (280 miles) west of Karachi and about 70 km (45 miles) east of the Iranian border.
Gwadar is looking to handle transhipment traffic for the Gulf and ports on the Arabian Peninsula. Pakistan also plans to use it as the main trade link with land-locked Afghanistan and resource laden economically emerging Central Asia.
China bankrolled 80 percent of the project’s 248 million dollar initial development costs. (ANI)

Now after reading this article i would call it a little more then just a mere threat Analysis like you suggested. I can paste more articles on the same issue as well if you would like to review it somemore before giving out a final verdict. By the way this article is from the thaindian.com .

Yes, if something is seriously wrong, do stand up and have your say!
This is what i was trying to do at the first place.
Well let me post an article for your review here:

Now after reading this article i would call it a little more then just a mere threat Analysis like you suggested. I can paste more articles on the same issue as well if you would like to review it somemore before giving out a final verdict. By the way this article is from the thaindian.com .

It does not matter if it is from the Indian media.

It doesn't mean that the Indian media are military experts.

And media loves to sensationalise, since profits thorough ads and readership is one of their concerns.

The sea lanes from Bab el Mandeb to the Straits of Malacca are important to all nations since these carry maximum trade including oil.

There is adequate US presence in the area and it is they who are worried the most and they are taking necessary measures I presume.

Gwadar port is important because of the proximity to the Strait of Hormuz and one has to take that into consideration.

However, it does not mean that Gwadar WILL be a problem. It could be, but not Will be.

One should also not forget that the Gulf States' economy is oil based and they would not be pleased with any disruption.

Therefore, their influence on the concerned nations would also play a role.

The port is of concern, but not that much that one loses sleep!! That is the point I am stating.

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