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Pakistan Super League (PSL) News & Discussions

Which Team Logo you like the most ?

  • Islamabad United

  • Lahore Qalanders

  • Peshawar Zalmi

  • Quetta Gladiators

  • Karachi Kings

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Whenever i see this logo , i somehow relate it to Turkey ! isnt the persons attire a bit Turkish

Its different from the usual lions, tigers, bears etc. Shows the more cultural side of this great historic city.

Qalandars shows the cultural side ?? Are you kidding me ....it shows the stupid side of this great city ...

Peshawar and Lahore are looking good

Supporting my home team Karachi but seems like Salman Iqbal don't know much about cricket combinations, currently it seems weakest and booring team in the tournament. It would have been better if Arif Habib group have purchased our home franchise. Mr Salman is preferring favoritism instead of team combination. I'm disappointed by their selection.
Qalandars shows the cultural side ?? Are you kidding me ....it shows the stupid side of this great city ...

Sufis are a part of Lahore's history and tradition. You are more than welcome to believe that they are stupid of course.

Whenever i see this logo , i somehow relate it to Turkey ! isnt the persons attire a bit Turkish

Not really, the guy is wearing a pagri (non-turkish desi headgear) and a generic robe.
Lahore has the best logo and Karachi has the best team. Guess what is important? :D
This was in my mind , when relating to Turkey


Sufis are a part of Lahore's history and tradition. You are more than welcome to believe that they are stupid of course.
Is it a cultural show? or just reflection of narrow mindedness of Team management.

Peshawar and Lahore are looking good

Lahore has the best logo and Karachi has the best team. Guess what is important? :D
I still want to see showstopper in KK team, most of them are average all rounder. Its not a domestic competition that can be won by an average team. once the league will begin you will see what Karachi lacked or missed during player's drafting.
@WebMaster PSL is our cricket future,can we have a sticky thread for PSL?
PSL logo is very funny, look the tummy part and its big outer curve, look like Zacha Bacha.
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Lahore has the best by far followed by peshawar
I have a question. What happened to srilankan players? Werent sangakarra, malinga, parrera etc in the list as well?
Lahore has the best by far followed by peshawar
I have a question. What happened to srilankan players? Werent sangakarra, malinga, parrera etc in the list as well?

Good Questioned , He along with others signed up for PSL but isnt there , he would have been a Platinum Player .
lahore picked best players

No Ab de villiers ?:frown: Why why ?:angry:

Would love to see Afridi in action, I havn't seen him batting in last 6 month.
AB de vliier and many others players had commitment with their national teams..as its south africa vs England series..even shane watson will not be available first week i guess..some others players like kallis, brett lee, kumar sangkaar, Mahela jawardene etc are already booked for master champion league being played at same time between 28 jan 2016 and 13 feb 2016
Pakistan Super League : All the teams have now unveild their Logos , with Peshawar Zalmi being the first and Karachi Kings the last one to do so , So who do you think has the best logo

For me its Peshawar Zalmi without any doubt






and if some one likes this more :)

Lahore hands down:enjoy::enjoy:
Pakistan Super League : All the teams have now unveild their Logos , with Peshawar Zalmi being the first and Karachi Kings the last one to do so , So who do you think has the best logo

For me its Peshawar Zalmi without any doubt






and if some one likes this more :)


Karachi: Good All Rounders
Peshawar: Good Pacers
Quetta: Good Variety
Islamabad:Good Captain
Lahore: Good Dancers
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