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Pakistan surprised by its inclusion in military alliance


May 21, 2006
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan found itself in the crosshairs of Middle Eastern politics on Tuesday as Saudi Arabia named it as part of its newly formed 34-nation military alliance of Muslim countries meant to combat terrorism, without first getting its consent.

Talking to journalists, Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhry said he was surprised to read the news that Saudi Arabia had named Pakistan as part of the alliance.

He said he had asked the country’s ambassador in Riyadh to get a clarification from Saudi Arabia on the matter.

Know more: Pakistan part of 34-state Islamic military alliance against terrorism, says KSA

Another senior official also confirmed that Pakistan was not consulted before inclusion in the alliance.

In a statement on Tuesday, the Saudi government surprised many countries by announcing that it had forged a coalition for coordinating and supporting military operations against terrorism in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt and Afghanistan. The headquarters of the new Saudi-led coalition would be based in Riyadh.

This is not the first time that Saudi Arabia has named Pakistan as part of its military alliances without Islamabad’s knowledge and consent. The Saudis earlier named Pakistan as part of the coalition that carried out operations in Yemen and a Pakistani flag was displayed at the alliance’s media centre.

Pakistan later declined to join the Yemen war.

It is Pakistani government’s policy that it will not deploy its troops outside the country’s borders except for UN peacekeeping missions.

In the past Pakistan has twice rejected US calls for joining alliances against the militant Islamic State (IS) group on the same pretext.

“We are not looking for any involvement outside our region,” army spokesman Lt Gen Asim Bajwa had said last month while replying to a question about the possibility of Pakistan becoming part of a US-led coalition against IS.

It is unclear how Riyadh went ahead with announcing Pakistan’s participation in the new alliance. It is also difficult to speculate if Islamabad will change its policy because of its close ties with the kingdom.

Pakistan, however, has counter-terrorism cooperation with Saudi Arabia.

The IS operations and activities across the Middle East have led to military responses executed by alliances that most of the time rival each other. Syria has been battling IS and other militants with the help of Iran and Russia.

The US, which is supporting groups trying to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, is meanwhile leading another alliance against IS.

Iran has led military efforts along with the Iraqi army and volunteers in the fight against IS in Iraq. The US-led alliance has been supporting the ground operations against IS with their air strikes.

Published in Dawn, December 16th, 2015

Pakistan surprised by its inclusion in military alliance
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan found itself in the crosshairs of Middle Eastern politics on Tuesday as Saudi Arabia named it as part of its newly formed 34-nation military alliance of Muslim countries meant to combat terrorism, without first getting its consent.

Talking to journalists, Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhry said he was surprised to read the news that Saudi Arabia had named Pakistan as part of the alliance.

He said he had asked the country’s ambassador in Riyadh to get a clarification from Saudi Arabia on the matter.

Know more: Pakistan part of 34-state Islamic military alliance against terrorism, says KSA

Another senior official also confirmed that Pakistan was not consulted before inclusion in the alliance.

In a statement on Tuesday, the Saudi government surprised many countries by announcing that it had forged a coalition for coordinating and supporting military operations against terrorism in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt and Afghanistan. The headquarters of the new Saudi-led coalition would be based in Riyadh.

This is not the first time that Saudi Arabia has named Pakistan as part of its military alliances without Islamabad’s knowledge and consent. The Saudis earlier named Pakistan as part of the coalition that carried out operations in Yemen and a Pakistani flag was displayed at the alliance’s media centre.

Pakistan later declined to join the Yemen war.

It is Pakistani government’s policy that it will not deploy its troops outside the country’s borders except for UN peacekeeping missions.

In the past Pakistan has twice rejected US calls for joining alliances against the militant Islamic State (IS) group on the same pretext.

“We are not looking for any involvement outside our region,” army spokesman Lt Gen Asim Bajwa had said last month while replying to a question about the possibility of Pakistan becoming part of a US-led coalition against IS.

It is unclear how Riyadh went ahead with announcing Pakistan’s participation in the new alliance. It is also difficult to speculate if Islamabad will change its policy because of its close ties with the kingdom.

Pakistan, however, has counter-terrorism cooperation with Saudi Arabia.

The IS operations and activities across the Middle East have led to military responses executed by alliances that most of the time rival each other. Syria has been battling IS and other militants with the help of Iran and Russia.

The US, which is supporting groups trying to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, is meanwhile leading another alliance against IS.

Iran has led military efforts along with the Iraqi army and volunteers in the fight against IS in Iraq. The US-led alliance has been supporting the ground operations against IS with their air strikes.

Published in Dawn, December 16th, 2015

Anyone who has dealt with our Arab brothers know this type of psychological, blackmail. Shame on them! They want to fight terrorists by terrorizing others to join their gang.

Pakistan MUST not join the gangsters led by House of Al-Saud. Our love and respect for the people of Arabia will come to their aid if they're attacked, not to keep the HofS in power. They're using us!

On a personal note; out of ALL the Arabs I like the Hijazis the most.

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan found itself in the crosshairs of Middle Eastern politics on Tuesday as Saudi Arabia named it as part of its newly formed 34-nation military alliance of Muslim countries meant to combat terrorism, without first getting its consent.

The Saudis are soo desperate !. Pakistan will not join this alliance !!

Is the Military surprised or the Civilian government?

We all know where Pakistan is involved the two operate on separate spectrum, for better or worse.

Pakistan surprised by its inclusion in military alliance

why 2 forums ....

No doubt real Hijazi are people of land. From poetry to art they outclass all arab. But they been oppressed last hundred years. Disperse or silent.

This is another attempt to drag Pakistan into the Middle East Chao's.

Our immediate area of concern should be the border areas of Afghanistan and preventing ISIS from gaining a foothold there and that is it.....
We have enormous security challenges still within this country

MQM still rules Karachi although the militant wing is curtailed
The Baloch insurgency is still breathing
We are sitting on a sectarian time bomb
LeJ present in Punjab with its madressahs and is setting up its new power center in rural Sindh
Some folks from Parachinar being recruited by IRGC who will return some day
We can't even take out Mullah Burqa in the middle of the capital for God's sake

Very immature of the Saudis if they announced this without even consulting us

Is the Military surprised or the Civilian government?

We all know where Pakistan is involved the two operate on separate spectrum, for better or worse.

Is the Military surprised or the Civilian government?

We all know where Pakistan is involved the two operate on separate spectrum, for better or worse.
Both are pretty much on the same page.
I thought the Saudis would have learned by now. Regardless, I think Pakistan may (and should) join this alliance, if only as a symbolic gesture. Pakistan doesn't have to send a massive amount of soldiers, a token force will be enough to appease them. Besides, ISIS is going to be a problem for Pakistan, may as well start countering them from the beginning, instead of waiting a few years like Pakistan did with the TTP.

Is the Military surprised or the Civilian government?

Both were surprised and angry. Both don't want to get involved in Middle East.

Well, I dont know who is fooling whom.

Anyone who has dealt with our Arab brothers know this type of psychological, blackmail. Shame on them!
I felt the same after a Saud-sponsored interfaith conference where the Saudis presumed upon their guests to draw up the final statement in their names. But is this an "Arab" characteristic or just a Saud one?

We all know where Pakistan is involved the two operate on separate spectrum, for better or worse.

We are not looking for any involvement outside our region,” army spokesman Lt Gen Asim Bajwa had said last month while replying to a question about the possibility of Pakistan becoming part of a US-led coalition against IS.
It is Pakistani government’s policy that it will not deploy its troops outside the country’s borders except for UN peacekeeping missions.

Is it true that air runs freely between the ears of Indians?

We need to stay far the fvck away from that regional mess. It' an Arab and American/Western created mess let them sort it out or destroy the region, whatever happens first. Not our problem we have enough to deal with in South/Central Asia.

Both were surprised and angry. Both don't want to get involved in Middle East.

Interesting....either they are planning on throwing some major $$$ the way of Pakistan assuming they can buy support again from politicians, or they are way out of line and have no clue about what the world at large thinks of them.

I felt the same after a Saud-sponsored interfaith conference where the Saudis presumed upon their guests to draw up the final statement in their names. But is this an "Arab" characteristic or just a Saud one?

the Sauds are not custodians of the Arabs so no - it isnt. And as far as we are concerned it's not our fight. Joining such an "alliance" is purely cosmetic. Me personally i'm against it. Sooner or later, the Saudis and Iranians will have to sit down and talk and quit acting like school-boys engaged in d1ck measuring contest. It's futile and their actions are causing more problems than they are solving

You mean, they did not even bother to ask politely beforehand?

Diplomatically this is just way off mark. And from the point of sovereignty, it is absolutely unacceptable and insulting; to phrase it in a very mild diplomatic language. After all Pakistan or country X or Y is not a colony of Saudi Arabia whose matters of defense and foreign policy are decided and announced in Riyadh without even consulting the national assembly, the defense ministry or foreign office of the said nation. This used to happen in Apartheid South Africa where the news of alliances of Bantustans headed by apartheid regime used to be announced on TV without consulting the people of Bantustans themselves.

Have Turks been consulted? Or for that matter Indonesia, the most populous Muslim nation? What about Oman an old time member of GCC?

After all, if the armies, air forces and Generals and Admirals of these nations from today, are to receive their orders from Riyadh signed duly by a 30 year old prince, then these Generals and Admirals should be informed as such through secured and encrypted communication channels, not through 8 'Oclock news from Riyadh.

Anyways. United States was the first to congratulate and endorse this "alliance" headquartered in Riyadh. So, there you go.

Anyone who has dealt with our Arab brothers know this type of psychological, blackmail. Shame on them! They want to fight terrorists by terrorizing others to join their gang.

Pakistan MUST not join the gangsters led by House of Al-Saud. Our love and respect for the people of Arabia will come to their aid if they're attacked, not to keep the HofS in power. They're using us!

On a personal note; out of ALL the Arabs I like the Hijazis the most.

Who are these Hijazis?

Interesting....either they are planning on throwing some major $$$ the way of Pakistan assuming they can buy support again from politicians, or they are way out of line and have no clue about what the world at large thinks of them.

We made our stand clear when Parliament voted against joining the intervention in Yemen. Our national interests are not for sale.

Anyone who has dealt with our Arab brothers know this type of psychological, blackmail. Shame on them! They want to fight terrorists by terrorizing others to join their gang.

Pakistan MUST not join the gangsters led by House of Al-Saud. Our love and respect for the people of Arabia will come to their aid if they're attacked, not to keep the HofS in power. They're using us!

On a personal note; out of ALL the Arabs I like the Hijazis the most.

pretty much my views on it as well

You mean, they did not even bother to ask politely beforehand?

Diplomatically this is just way off mark. And from the point of sovereignty, it is absolutely unacceptable and insulting; to phrase it in a very mild diplomatic language. After all Pakistan or country X or Y is not a colony of Saudi Arabia whose matters of defense and foreign policy are decided and announced in Riyadh without even consulting the national assembly, the defense ministry or foreign office of the said nation. This used to happen in Apartheid South Africa where the news of alliances of Bantustans headed by apartheid regime used to be announced on TV.

Have Turks been consulted? Or for that matter Indonesia, the most populous Muslim nation? What about Oman an old time member of GCC?

After all, if the armies, air forces and Generals and Admirals of these nations from today, are to receive their orders from Riyadh signed duly by a 30 year old prince, then these Generals and Admirals should be informed as such through secured and encrypted communication channels, not through 8 'Oclock news from Riyadh.

Anyways. United States was the first to congratulate and endorse this "alliance" headquartered in Riyadh. So, there you go.

We dont take orders from anyone. We know Nawaz Sharif has close ties to Saudi royals but that's why it's a good thing the military has a good say in foreign policy and strategic matters. And the military flatly stated - NO intervention in Yemen, and Syria isnt our fight. We wont embattle ourselves in MESSES created to divide the Ummah. Not happening.

lets stay away from jews,sunnis and shia conflicts

Both are pretty much on the same page.
I thought the Saudis would have learned by now. Regardless, I think Pakistan may (and should) join this alliance, if only as a symbolic gesture. Pakistan doesn't have to send a massive amount of soldiers, a token force will be enough to appease them. Besides, ISIS is going to be a problem for Pakistan, may as well start countering them from the beginning, instead of waiting a few years like Pakistan did with the TTP.

I am baffled, what benefit does Pakistan get from this? Joining a league under SA is asking for disaster, SA is looking for a new route of influence now that their oil dominance and OPEC are running dry (pun intended), nothing more. Even your token soldiers will be sacrificial pawns against their proxy war against Iran.

Is it true that air runs freely between the ears of Indians?

Read again.
“We are not looking for any involvement outside our region,” army spokesman Lt Gen Asim Bajwa had said last month while replying to a question about the possibility of Pakistan becoming part of a US-led coalition against IS.

That was US, this is SA. Whole new ballgame.

That was US, this is SA. Whole new ballgame.

Pakistan already rejected joining SA's alliance in Yemen. This isn't a new ballgame.

its a trap. Pakistan should stay away.

Pakistan already rejected joining SA's alliance in Yemen. This isn't a new ballgame.

SA clearly didn't get the memo, hence the inclusion.

Isme poochna kya hai......ghar ki hi toh baat hai...:D

I am baffled, what benefit does Pakistan get from this? Joining a league under SA is asking for disaster, SA is looking for a new route of influence now that their oil dominance and OPEC are running dry (pun intended), nothing more. Even your token soldiers will be sacrificial pawns against their proxy war against Iran.
Normally, you'd be right, but history is disturbingly starting to repeat itself. Pakistan left the TTP alone, because it thought that they would eventually collapse, if peace talks were initiated, which didn't happen. ISIS is the new gang in town, and while Pakistan will never negotiate with them, it seems that Pakistan is once again using a "wait and see" approach.

Besides, who says that Pakistan would have to send a military force in the first place? ISIS already exists in south Asia, joining this alliance would open up new resources for Pakistan to fight them. Pakistan can use the excuse that it's already fighting ISIS, and not have to send any soldier over seas, which would appease the alliance, and it would give Pakistan an opportunity to acquire newer defense aquisitions.

Normally, you'd be right, but history is disturbingly starting to repeat itself. Pakistan left the TTP alone, because it thought that they would eventually collapse, if peace talks were initiated, which didn't happen. ISIS is the new gang in town, and while Pakistan will never negotiate with them, it seems that Pakistan is once again using a "wait and see" approach.

Besides, who says that Pakistan would have to send a military force in the first place? ISIS already exists in south Asia, joining this alliance would open up new resources for Pakistan to fight them. Pakistan can use the excuse that it's already fighting ISIS, and not have to send any soldier over seas, which would appease the alliance, and it would give Pakistan an opportunity to acquire newer defense aquisitions.
Because most of our politicians, and till recently the establishment have been bedfellows with these guys. Until Hizb-ut-Tahrir tried to create a coup and steal nukes.. they were considered a viable candidate to push in Afg and Kashmir.
ISIS or another extremist hateful mentality is already here, its on this forum, your workplace/university, your neighbourhood...your extended family. But because it involves question of religion; not many will have the guts or even the knowledge to stand up to it.

@MastanKhan @Irfan Baloch
Brothers have look KSA include us without our consent ?
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Interesting....either they are planning on throwing some major $$$ the way of Pakistan assuming they can buy support again from politicians, or they are way out of line and have no clue about what the world at large thinks of them.

We got $10 billion in cooperation during the Afghan campaign but we lost $100 billion to economy stagnation due to the war. This time minimum $100 billion offer to pay off Pakistan's total foreign debt may get us interested. If Saudis pays all foreign Pakistani debt we can send 3 divisions.
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan found itself in the crosshairs of Middle Eastern politics on Tuesday as Saudi Arabia named it as part of its newly formed 34-nation military alliance of Muslim countries meant to combat terrorism, without first getting its consent.

Talking to journalists, Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhry said he was surprised to read the news that Saudi Arabia had named Pakistan as part of the alliance.

He said he had asked the country’s ambassador in Riyadh to get a clarification from Saudi Arabia on the matter.

Know more: Pakistan part of 34-state Islamic military alliance against terrorism, says KSA

Another senior official also confirmed that Pakistan was not consulted before inclusion in the alliance.

In a statement on Tuesday, the Saudi government surprised many countries by announcing that it had forged a coalition for coordinating and supporting military operations against terrorism in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt and Afghanistan. The headquarters of the new Saudi-led coalition would be based in Riyadh.

This is not the first time that Saudi Arabia has named Pakistan as part of its military alliances without Islamabad’s knowledge and consent. The Saudis earlier named Pakistan as part of the coalition that carried out operations in Yemen and a Pakistani flag was displayed at the alliance’s media centre.

Pakistan later declined to join the Yemen war.

It is Pakistani government’s policy that it will not deploy its troops outside the country’s borders except for UN peacekeeping missions.

In the past Pakistan has twice rejected US calls for joining alliances against the militant Islamic State (IS) group on the same pretext.

“We are not looking for any involvement outside our region,” army spokesman Lt Gen Asim Bajwa had said last month while replying to a question about the possibility of Pakistan becoming part of a US-led coalition against IS.

It is unclear how Riyadh went ahead with announcing Pakistan’s participation in the new alliance. It is also difficult to speculate if Islamabad will change its policy because of its close ties with the kingdom.

Pakistan, however, has counter-terrorism cooperation with Saudi Arabia.

The IS operations and activities across the Middle East have led to military responses executed by alliances that most of the time rival each other. Syria has been battling IS and other militants with the help of Iran and Russia.

The US, which is supporting groups trying to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, is meanwhile leading another alliance against IS.

Iran has led military efforts along with the Iraqi army and volunteers in the fight against IS in Iraq. The US-led alliance has been supporting the ground operations against IS with their air strikes.

Published in Dawn, December 16th, 2015
The fact is that the Saudis have taken Pakistan for granted. And they will continue to do so seeing that they have made Pakistan forever beholden to them for providing it cheap oil and monetary largess in the billions! The Pakistan government and much of its religious 'tanzeems' consider the Saudis their lords and masters! Many Pakistanis even consider themselves to be of Arab descent and are proud of it, never mind how they are treated by the Saudis. This slave mentality needs to stop. Earlier it was the Brits and now the Saudis!!

But a silver lining was seen when Pakistan refused to join the Arab led coalition against the Houtis in Yemen. It's a start but more needs to be done to show the Arabs who's the boss.
The fact is that the Saudis have taken Pakistan for granted. And they will continue to do so seeing that they have made Pakistan forever beholden to them for providing it cheap oil and monetary largess in the billions!

Not any more ! Oil is $40 a barrel and Pakistan also got huge investment from China. Now we have more options. They are starting unnecessary wars and we cannot fight those wars for them.
All the Mulims of the world were united under the caliphate usmania of turkey. ALsaud bin abdul aziz in hejaz, Jamal abdul nasar in Egypt, Kamal atta turk in turkey, hafeez al asad ( father of bashar al asad ) in Syria, Mohammad raza shah pehlvi,s father in Iran. they all revolt against the caliphate usmania of turkey in 1919 AD on the name of Independence. They are responsible for the ending of caliphate of the four centuries. they became hero of their nations. The name of hejaz convert in Saudi arab according to the name of Saud bin abdul aziz. They were the perfidious of ISLAM. They did it in the in trust of Great Britain ( the super power of that time ). we have no need of their collation. They will not participate in the Pak India war.
Many Pakistanis even consider themselves to be of Arab descent and are proud of it

They are influenced by Hindu caste system and claiming to be the descendents of people from outside South Asia to hide their caste affiliations before their conversion to Islam. The Filipinos of Phillipines are the worst with 90% of Filipinos claiming to be of partial Spanish descent. Which is totally false. Success has many fathers, failure is an orphan. Even many Indians have falsely assumed higher caste. Now every caste want be low caste to get the reservation jobs.
This song for Saudi King


Not any more ! Oil is $40 a barrel and Pakistan also got huge investment from China. Now we have more options. They are starting unnecessary wars and we cannot fight those wars for them.

More like 36'ish right now: CLF6 Future Quote - Crude Oil - Electronic (NYMEX) Jan 2016 Future Price Today (CLF6:NMN) - MarketWatch

And some believe it might go below 30 next year and stay there for more than two years.
You mean, they did not even bother to ask politely beforehand?

Diplomatically this is just way off mark. And from the point of sovereignty, it is absolutely unacceptable and insulting; to phrase it in a very mild diplomatic language. After all Pakistan or country X or Y is not a colony of Saudi Arabia whose matters of defense and foreign policy are decided and announced in Riyadh without even consulting the national assembly, the defense ministry or foreign office of the said nation. This used to happen in Apartheid South Africa where the news of alliances of Bantustans headed by apartheid regime used to be announced on TV without consulting the people of Bantustans themselves.

Have Turks been consulted? Or for that matter Indonesia, the most populous Muslim nation? What about Oman an old time member of GCC?

After all, if the armies, air forces and Generals and Admirals of these nations from today, are to receive their orders from Riyadh signed duly by a 30 year old prince, then these Generals and Admirals should be informed as such through secured and encrypted communication channels, not through 8 'Oclock news from Riyadh.

Anyways. United States was the first to congratulate and endorse this "alliance" headquartered in Riyadh. So, there you go.

Mate this coalition's area of interest is also Afghanistan, if this coalition cooperates with Iran to counter Daesh in Iran it would be ideal. Personally I view Iran as a protective barrier preventing flow of IS from Middle East, bcuz if they have to come to Pak, they have to first defeat Iran which is impossible but their rise in Afghanistan is a cause of mutual concern !!!
Mate this coalition's area of interest is also Afghanistan, if this coalition cooperates with Iran to counter Daesh in Iran it would be ideal. Personally I view Iran as a protective barrier preventing flow of IS from Middle East, bcuz if they have to come to Pak, they have to first defeat Iran which is impossible but their rise in Afghanistan is a cause of mutual concern !!!

There is alot of talk about Isis in Afghanistan. But I do not think Isis will ever gain a foothold in Afghanistan. Isis is an Arab phenomenon. They won't be able to survive in Taliban's Pathan culture codes.

And rest assured that this coalition is just on paper and even not that. The only good thing that can come off of it, is for some countries to milk Saudis for money. Egypt just for allowing the Saudis to write the name of Egypt in this coalition got 8 billion dollars cash plus 5 years of free oil supply worth billions of dollars. And they won't even contribute a single soldier, it is just for using the name of Egypt. As they had earlier charged Saudi Arabia billions of dollars to have their name written in Yemen coalition towards which Egypt contributed exactly ZERO soldiers on the ground.
Pakistan might use this force to secure the gas supply for TAPI project... I think, Pakistan will still be in the alliance this time, which will secure no fly zone in Northern Syria. My personal view...
They are looking for bali ka bakra, very Good on your part not be one commendable, we India have had a Boot on Ground demand from US from long time very much similar situation
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