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Pakistan surpasses India's GDP growth rate

@Srinivas if you want to flame, do it here.

The hilarious thing is that India is now so broke they are even cutting their defence spending:

India Cuts Defense Budget As Economy slows - WSJ.com

And Manmohan recently said they would cut it again. :P

Govt may cut down on defence budget: PM - Times Of India
old news again...that was a hiccup which has been taken care of.....value of INR is stabilising...where as the value of PKR is falling...cant compare pakistani economy with india...coz of market again.......similarly cant compare indian economy with chinese....right now
Matter for some months dude. Then no Congress and no Manmohan Singh. :D

By the way, does defence spending cut for couple of months affect at all?

The point is, why does a supposedly "growing" economy need to cut it's defence budget?

That sounds like their economy is shrinking, and if you check the IMF data, India's economy really decreased year-on-year due to the constant falling of the Rupee. All of India's stuff is priced in foreign currency since India can only buy overseas weapons, they can't make their own bullets.

There goes the idea that India was actually "growing". :lol: Maybe growing in Rupee terms, but decreasing in terms of nominal GDP with the rest of the world.
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LOL, the Indians like bashing China, but they can't string a single sentence together when it comes to their own pathetic country which has more poor than Africa. :rofl:
The point is, why does a supposedly "growing" economy need to cut it's defence budget?

That sounds like their economy is shrinking, and if you check the IMF data, India's economy really decreased year-on-year due to the constant falling of the Rupee. All of India's stuff is priced in foreign currency since India can only buy overseas weapons, they can't make their own bullets.

There goes the idea that India was actually "growing". :lol: Maybe growing in Rupee terms, but decreasing in terms of nominal GDP with the rest of the world.
Thats true and its beacuse of lack of investments even from inside. Whole economy is waiting for Elections and once done the sudden infusement of dollors will start and hence leading to increase in Dollor reserve which will lead in Nominal growth and hence the Defence Expenditure.

Bottomline is, its only a stagnant period due to Elections.
Bottomline is, its only a stagnant period due to Elections.

Stagnant due to elections? That is a joke.

Financial Times - The ironies of India's economic crisis

August 25, 2013 4:15 pm

A not so funny thing happened while the world was watching for an emerging markets crisis to erupt in China. The crisis erupted in India instead.

Contagion typically attacks weak links first, often exposing vulnerabilities hidden in plain sight.

The fall of the rupee exposes India as having the emerging world’s worst fiscal deficit and largest current account deficit in absolute terms.

According to the Financial Times, India has the worst fiscal deficit and trade deficit in the entire developing world.

That is not something that can be solved quickly, that is a deep-rooted problem with the system itself.
Stagnant due to elections? That is a joke.

Financial Times - The ironies of India's economic crisis

According to the Financial Times, India has the worst fiscal deficit and trade deficit in the entire developing world.

That is not something that can be solved quickly, that is a deep-rooted problem with the system itself.

Dude. You know nothing bout Indian Democracy. Infact u dont know nothing bout Democracy. Go into history and see the period before elections ALWAYS had slow growth. Especially when the govt is gonna be overturned like in this election's case.

So did that ever stopped indian GDP to grow? All the words that u use like fiscal and trade deficit only hamper your Debt/ GDP ratio which will be a challange to contain. Think before using words, DEEP ROOTED PROBLEM. Actually, all are linked. With one seed of growth, all other parameters will fall in place. This no way makes growth of an Economy farce.
Dude. You know nothing bout Indian Democracy. Infact u dont know nothing bout Democracy. Go into history and see the period before elections ALWAYS had slow growth. Especially when the govt is gonna be overturned like in this election's case.

So did that ever stopped indian GDP to grow? All the words that u use like fiscal and trade deficit only hamper your Debt/ GDP ratio which will be a challange to contain. Think before using words, DEEP ROOTED PROBLEM. Actually, all are linked. With one seed of growth, all other parameters will fall in place. This no way makes growth of an Economy farce.

I am from Hong Kong, we are considering one of the most "free" cities in the world, miles above India where Dalits cannot even walk 20 ft in front of a higher caste without being attacked, or Indians get arrested for "liking" posts on Facebook.

Don't compare us, Indians keep trying to sneak into Hong Kong as illegal immigrants, because our per-capita income is 30 times higher than any Indian city.
I am from Hong Kong, we are considering one of the most "free" cities in the world, miles above India where Dalits cannot even walk 20 ft in front of a higher caste without being attacked, or Indians get arrested for "liking" posts on Facebook.

Don't compare us, Indians keep trying to sneak into Hong Kong as illegal immigrants, because our per-capita income is 30 times higher than any Indian city.
Then why u getting *** burnt when we talk bout China. Hong Kong is an economically independent entity. Nobody ever talks bout Hong Kong coz we know its fundamentals. Dont compare India with a tiny city called Hong Kong.

And yes, Do come to India before blabbering bout our caste system. Sitting on internet dont give you audacity to bullshit randomly.
Then why u getting *** burnt when we talk bout China. Hong Kong is an economically independent entity. Nobody ever talks bout Hong Kong coz we know its fundamentals. Dont compare India with a tiny city called Hong Kong.

And yes, Do come to India before blabbering bout our caste system. Sitting on internet dont give you audacity to bullshit randomly.
he is a loser dude....probably has got nothing to do in his life...look at him jumping threads only to insult indians :D
Then why u getting *** burnt when we talk bout China. Hong Kong is an economically independent entity. Nobody ever talks bout Hong Kong coz we know its fundamentals. Dont compare India with a tiny city called Hong Kong.

And yes, Do come to India before blabbering bout our caste system. Sitting on internet dont give you audacity to bullshit randomly.

No, you guys can talk bullsh*t as much as you want, I talk with facts. :lol:

This is what you call bullsh*t:

India to become superpower by 2012: Kalam - Economic Times

And this is from the Indian President too.
Then why u getting *** burnt when we talk bout China. Hong Kong is an economically independent entity. Nobody ever talks bout Hong Kong coz we know its fundamentals. Dont compare India with a tiny city called Hong Kong.

And yes, Do come to India before blabbering bout our caste system. Sitting on internet dont give you audacity to bullshit randomly.

He thinks about the caste system because he is the descendant of lowly peasant class. Therefore he truly relates to the dalit as they are social sisters.

Why are cheenia so insecure about a country that is much more poor than them, grows slower than them, has worst infrastructure? It seems to me that India is their new opium. They wake to the thought of India, think of Hindustan during the day, and fall asleep to Bharat. At night they dream of Aryavarta.
Dude Dude. Relax. You are getting too worked up to fabricate stuff. Mite be u missed some figure in excitement. :D

Sigh, you failed to read it again. :P

India to become superpower by 2012: Kalam - Economic Times

Former President A P J Abdul Kalam today lauded ISRO's scientists for successfully launching the PSLV-C9 to put 10 satellites in orbit.


India has become very advanced in space technology, he said, adding the country would become a superpower by 2012.

"Though I have envisioned India to become a superpower by 2020, the attitude and the confidence of the youth, to conquer everything in the right spirit, would make the country a global leader and super power within five years," Kalam told reporters.

I have highlighted the relevant passages.
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